Chapter 346 Dive into Claus Technology!

“Does my innocence have such a technique?”

“From the Stark family, you’d better leave me alone! I won’t be able to give you my skills in my life!”

The shocked but envious eyes of everyone suddenly aroused Dr. Hank’s vigilance.

His technique cannot be spread out anyway.

Otherwise, it’s not just as simple as causing a killing! “Hope, this suit is an improved version of me, with the addition of an ant-wing flying device, and you can act arbitrarily with it! The Pim particles contained in it It can be used for fifty times of expansion and contraction. Be careful to use it!”

“Don’t worry, Dad! I don’t even need to stretch so many times!”

“Also, these… darts, the blue ones get bigger and the red ones shrink. You can shoot them out as weapons!”

“Dad, don’t worry! I am afraid that no one is more suitable for this battle suit than me!”

Hope smiled slightly, took the suit directly from Dr. Hank’s hand, and walked into the blind spot of everyone’s vision.

“Fitz, you put on this, this device, you can avoid the detection of Claus Technology! Inside, wait for my instructions!”

“Yes, Mr. Tenjin!”

Fitz turned his head and took away an extremely tiny “interdental communicator” from the plate Gaia was holding.

Just plug this communicator between your teeth, or get stuck in the middle of two teeth, and you can achieve the effect of remote communication.

“Sky, I need you to crack the firewall of Claus Technology and turn off their laser filter remotely!”

“This task is comparable to SHIELD.


…. The tasks at the time were much more exciting! I like it!”

Skye smiled and sat directly on the sofa aside.

In between, she removed two earrings from her ears, and the ring in her hand was placed on the table.

The watch in his hand was also directly removed by him, forming a strange combination with the two earrings and ring.

Under everyone’s comments, the two earrings unexpectedly began to project a small projection screen, directly into Skye’s eyes.

The ring directly shot out a burst of infrared sensing light, and gave her a keyboard on the desktop.

The existence of the watch is more like the host of a computer, completing complex computing tasks for her.

This series of operations also had to make everyone grow their mouths in surprise.

Otherwise, it is said that Shadow Guardian has the ability to maintain the peace of the world, and this cutting-edge equipment alone does not know how many years ahead of the outside world.

“Dr. Hank, please don’t worry about this mission! Hope, he will definitely return safely under the name of Ant-Man!”

Ino patted Dr. Hank on the shoulder and spoke very softly.(Read more @

Seeing that so many powerful talents in front of him are silently supporting Hope’s actions, the anxiety in Dr. Hank’s heart has gradually slowed down a lot.


“Here, she is here!”

Tony’s surprised cry, immediately.

Attention attracted.

Ino chuckled, patted Dr. Hank on the shoulder, and directed his gaze to his back.

The dazzling black and red suit, the ant wings behind him are constantly inciting.

Under Hope, there are countless ants, one by one on the ground.

“This…what about our company’s sanitation work…”

“Mr. Tenjin, my ant buddies, but they are all-pervasive”

Hope smiled, countless flying ants immediately.

Flying up, neatly arranged in a square behind her.

“My Ant-Man battle suit, through the built-in deep well, transmits signals to gain the ability to communicate with all kinds of ants! The ants are also our important members!”

Seeing such a scene, Ino felt a lot of relief in his heart, and deliberately shouted: “Haha, that’s great! Let’s go ants brothers, Tony’s plane has been waiting for a long time!”

Tony: “”

Tony’s plane had been parked at the umbrella company a long time ago.

But he never said that he would use it for free.

But that’s all Ino’s words are said here, and of course Tony can’t ignore Ino’s proposal.

Only reluctantly loaned his own plane to them.

Ant-Man Hope, as well as countless well-equipped ants, boarded the plane one after another, waiting for the final battle.

…….. “Mr. Carson, how are you thinking about whether I sell these things to everyone present, or do you directly offer one that will satisfy me? The price?”

“Darren, I don’t have the ability to buy all of your armor, but they do!”

At this time, Carson stood in front of Darren confidently.

The embarrassment he had just now has completely turned into an extreme confidence.

Darren felt the change of expression on his face, and felt a little nervous in his heart.

What is Carson doing? “Darren, these people are new partners I introduced to you! I believe that Shouhehui is capable of buying all of your suits.”

“The hands… the hands were joined together behind Darren, and suddenly a few tall men appeared.

And none of them have an invitation letter from Claus Technology.

Being able to enter the Claus technology is enough to explain their power.

“Mr. Darren, I want all your suits!”

The guy with his hands clenched tightly in front of Darren with his big sandbag fist.

The faint sound of bones made Darren afraid to move.

With his guts, he did not dare to confront such a notorious organization as Shouhehui! “Hehe, since the Shouhehui has sent you all, it is enough to show that you attach importance to my suit! In terms of price, everything is easy to negotiate!”

“I hope so, Mr. Darren, our boss, is very interested in your suit!”

The few guys who joined hands, all smiles sullenly.

At this time, they seem to have mastered the energy that can control the world.

Although the battle clothes have not yet been obtained, this group of guys have already begun to plan actions about the battle clothes behind their backs.

As everyone knows, the Hand-Held Club is also an evil organization on the Shadow Guardian danger list.

If the Shouhehui really mastered these powers, it would cause immeasurable losses to the current Shadow Guardian!… “Mr. Ino, here we are!”

“Hope, let’s go! Fitz has been waiting inside for a long time!”

“Understood! Guys! Let’s go! Let’s go!”

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