Chapter 343 The grievances are resolved, and Hope and Hank are back together!

“Huh, we at Claus Technology have gathered the world’s top biochemists! All algorithms are in pediatrics!”

“Hope, I am a physicist! This technology has nothing to do with biochemistry at all!”

Dr. Hank was dizzy again after hearing what Hope said.

Pim particles, quantum technology, the name alone, sounds nothing to do with biochemistry.

However, Krauss Technology has been spending such useless efforts, how can it be able to create a completely safe suit?” Hope, Darren kicked your father out of the company and took away what belonged to you. Things, people, why are you still by his side”

Standing on the side, Ino interjected very deliberately.

He knew in his heart that Hope Fandian was not a cold-blooded person.

Even if she is now coldly speaking to Dr. Hank, as long as Dr. Hank needs it, she will definitely follow Dr. Hank unconditionally.

“Because I want to take back what belonged to my mother and me!”

Hope’s words did not surprise Hank or Ino.

During the speech, the perseverance in her eyes also made everyone quite admire.

This is a woman with absolute conviction, and nothing can beat her down.

“I’ll say it for the last time, let me go! Otherwise, Darren will definitely come to me at all costs!”

“Hehe, Hope, don’t think too much! Darren asked you to go to the island, just to test the effect of the laser weapon. After the scene where you defeated Stark just now, Darren has already treated his battle clothes. , I am quite confident! Your mission has been completed!”

Ino chuckled, just saying.

Stark on the side poked his mouth in disdain.

After all, it is too embarrassing to be defeated by a female generation.

“You…you nonsense! You are an indispensable and important person in Claus Technology!”

“Hope, be sober! The only person in this world who cares about you is this guy!”

Ino’s hand quietly pointed to Dr. Hank’s body.

Dr. Hank on the side is already very sad.

Scenes of the past appeared before his eyes, and how much…sorrow and pain were all silently endured by him.

“If he cares about me, he won’t leave me alone.”

“Hope, your mother’s death, I am more uncomfortable than you. In those few years, I have been immersed in quantum research. I want to… bring her back…”

“What are you talking about? You always lied to me that my mother died in an air crash. What exactly did she die of?”(Read more @

Hank’s words made Hope seem to see the hope of regaining his mother.

Even Dr. Hank didn’t want to talk about what happened back then.

“In that era, I, who had a battle suit, was called Ant-Man.

Although I am just a scientist, my mission is more like an agent.

With the Ant-Man uniform, I can easily enter various places and complete various difficult tasks.

Your mother also has the incomparable enthusiasm for the family.Under her strong request, I made her a feminine wasp suit.

She is very talented, and there is no day for me to regret it.

Every day, I regretted agreeing to her.

It was 198, and the separatists hijacked a missile silo in Kursk.

An inter-ballistic missile was launched to the missile! The only way to get inside the missile was to pass through solid titanium.

I worked very hard at the time, but the hardness of the titanium metal, I couldn’t penetrate it at all.

To get inside the missile, I must shrink to between the molecules.

But my controller was badly damaged at that time, and it was impossible to complete such a task! At the critical moment, your mother twisted the controller on her waist without hesitation, and went in without hesitation.

The missile successfully fell, and she also became a dimensional sub-level, disappearing in the quantum realm forever.

Your mother died very bravely, and in the next ten years, I will do everything possible to understand the quantum realm.

I want to bring her back.”

The people present who listened to Hank’s words were extremely moved.

Especially Hope, when she learned the truth, she cried like a tearful man.

In her heart, she couldn’t imagine how her father, after losing his beloved love, would survive year after year and delve into the seemingly impossible.

For so many years, she still avoided Dr. Hank, and blamed the hatred and sorrow in her heart on this old man with white temples.

So sad, no one can understand.

“Why didn’t you tell me these things earlier… it was not your fault, it was her choice…”

“I just want to protect you.

Without your mother, I can no longer lose you, my only daughter.”

Hope’s eyes are already full of tears.

Even Dr. Hank was already crying and trembling.

The father and daughter hugged each other like that and cuddled together.

All misunderstandings in the past have been cleared up, and the estrangement between the two has finally disappeared completely.

“Just tell these things early, Dr. Hank.”

“Mr. Ino, thank you for not hurting my daughter.”

“Dr. Hank, she has a talent for manipulating battle suits. If she uses your Ant-Man battle suit, then her combat effectiveness will be improved again! Our Shadow Guardian…”

“No! Mr. Ino, I can’t lose my daughter anymore…”

The meaning of Ino is quite clear.

Hope’s fighting skills and her understanding of battle clothes have made her a well-deserved player in the role of Ant-Man.

If there is a perfect Ant-Man in the world, then its name is definitely Hope Fandian! “Father! Mr. Ino is right! I know Klaus Technology best, if it weren’t for me, Darren It will cause world-level chaos!”

“But his algorithm has not been completely perfected…I don’t want to lose your only relative…”

“Father! You can’t protect me forever! We need to stop Darren as soon as possible!”

Hope wiped the tears from his face and gently held Dr. Huck’s face.

In Dr. Hank’s mind, she knew quite well.

However, Claus Technology has already launched step by step actions. If they go a little later, it will be difficult to completely stop Claus’s plan! “Well…I am allowed to join Mr. Ino’s team, but This black and yellow suit…”

“I won’t wear it again!”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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