Chapter 342 Don’t force me to act

“Hope, don’t force me to shoot.”

“Hmph, the gods are very famous, but I want to see if your strength is in the end…”

Before the words fell, behind Hope, a swift figure appeared directly beside Hope.

A terrifying side kick directly hit the back of Hope’s fighting spirit.

Where is the only shortcoming of this fighting spirit.

Not only can it directly damage the telescopic device of the suit, but also knock Hope completely out of the way! “Tony, are you okay?”

“I’m fine… Hurry up and take off the aircraft and take off the armor!”

At this time, Tony, the back part of the battle armor has been completely destroyed.

The automatic wearing and unloading ability of the battle armor has been completely lost.

After everyone’s efforts, Tony finally ran out of his armor.

“Damn, what kind of armor is this? It’s too weird.”

“Hehe, Tony, this is Dr. Hank Pim’s armor!”

“Dr. Hank Pim… the quantum expert”

“Hehe, yes, it’s your father’s enemy!”

“This… it’s really divorced! I didn’t expect that he actually developed such a battle suit. I always thought that my father’s mumbling when he was a child was he was crazy!”

Tony looked at the battle suit on Hope very curiously, and his mind was full of the idea of ​​integrating it into his Mark’s battle armor.

“Tony, this is Dr. Hank’s thing, you can’t make his idea!”

“Okay, okay, I know! I, Tony Stark, won’t just steal other people’s things!”

Ino’s words, the pride in Tony’s heart suddenly surged.

Tony Stark, the proud and talented inventor, would not steal other people’s technology at will! Soon, Ino returned to the umbrella company with Hope wearing a armor.

“Dr. Hank, we need you to take off this armor and release Hope!”

“Hope is my Hope”

“Well, it’s your daughter, Hope Fandian!”


After knowing that the person operating the armor was his daughter, Dr. Hank’s emotions suddenly became agitated.

Although he has been investigating the traces of his daughter’s life, he did not expect that he would be here when he saw his daughter again.

In the cell of the umbrella company.

Relying on his familiarity with the battle armor, Dr. Hank disassembled the black and yellow battle armor two or three times.

Hope’s figure just appeared in front of everyone.(Read more @

“Wow, she is a girl too!”

“Tony! You can’t always look like this, right”

“Ino! I’m just praise! It’s just praise!”

Ino’s words, Tony looked embarrassed.

He knelt down and stroked the soft surface of the armor.

Compared with his Mark battle armor, the material of this battle armor is more soft and fits the skin.

It’s as if it’s some kind of special tights.

“Let go of your dirty hands! Stark! My suit is not something you can touch!”

“Dr. Hank! I’m just very curious…”

“Stark! Don’t think I don’t know what your brains are! Your father stole my things, and I haven’t settled with him yet!”

“Ah my father stole your things”

Hank’s words, Stark said with a dazed expression.

“I’m Hank Pim, I’m not the kind of person who pays his father’s debts, but you’d better not mess with me!”

“Okay, Dr. Hank, Tony has nothing to do with the previous things, don’t target him like this!”

Seeing that Dr. Hank’s mood was a little unstable, Ino immediately stood between the two, blowing away the strong smell of gunpowder.

The most important thing right now is to make Dr. Hank and Hope reconcile.

Hope, as an executive of Klaus Technology, has always been: She who is next to Darren must know a lot of inside stories about Darren’s armor.

Soon, Hope gradually woke up from his deep sleep.

Sitting next to her was the biological father she had hated for a long time, Hank Pim.

“Hope, you are awake…”

“Where are you and me”

Hope’s eyes were still quizzical, the moment he saw Hank, immediately.

It became serious.

The look in his eyes was as if he had seen his own father and enemy murdered, which was frightening.

“Hope, don’t be afraid, you are in the umbrella company now, it is safe!”

“Umbrella God Tony Stark”

Hope looked around, and these people standing were the opponents she had just now.

She twisted her neck with difficulty, and made a crackling sound, such a movement, even Tony looked a little horrified.

This level is definitely specially trained.

Hope’s skill is definitely not something Tony can match.

“Hope, rest assured, you are safe here!”

“Where you are! There is no safety at all! Let me out! I want to go back!”

“Hope! Where are you going back? I’m here to accompany you, isn’t that enough”

Hope’s words hurt Dr. Hank’s heart deeply.

The gap between the two women was directly caused by the death of Hope’s mother.

Hope, who lost his mother, not only did not receive the care of Dr. Hank, he was even sent to boarding school by Dr. Hank.

Although her father is alive, her childhood was more like an orphan without a father or mother.

The seeds of hatred have gradually become ingrained in her heart from that moment, and until now, her relationship with Dr. Hank has been quite tense and serious.

“You better let me leave here, otherwise, our legion can easily destroy your umbrella company! Stark Industries is no exception!”

“Hope, your armor has any flaws and loopholes, I already know it clearly, do you really think you can defeat the founder of my technology?”

Dr. Hank looked at Hope’s cold face and shook his head helplessly.

He just glanced at it and knew what fatal loopholes and flaws this black and yellow armor had.

“Huh! Our Claus Technology will always solve the remaining chances! Our algorithm must be more advanced than yours!”

“Algorithm…what if you haven’t mastered the real core technology until now, you dare to place real people directly in the armor”

At this point, Dr. Hank was completely shocked.

The so-called algorithm is the key step in the use of Pim particles.

The algorithm is wrong, and the energy released by the Pim particles is likely to directly destroy the body of the victim.

It’s not that… simply let them shrink indefinitely, but directly turn their bodies into a drop of flesh without any anger! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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