Chapter 381 World Federation requirements

The next morning, Stephen Strange was at work in the umbrella medical company.

As a genius doctor, he is famous for his delicate hands beyond imagination.

The current medical equipment is unable to achieve the point where the treatment light is swept away, and then all diseases disappear, and it is also impossible to achieve automatic treatment with robots.

Then you can only rely on high-precision medical equipment and doctors who have extensive experience in surgeons to perform operations.

As long as Stephen is not alive, he is still quite idle. After all, the main objects he serves are the internal members of umbrella companies.

Once inside the company encounters a sudden illness, he must be there as soon as possible, while at other times he can do what he wants to do.

Just can’t get too far away from the umbrella.

Even so, he felt that he was really lucky in the face of the sky-high wages and various employee benefits of the umbrella.

After all, he is working for the god Ino.

To say where is the safest place in the world, it is naturally Ino’s umbrella company.

And the company with the best employee welfare in the world is naturally Ino’s umbrella company.

Here, except for a little restriction on personal freedom, it can be said that it is completely in line with the definition of heaven.

Moreover, today he is going to be the chief surgeon to perform surgery on the famous Iron Man Tony Stark.

This surgery that is both challenging and full of honor is really exciting.

However, Stephen’s hand is still very stable. His excitement is just agitated, and there is not much sweat on his body surface.

Keep calm when you encounter anything. This is the result of his years of training. After all, as a surgeon, he is professional.

Ino took Tony to the operating room, and Steve and Peibo were with them.

As for War Machine, it’s because there are characters in the body and they didn’t come directly.

Tony didn’t expect that it was just an operation to remove shrapnel, and so many people would come to accompany him, which made him a little touched.

“Hey, guys. I’m not a pregnant woman with a C-section, why are you all here~々?”

“Heh, cut a cut from your body and take something out of it. In fact, it is no different from a pregnant woman who has a C-section.”

Steve also understood the joke, and the solemn expression on his face suddenly collapsed. “I found that Ino is really humorous.”

“Can’t stand it.”

Tony walked into the operating room reluctantly, and then began to disinfect and sterilize inside, and then began a series of complicated procedures.

Ino can actually be modified directly with Reality Gem, but he is very contradictory, whether the power of Reality Gem should be used to influence the plot of superhero.

If you use too much Time Gem, then Time Gem will cause trouble for yourself.

So what about using Reality Gem? What impact will drastic changes have?

Ino, let’s take one step at the end.

Tony, who had already gone to fetch the shrapnel, didn’t worry too much because he had a few good brothers guarding outside.

Ino asked Steven to perform surgical treatment on Tony, naturally, in order to let Steven and many superhero recruit Roar in advance.

After all, these two men are geniuses, and they are both assholes.

It’s just that before becoming Doctor Strange, Stephen was a top-level surgeon who likes to overdraw the future.

Before becoming Iron Man, Tony was a dandy with money Ability.

In terms of stinky Ability, the two are on the same level.

After all, Ino was completely idle, and he didn’t need to lie at home when Tony was most vulnerable.

Once a variety of other situations are really discovered, just slap to death.

As for the other superheroes, it’s the same mood when they want to come.

Tony is not only the future mechanical head of their Watchers, but also their comrade-in-arms, close companion.

Steve had just had a wonderful night here, but he was not in a good mood at the moment.

He was a little surprised to see Captain America look like this, after all, he has already made Peggy Carter successfully younger.

“What happened to Steve?”

Steve also noticed that the attention of the surrounding watchmen was focused on him at this time, and he had no choice but to speak. “That’s right, I received an e-mail here, and I think you should have received it too.”

“Email?” Ino was too fierce to fight last night, but he didn’t pay much attention to it. And Ava didn’t remind, and didn’t know if she was too tired at night and forgot to tell him.

At this time, Ino and everyone turned on their phones and looked at them, but everyone’s expressions were indeed a little uncomfortable.

“These people are quite nosy.” After reading the contents of the e-mail, Ino mainly said that the World Federation asked them to participate in the Vienna meeting and then discussed the issue of world peace in detail.

And it is that their watchmen are required to hand over the command to the World Federation, and unconventional force must be controlled.

When Ino saw this, he laughed,” “I found out that the brain of this world federation is not sick? I really think that with the joint signatures of more than a hundred countries, what can we do?”

Steve looked at Ino, “Then what do you mean? Let’s not go?”

“Go, why not. And tell them that our watchman’s power belongs only to us. This is equivalent to why your family has money and why don’t you donate it to the world.”

Ino said as he looked at everyone, “This is a group of idiots with sick brains, obviously they can only tremble when facing the prying of an unknown alien civilization, but always want to control things that are not within the scope of their Ability. .”

“We are the watchmen who watch the world in the shadows. Our main energy is to deal with the lawless elements (nod) and even alien civilizations who spy on the whole earth secretly.”

“Rather than Joker, the jumper in this world federation, they want to control us, so I just ask why?”

Ino looked at everyone, “But this matter, I won’t go on a horse. Steve, Natasha Romanoff, Braised Egg, Tony, wait a minute, just a few of them will join.”

Natasha Romanoff has a clear expression, and Steve is still a little confused if he thinks about it. “Why don’t you go.”

Ino smiled, “Why should I go? I am the leader of the watchman, and now I am not only Ino of the umbrella company, but also the leader of the watchman, Ino.

“So, Steve. If the gods often show up, is he still a god? Will anyone come to respect him?”

Steve nodded, he hadn’t really considered this before.

“So what if the people of the World Federation unite to resist us?”.

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