Chapter 341 Stark’s armor is rubbish?

“Jarvis, scan this island for me, that armor, where on earth is it!”

Stark Industries’ fighters flew several times on the island, but forcibly found no trace of battle or training.

Stark was very puzzled, but Ino was an outsider watching the show.

He did not intend to participate in this battle.

Hope, who has a battle suit, is completely the strength of a superhero.

Stark’s battle armor has powerful firepower and good defensive power, and it has absolute dominance in large-scale battlefields.

But Dr. Hank’s armor is a special design for another situation.

In one-to-one and even one-to-many battles, the freely retractable design can completely confuse the opponent.

In today’s battle, Ino is just… want to see whether Stark’s armor and Dr. Hank’s suit are strong or weak.

“Mr. Stark, I didn’t find any traces! This island is more like an empty island!”

“Jarvis, try searching according to the energy matrix, the energy gathering place in this small island!”

“This is a great idea, Mr. Ino, I will try it now!”

Ino’s reminder immediately made Jarvis change his mind.

Soon, Jarvis discovered that a very good energy core was hidden on a corner of the island.

The degree of energy released by that energy core is even comparable to that of the reactor of Mark I’s era before Stark.

But to Jarvis’s surprise, the energy core showed no signs of radioactive elements, and it was completely another clean energy.

“Mr. Stark, I found a fighter 1.5 millimeters tall.”

“one point five.


What are you kidding me?”

Stark was a little bewildered by what Jarvis said.

Stark, who has been immersed in his own world, does not pay much attention to the development of science and technology in the outside world.

For example, what is the focus of Krauss Technology’s research, he doesn’t know at all.

He also had no idea about this arbitrarily stretchable suit.

“Mr. Stark, it seems that this battle suit has the ability to become bigger and smaller! If my test is correct, I am afraid that our latest laser weapon has also been assembled on this battle suit!”

“Xiete! No wonder I can hack into my computer! It turns out that he is only 1.5mm!”

After understanding the general situation, Stark was also very surprised.

This is the first time he has heard of such a battle suit.

“Stark, the power of this battle suit is not what he looks like, wait a minute: the battle, you have to be careful!”(Read more @

“Ino, you are too underestimating my level! Tony is out, one is the best! Wait for my good show! Jarvis, always remind me of his position!”

“Jarvis understands, Mr. Stark!”

Tony gave Ino and Gaia a tugging, and then he pushed the button on the rear seat of the plane, and his seat lay down and got into the back of the plane.

This plane was also refined by Tony.

It looks like an ordinary business aircraft, but it is equipped with a full-featured Mark armor.

Wearing it for no more than thirty seconds, Tony glide out from the tail of the plane and flew towards the target area that Jarvis had provided him.

“Huh, let me give you a taste of a few sidewinder missiles first!”

In Tony’s mask, the red radar locked the target.

The shoulders of the battle armor, immediately.

A small missile launching platform was raised and focused on the place where Hope was located.

Don’t look at this…The Sidewinder missile is only the size of Tony’s finger, but the power of the explosion is of the equivalent level.

A few missiles were launched together, and the power was comparable to a volley of terrifying rockets.


“Boom boom boom boom!!”

The sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded somewhere on the island, and the entire island vibrated violently.

Tony looked at the smoke and dust, and the face inside the mask smiled triumphantly.

“Mr. Stark! He is behind you!”

Suddenly, Jarvis’s reminder made the smile on Tony’s face instantly solidified.

The black and yellow armor suddenly appeared behind him, and the two mechanical arms were like terrifying octopus tentacles, and they firmly clamped Tony’s shoulder armor.

“Xiete! When did you come to the back!”

“Tony Stark! The arrogant Iron Man, you are as bad as your father!”

Hope’s cold voice suddenly came from the armor, such a magnetic female voice really shocked Tony.

“Try your own laser weapon! Tony!”

Hope chuckled, and directly activated the two laser guns on his shoulders.

Accompanied by a dazzling blue light, Tony’s armor was completely burned by the laser gun.

The steel spine part of the back part of the battle armor has already shown some signs of fusing.

“Warning! Warning!”

Tony’s eyes constantly flashed with the damage of the armor.

The propulsion system is completely damaged, and even the basic functions of walking upright can no longer be maintained.

Even so, Tony was still very stubborn, forcibly bent his hands behind him, and fired at the black and yellow armor.

The brief energy-gathering sound of the hand cannon was clearly heard by Hope.

Just before the launch of Tony’s hand cannon, Hope once again manipulated the button and turned into an ant-sized appearance, successfully avoiding Tony’s attack.

“Mr. Stark! He is under you!”


Tony was surprised, but Hope had already made the armor bigger.

The regained size of the battle armor suddenly sprang out from under Tony’s crotch, slamming him into the air.

The mechanical arm behind him was firmly pulled on the limbs of Mark’s battle armor.

The terrifying tearing force almost shred Tony’s limbs and battle armor abruptly.

Tony Stark, just lost.

The defeat is so bizarre, and the defeat is so weird.

“Hope! Let go! Dr. Hank, I wouldn’t want you to do this!”

“Who are you again”

Ino’s voice suddenly appeared in Hope’s ear.

Hope turned his head away, and Ino, who was inciting the golden wings, was slowly approaching her.

The battle between the two of them just now was carefully watched by Ino.

Although this is not an Ant-Man armor on Hope, it has the same powerful abilities as the Ant-Man armor.

“Hope, I believe you know me, Tenjin, Ino, umbrella company!”

“Hehe, it turned out to be the so-called deity!”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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