Chapter 383 Captain America has discovered the disappearance of Winter Soldier

“Oh my god, that’s Ino, the god of heaven.

Although it has long been known that the leader of the Watchers is Ino, but now wearing a battle armor and stepping on Dragon to come to the front of everyone, the shock is still too strong.

And they all found that the Ino is much stronger today. Before, they could only slash the Hulk with one sword, and slash the abomination with one sword.

Then it showed the power of the gods that can destroy the alien army, and now, they can use the power to control the iron dragon.

This is really horrible.

It is also the first time that Ino has manipulated the Vibranium Black Dragon. This is just the product of the power of his gods.

If the Vibranium Dragon is to be produced in the same way as the production of mechanical ladies, it will take a lot more time.

He remembered that in Marvel’s movie, Xingjue’s father was able to change the shapeshifting of his entire planet at will.

And now that he has the god gene, what is the control of a Vibranium Dragon?

“We are the watchmen, please rest assured that we will not interfere in the political affairs of the world federation. We will only expel the extraordinary forces that endanger the earth’s civilization.”

After Ino finished speaking, he was about to leave. As his words ended, the watchmen who had been in the meeting also stood on the claws of Vibranium Dragon.

“Tony, you have to speed up the development speed. I made this dragon for fun, don’t use it too far.”

The huge dragon head glanced at the big shot of the World Federation, and when the huge black dragon watched, they couldn’t say a word.

Just when the dragon head began to turn, the big shot that had just recovered and quickly picked up the microphone. “Please wait a minute, Ino, the god. Will Shadow Watch share its technology with all mankind, and will you use force to interfere with certain humans who are uncomfortable?”

Ino looked at the questioning woman and shook his head. “The Wardens of Shadow Watch will only expel the extraordinary who threaten the earth’s civilization, and share technology? Why don’t you share all your possessions with the world?”

“Why don’t we sign an agreement first?”

“Just relying on the efficiency that you can’t even sum up the first treaty of the agreement in the morning? Don’t be kidding, you and I all know what this agreement is, a piece of waste paper. We watchers have the strength to resist the force of the world. Department, but we are not interested in this.”

Ino still wore that gorgeous armor, even his visor was not removed.

After all, there is only one person in the world who can have such a cool biomechanical armor of more than two meters, not to mention that the Watchers are on his side.

Ino’s hand pointed at everyone one by one, “All you have to do is to believe in us. It is our watchman’s sentiment to save mankind, and it is our duty not to save. So put away your little thought, the watchman does not It will let any political forces get involved, unless you want to bear the anger of all the watchmen.

After he finished speaking, the black dragon under his feet roared into the sky.

The majestic and majestic breath made the legs and feet of the people in the entire conference hall soften, and even the lady who just asked the question collapsed on the chair and turned pale.

Ino took Tony and the others away slowly, and Tony looked at the Vibranium black dragon in front of him curiously.

“Hey, Ino. This black dragon is so handsome.”

“Well, in fact, this black dragon is not yet complete. It is still a mortal thing like a car. It will take some time and a huge amount of engineering to reach the life of an omnic life like a biomechanical lady.”

Tony nodded, “Oh, I really want to make such a cool Dragon. It’s a pity that the direction of this kind of biomechanics and the direction of the research and development of my nano armor are two different ways.

In the high altitude, although the black dragon was flying at extreme speed, the watchmen did not feel any strong wind pressure in mid-air.

It seems that some mysterious force formed something like an energy barrier, protecting their entire body.

Ino snapped his fingers, and everyone teleported directly to the base of Shadow Watch.

And the black dragon dived into the sea, quietly waiting for all kinds of sophisticated disassembly and replacement.

“In fact, a pure mecha route is also possible, as well as biochemical machinery like me. After all, my suggestion to you is the head of the machine, a huge mechanical army, which is endless like a cannonball attack in half of the sea. This advantage naturally has to find a way. Continue to expand.”

Ino called up the black dragon’s data, “I am going to research and develop this black dragon in the same way as an interstellar mothership, and try to improve it towards the mobile fortress.”

0…seeking flowers…

Tony’s eyes lit up. “Oh my God, it’s cool to hear.”

“Yes, just make it slowly like this first. In addition to sophisticated design, I think it’s very useful to build a mothership similar to a war fortress.

This is what Ino has considered these time.His own single-handed combat power is enough.If this is the case, why not create a more powerful mobile fortress?

In future wars, powerful vehicles are also very important strategic materials.

Most importantly, this black dragon is cool enough.

It’s a matter of being strong or not, and it’s a lifetime matter of being handsome or not.

After Steve and the others settled for lunch, they didn’t stay there anymore, each of them found something they were interested in and did.


Ino watched Steve leave, wondering why it always felt something wrong.

But he didn’t think too much. The situation is now very good, and it is naturally impossible for any unexpected situation to occur.

Ino looked at Steve, and finally decided to strengthen the black dragon.

It’s just that the black dragon condensed by the power of the gods is not reliable enough after all, and it is the best choice to rely on various equipment for detailed strengthening.

Steve was walking on the road, and he was about to persuade Peggy Carter to move with him to the Shadow Watch residence.

The two who had missed the date finally met at this time, it was naturally falling in love.

It’s just that he saw a special envelope at Peggy Kat’s door, and the photo on the outside of the envelope caught his attention.

Bucky-Barnes, also known as Winter Soldier.

It’s just that Steve today doesn’t know that he is a Winter Soldier.

Steve, who was about to knock on the door, picked up the envelope in his hand and read it.

There is how HYDRA rescued Winter Soldier from brainwashing and turned into a Winter Soldier. There is also the fact that Ability was used by Ino some time ago when going out for a mission.

Steve is a little anxious, both of them are good friends of his own. But one of his good friends killed his other good friend.

How should this disgusting thing be handled?

He really wanted to ask where Bucky was? Begging,

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