Chapter 344 The conspiracy of Klaus Technology!

At this moment, within Klaus Technologies.

Countless arms dealers and leaders of armed groups all gathered here.

The purpose of their coming here is to see the new weapons produced by Claus Technology that claim to be able to change the world.

According to Darren Krauss, his new weapon is more powerful than Tony Stark’s steel suit.

“Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the Krauss Technology Hypermarket! Today, Darren Krauss will provide you with a unique and powerful weapon in the world! Please watch the short video first!”

Darren in a suit and leather shoes, with a bald head, stood in the middle of the crowd, and brought everyone’s eyes to a big screen diagonally above.

On that screen, a black and yellow armor is displayed in a 360-degree cycle in all directions.

“The mechanical arm behind the armor can provide a maximum of three thousand pounds of power. The power of two laser guns is comparable to Iron Man’s laser weapons!”

“Darren, don’t sell it! What is your ability to do with this thing”

“Hahaha, Mr. Carson, I knew you would say that!”

Darren chuckled and snapped his fingers suddenly.

The next moment, a very tiny glass counter slowly descended from the sky and came in front of everyone.

Everyone gathered around, looking at the suit that was not the size of a palm, and laughed.

“Darren Krause, I think you are crazy! How can such a big thing fight Stark’s armor”

“Three hundred pounds of power, how do I think it is thirty pounds of power hahaha!”

Everyone looked at the very mini battle clothes and laughed at Darren.

But Darren’s face always kept a mysterious smile.

“Everyone, please step back.”

“Darren Krauss, what kind of plane are you doing? If you don’t have any good things to take out, I really want to show you some color!”

“General Tam, please step back! Wait: you will never be disappointed!”

Darren chuckled and cleared all the two meters around the armor.

On top of their heads, a larger glass cover landed again, and the display cabinet of the battle clothes was tightly shrouded in it.

“Everyone! Next, is… witness… the moment of miracle!!!”

Darren sneered, and gently pulled the trigger with his right hand.

In the next instant, the battle suit suddenly expanded countless times, completely shattering the display cabinet and turning it into the size of a normal person.

“Ah… this…”

“My battle suit can be changed in size at will! The smallest, up to a molecular level! The largest, it can be as high as a building! Think about it, what a group of opponents can see with the naked eye.”(Read more @

Darren chuckled and walked among the crowd.

“Although the battle clothes can be arbitrarily small, because of the law of conservation of energy, the overall energy level will not change in any way! How much the previous strength is, and when it becomes smaller, the strength is still the same tyrannical.”

“But due to the pressure theory, the fist after getting smaller is as powerful as a bullet.

If you are not careful, the suit will penetrate the opponent’s body and completely destroy him!”

Darren’s face was full of proud smiles.

For… the current suit, he can be said to be a hundred satisfied.

Not to mention whether the failure of the remaining few percent of the probability of change has been…solved, the success rate of over 90 percent alone is enough to make him swell.

“Everyone, I still have a short video, everyone can take a look!”

As he said, on the big screen above everyone’s head, another…the picture began to be played.

The first point of view of the screen is obviously…belonging to the user of this battle suit.

And his opponent is the famous Iron Man Tony Stark all over the world.

The red steel armor had no chance to fight back when facing Klaus’s suit.

Any change in size directly confuses Tony Stark.

The final picture is frozen in the scene of the steel armor being held high in the air by Klaus’s suit.

Stark’s screams constantly echoed in everyone’s ears.

“This is too strong…” Mr. Darren, our black disciple company, would like to buy all your suits!”

“Our New Hope Group is willing to double the price!”

Everyone crowded around Darren, wanting to buy this masterpiece suit.

Darren’s face also showed an extremely arrogant smile.

“Darren, we are old friends, sell me all your goods! I will give you five times the price!”

In the chaos, Michel Carson pulled Darren aside by himself, and whispered to him quite meaningfully.

Michelle Carson, originally S.H.I.E.L.D..


An agent of ….

Being under S.H.I.E.L.D..


…After being delisted, he became the number one adviser to a terrorist organization, specializing in terrorist activities such as subversion of the government.

In his hands, there are countless murder cases, even S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


….They are helpless against this former super agent.

“Mr. Carson, I believe everyone is willing to give me a higher price”

“Then ten times! Allen, you can’t sell them the suit! These things must all belong to me!”

Michelle has a sense of ambition to win the suit of Klaus Corporation.

Even Darren was surprised at how popular his products were.

The situation within Klaus Technology at this time is also constantly displayed in the headquarters of the Shadow Guardian.

Many guardians watched so many villains gather together, and there was a strong sense of war in their hearts.

“Although the algorithm is still not perfect, the success rate of more than 90% is enough for him to sell his suit! If these technologies fall into the hands of this group of bad guys, the whole world will fall into one In a crisis!”

“Mr. Ino, just say what we need to do!”

Stark sat on the sofa, looked at the magical battle suit on the screen, and was extremely angry.

Darren Krauss of this dog day dared to release his embarrassing picture, and regarded it as his own proud work, and he really didn’t take Tony as a person.

“Our most important task right now is… to enter the Claus Technology, destroy their particle production line, and make their suits unable to change size!”

“Then we still need to find a way to get rid of Darren Krauss, the source of this evil! Destroy all the suits and destroy all related technologies!”

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