Chapter 347 The cooperation of the ant army

Under Hope’s command, countless ants followed her and jumped towards the Claus Technology below.

In the dark sky, the tiny figures of Hope and the ants won’t attract the attention of anyone or any system at all.

Soon, they successfully landed in the backyard of Claus Technology, next to a beautiful fountain.

“Okay guys, I need you to build me a boat out! Those with bombs, you also need to come with me!”

“Squeaky Squeaky”

The ants replied to Hope’s words by twittering, a bunch of red fire ants hugged and jumped into the fountain water.

Their unity performance has successfully created the possibility of entering Claus Technology for Hope and the mad ants and worker ants in the rear.

“Fitz, lower the water pressure!”


Fitz, who had been waiting in the control room a long time ago, quickly adjusted the pressure gauge of the console to an extremely weak level.

The power of the water flow can just help Hope enter the water supply system of Claus Industry, but it will not be drowned by the water.

The ant raft composed of fire ants drifted in the pipeline with Hope, and soon sneaked into the interior of Claus Technology.

Under the strong unity ability of the fire ants, Hope, the mad ants and the worker ants behind him, successfully entered the ventilation duct of Claus Technology.

Her first goal was the computer room of Claus Technology.

Where, there are countless information about the manufacture of battle suits and key documents of Claus Technology.

Destroying the server in the computer room is equivalent to cutting off the follow-up combat capability of Claus Technology.

“Sky! Turn off the laser protection net!”

“Understood! The laser protection net…closed!”

Skye sat in the umbrella company building and moved his fingers to turn off the laser protection net of Claus Technology.

Her computer technology has considerable recognition in the world of hackers! The protective net was closed, and Hope led many ants quickly to the air outlet of the ventilation duct in the computer room.

Hope flew in front, and the huge worker ants acted as a transport plane, transporting the mad ants to the chips of the crew server one after another.

These…the electromagnetic weapons carried on the back of the ant have very powerful performance.

As long as their positions meet the budget distance, electromagnetic weapons will be assembled into a powerful electromagnetic network.

The strong current will instantly destroy all the servers in this computer room! “Okay guys! Land at the predetermined location! I will control the equipment behind you!”

Hope smiled slightly, stirred the ant wings behind him, and advanced towards the inside of the computer room.

She will complete another earth-shattering task before all this is destroyed.

The Ant-Man suit needs Pim particles to drive.

And Klaus’s suit also needs a yellow particle to drive it.

What Hope has to do now is…go to the grain and destroy all the machines that are still in motion.(Read more @

Without particles, even if you have a battle suit, you can’t play a battle.

It’s like a car without gasoline, how can it get up? “Guys, all ready”

Soon, Hope led a few worker ants to the particle manufacturing workshop, and several miniature bombs were directly glued to the surface of the particle manufacturing machine.

Countdown fifteen minutes! Within fifteen minutes, no matter…

Whether Hope leaves Klaus Technology or not, these bombs will be immediate.


These bombs are also the latest technology from the umbrella company.

After Dr. Hank’s technical contraction, although the volume has become smaller, the power of the explosion has not diminished at all.

“Hope! The machine room matrix is ​​ready! Get out of there! Go to the living room! Where is Darren’s suit!”


Hope inside the mask smiled slightly, inciting the ant wings behind him, and swiftly drilled towards the ventilation duct not far away.


The moment Hope left, the electromagnetic devices on the many ants immediately.

Started linkage power generation.

The high-intensity current directly burned the entire Krauss Technology host, and there may be no even a little repair.

The strangeness of the computer room immediately caused a chain reaction of Claus Technology.

The lights of the whole building started to flicker frantically, “Boss! Our computer room was burned down!”


The report from his subordinates shocked Darren incomparably.

The hand-healing staff on the side also glanced at each other, and left through a very inconspicuous door behind them very alertly.

“Boss, what to do”

“It’s Stark! It’s a god! These two damn guys! They’re here to snatch my results!”

“Boss…what’s the matter…”

“I will let them often, my Bumblebee suit is great!”

Darren’s complexion was horizontal, and all the guests in the venue were directly evacuated.

The sudden vision also brought a lot of shock to the guests who came to the banquet.

They are considered to be quite prominent figures in their respective organizations.Faced with the danger of their lives, the first in their hearts is naturally their own fate.

Needless to say, Darendo said that most of the visitors had already left the company through the emergency evacuation route.

“Fitz! Where do you leave now!”

“Yes! I’m leaving now! Hehe!”

As soon as Ino’s order arrived, Fitz opened the door to the control room and wanted to leave Claus Technology.

However, outside his door, several security personnel from Claus Technology have already been waiting.

“Mr. Fitz, may I ask where you are going”

“I did everything I can! I can’t save our system! What about the boss”

“Hehe, Mr. Fitz, the boss told us that he wants you to stay here and be buried with Claus Technology!”

“Oh, I don’t think so!”

Facing the threat from the security personnel, Fitz chuckled, and quietly touched his pocket with his right hand.


After the crisp sound, in front of Fitz, three guns: they have been loaded, and they are always ready to fire.

“Take your hand! Show it all out!”

“This is what you asked! Don’t blame me”

Fitz chuckled, his right hand directly pressed the…”Toy Tank” in his pocket

Retractable buttons.

In the next moment, a huge tank flew out directly from Fitz’s hand, pressing the stairs of the entire building and the security personnel under it.

“Oh this is too fishy”

Fitz curled his mouth in disgust, jumped into the tank, and drove the tank toward the outside of Claus Technology.

Hope on the side was still flying in the ventilation duct, her goal was already close at hand.

“Damn guys! I must have you give my company a funeral!”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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