Chapter 382 Watchmen, go home

This sentence was put forward by Natasha Romanoff, also to make Steve present to hear more clearly.

“Boycott? I think you should have overlooked how much energy the god Ino has, and how much energy the umbrella company has in this world.”

Ino looked around, “The umbrella company has the world’s top medical drugs. How can the countries that resist us resist it? Do you want to use affordable and considerate treatment sprays, bionic mechanical prostheses, and health medicine?”

Steve understands. He is really not good at politics, but this doesn’t mean he has no brains. He just doesn’t like to think about so many twists and turns. After all, people who are good at guiding offensive tactics are not bad at IQ. .

“What if that doesn’t work?”

Ino smiled, “Do you know what these World Federations usually like to do? Exercises.

“Isn’t it better to show muscles at the right time? After all, showing muscles is just to allow fools to listen to us calmly. If they don’t listen? Good, we forbid selling them umbrella drugs.”

“This is how it feels to have power in your own hands, isn’t it cool? 910”

Seeing the corners of Steve’s mouth curl up subconsciously, he knew that his words were working.

Pei Bo looked at Ino in surprise, “Ino, you are getting worse and worse. No, this should be a mature expression.”

Ino didn’t say it anymore, after all, he had said before that he would not show up in public anymore, as the strongest combat power on the bright side. When neither he nor Ancient One is suitable for Infinite Gems, it is still unknown who is the strongest.

But it won’t be easy to say in the future.

The operation went smoothly. After recovering in the hospital, Tony has been bragging about Stephen with Pepper, and seems to have regarded this young and talented Stephen Strange as one of his iron buddies.

-The next few days are over.

Marinated eggs, Natasha Romanoff, Captain America, Tony and Little Pepper came to the building in Vienna.

Tony was very depressed along the way, “Oh, this meeting is really annoying. It’s not clear why our watchmen have to waste time here.”

Peibo was driving. The five people in this long limousine were not crowded, and the flashing lights from the cameras held by the media outside the car would not make the car be dazzled in the eyes.

After all, the windows of these cars have reflective measures. They only know that this is a big shot car, but they don’t know who is in the car.

Lu Dan looked at the meeting outside, and he looked at everything here with some emotion. “I thought I would always need to work incognito in the future, but I didn’t expect to start showing up this time, Natasha Romanoff, didn’t you think about it?”

Natasha Romanoff nodded, “Actually, as a top agent, my disguise is top-notch, even if it is seen, it is completely fine.

With a thin mouth, I can’t answer these words. He looked out the window, “I really want to know what these media people are talking about.”

The outside sound is automatically played inside the car, and the sound is clear, even if there are many people around you talking at the same time, you can hear it clearly.

“This is a special meeting of the World Federation, and this country will discuss with the Watchers the possibility of the Sokowia Agreement.

When the car stopped, Tony and his party got out of the car.

There is nothing to pay attention to the words of these people in the media.

Tony put on the sunglasses and turned to look at the people behind him, “I advise you to wear sunglasses as well, so that no one will notice even if you are sitting and falling asleep later. Unless you roar snoring when you sleep.”

“Hahaha.” Steve couldn’t help laughing at once, only to find that he was the only one who laughed at the joke. He quickly took a pair of sunglasses and put it on. He is now a cold and handsome man, so strangers should not enter.

Braised egg touched his head subconsciously, and said nothing. (aced)

The morning time is very long, even a top agent like Natasha Romanoff feels a little unacceptable.

The joint discussion among hundreds of countries is really stinking and long, and according to the current progress, it seems that it will take several months to discuss.

Well, today we will mainly discuss three issues. Each issue needs to discuss three directions, each direction needs to discuss three criteria, and each criterion requires one main value and two sub-values.

Infinite matryoshka, nothing can be discussed in the end.

Tony is so sleepy that he has been playing haha, and the people from the World Federation are still discussing it as if they hadn’t seen it.

Steve fell asleep, and when he woke up, he was shocked to find that he was one hour away from taking a break to eat at noon.

“Tony, are these guys playing Tai Chi? How to say it is still discussing the first question.

Tony moved his neck, and he basically recovered within a few days of the operation. This is also thanks to Ino’s miraculous drug.

“What is Tai Chi? J.A.R.V.I.S, search keywords, Tai Chi.”

I saw all kinds of middle-aged and elderly people holding the ball, as well as slow movements. Tony thought about the appearance of these people in this meeting again, and the expression on his face suddenly couldn’t help it.

“It really looks like Tai Chi, wait a minute, Ino has sent a message.”

Tony suddenly smiled when he saw the message on the phone. “Sure enough, Ino is a “low-key” person after all. ”

Steve wanted to ask why, who knew there was a sonic boom not far away.

A black spot in the distance began to grow constantly outside the window, and the roar of the engine that far exceeded that of the Boeing airliner caused everyone in the meeting to stop talking.

At this moment, everyone in the World Federation and passers-by on the street were all surprised and speechless.

what is that?

The behemoth that covered the sky and the sun was approaching quickly.


Tony stood up excitedly, “It’s so handsome, this Ino is really good at playing.

Steve also saw it. It was a dragon, a two-winged Oriental dragon with blue stripes on a black background.

In the East, this winged dragon seems to be called Yinglong. It has a snake-like body, wings, five claws, and a sharp snout. The dragon head alone is as long as nine floors and as high as three floors.

And on its wings and wings, the blue lines are shining with strange light. The integration of pure high-tech and ancient fantasy creatures makes it originally full of violent aesthetics.

Just being stared at by the dragon head outside the window, each of these big shots of the World Federation was shocked, and didn’t know what to say.

The man above the dragon’s head is even more dressed in cool armor. With a wave of his hand, the ten-meter-high glass disappeared instantly.

“Watchmen, it’s time to go home.”,

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