Chapter 348 Ant-Man vs. Hornet duel

“Darren, you should give my father’s company a funeral!”

Hope’s angry screams suddenly came out from the ventilation duct.

Darren, who was already wearing a warlike suit, instantly activated the shrink button, shrinking himself to the size of an ant.

Hope, who suddenly broke in, faced the empty room without panic, and very carefully searched Darren’s trail in the air.

“Hope! Why betray me! I gave you so much!!!”

Suddenly, an angry shout came from behind Hope.

Darren wore the Hornet suit, with a jet module installed on the back, which can support him in flying in the air.

The azure blue laser beam shot towards Hope without hesitation.

Hope, wearing the Ant-Man suit, also reacted fairly quickly.

Behind her, the ant wing flipped quickly, and she avoided the laser attack at the limit speed, and successfully came to Darren’s back.

“Darren, you stole my father’s company and want to use my hatred of him to destroy the world! I can’t wait to kill 10,000 such a bad guy!”

“Hehe, sure enough, you still made up with that old guy! In that case, you can’t blame me for being cruel!”

Hope’s words let Darren understand the whole truth of the matter.

The miniature version of the two people scrambled in the air, and dull bangs continued to be heard everywhere in the room, but ordinary people could hardly see any trace of this sound.

“Mr. Ino… Huo She…”

“Dr. Hank, don’t worry, Hope is fine!”

The situation in front of Hope had long been seen clearly by Dr. Hank, Ino and others in the umbrella company.

The offensive capabilities of Darren’s armor are not even available in the Ant-Man suit designed by Dr. Hank.

“What kind of energy is built into his suit that can support laser and jet aircraft to work at the same time.”

“Dr. Hank, the energy of this era is different from yours at that time! Look at my reactor…”

“Shut up! Stark! We’ll talk about this later!”

Tony’s enthusiasm interjected, but Dr. Hank scolded him back.

In the current situation, Dr. Hank didn’t have any thoughts at all to say anything to Tony.

The safety of Hope’s life is what he cares most about.

“The room’s monitoring is unlocked! Immediately.

Project it to the big screen for everyone!”

Skye’s voice made everyone’s hearts tighten.(Read more @

In the room in the picture, bursts of blue laser light continued to shoot out, and everything it touched was blasted into debris.

And the dull physical beating sound also continued.

It sounded broken.

“Hope! Do you really think you can beat me”

“Darren, your suit, I have been involved in a lot of design work!”

Hope chuckled and pressed the zoom out button in his hand again.

She was only the size of an ant, immediately.

The only thing that shrunk was the size of the first-order limb of an ant, and it squatted on the back of Darren’s suit.

A circle of yellow light accurately exposed the position of the metal panel to Hope.

The cutting device in Hope’s hand is constantly burning on the metal panel, hoping to open the back cover of the suit.

“Hope! You are too naive! The armor I wear is made of titanium alloy. You can’t weld him apart! Hahaha!”

Darren is also quite clear about HP’s actions.

In an instant, he also shrank to the same size as Hope.

The two robotic arms swiftly grabbed Hope’s body, but she put a foot on the tip of the robotic arm, pulling the distance between the two.

“Skye! Can you track their trajectory”

“Mr. Tenjin, this camera does not have such a function…”


If you just listen to the voice, the battle between Hope and Darren can be said to be quite fierce.

However, on this monitoring screen, everyone can’t see anything, even their shadows, only the laser beams are constantly destroying the items in the room.

“Hope! I’m going to kill you! Kill the old immortal again! God, Stark! Don’t let any of them go!!”

“Darren, what you think is so beautiful!”

Darren’s right fist was accompanied by the acceleration of the jet, directly hitting Hope’s abdomen.

The intense pain caused Hope’s feet to explode with greater strength, and he kicked directly on Darren’s helmet.

Hope’s fighting skills are generally better than Darren.

After dozens of rounds of work, Darren’s armor has worn out, but Hope’s Ant-Man suit is still immaculate.

“Hope! You have to enter his titanium alloy battle armor. Compared with the design of the two of you, you can’t beat him from a technical level!”

“I know! Of course I know this kind of thing better than you, Lord Tianshen! But I can’t get in now!”

Ino’s words directly caused Hope to yell.

I want to go through the titanium alloy cover plate and enter the inside of the battle suit, except… destroy the titanium alloy cover plate, that is…shrink to the molecular level, pass through the molecular gap, in this way Enter the inside of the suit.

But with the lessons learned from Hope’s mother before, such an operation is still extremely dangerous.

If her controller is accidentally broken, then she will really enter the quantum realm, and she will not be able to return to the real world for a lifetime.

“Hope! Can’t enter the armor! You have to use your fighting skills to defeat him!”

“Dr. Hank, with all due respect, in terms of the materials used to make the two suits, Hope can’t beat him.”

“Then why can’t you help her? What are you doing here, Mr. Tenjin”

“Dr. Hank, it’s not that I don’t help her, but in this situation, I am almost helpless, ah!”

Ino’s words, although there is a slight feeling of belittling his own strength.

But this is a real situation.

Even if it is a horrible existence like Hulk, he can easily deal with it.

Because Hulk’s goal is big, Ino’s skills can be used very easily.

Darren, on the other hand, is an opponent who can shrink arbitrarily.

If Ino’s attack is too large, it will cause unnecessary disasters, and it is too small to cause any harm to him.

For such a battle, it is better to have someone who has considerable skills with Darren.

And Hope is the best candidate for this battle.

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