Chapter 340 Hope appears! Secret training on the island!

“Wanda! What are you doing!”

Finding that the situation was not right, Gaia immediately.

Exerting all the skills of the biomechanical lady, directly locked Wanda’s arms firmly.

The magic device in her hand was also forcibly taken by Gaia.

Without the magic device, Wanda, whose hands are bound, can no longer use her chaos magic! “I… Mr. Ino…”

When she saw Ino’s appearance, she was shocked, and her face was full of shocked expressions.

Maybe even she herself didn’t even think that she would do such a thing to Ino.

“Wanda, I just turned off Ms. Quanzhen, why is your reaction so intense”

“Sir…I…I don’t know…”

“From today, Ms. Quanzhen, you will never be allowed to appear in the base of the Shadow Guardian or in the umbrella company!”

Wanda’s panic and anxiety sounded the alarm for Ino.

This true lady, does it really have any ability to control the human spirit, and the blue light flashed, and Ino’s space portal opened again.

This time, he opened the door directly to the waste disposal station of the umbrella company.

“Throw it in!”


Gaia knew Ino’s instructions very well.

In a blink of an eye, the lady Quanzhen who fell into the sleep mode was thrown into the shredder of the processing station by Gaia.

Looking at the lady Quanzhen who looked exactly like the real person, Wanda’s eyes were full of reluctance.

A newly produced robot can have such an impact on users.

Such a situation is beyond Ino’s imagination.

“Wanda, Madam Quanzhen, is it really that important to you?”

“I…I don’t know. Just now, for a moment, I thought you…”

“What do you think of me”

“I think you pose a certain threat to me and her.”

“Hehe, the real threat, we just threw it into the shredder! You have a good rest, don’t train anymore!”

Ino chuckled, Wanda was still young, and it was excusable to be bewitched by these things.

But the wealthy outsiders have no idea about Ms. Quanzhen’s deceptive ability.

When they get along with Ms. Quanzhen for a certain period of time, what will happen, Ino doesn’t know.

He didn’t want to know.

The existence of his god is to avoid chaos.

“Dididi! Dididi! Dididi!”(Read more @

Suddenly, such an alarm sounded in Gaia’s mind.

This siren was an emergency communication from Kita, who was guarded by the shadows.

“Hey, this is Gaia!”

“We found the traces of the black and yellow armor! We started training on a small island in the Pacific Ocean!”

“The situation is clear”

“Definitely and surely! That’s… the black and yellow jersey that we played against last time! From Krauss Technology!”

“Understood! I will ask Mr. Ino for instructions!”

Gaia hung up the phone, and just raised his head, he saw Ino’s expression of excitement.

Just stealing Stark’s laser system, Krauss Technology can start training, which is enough to explain their company’s heritage.

“Let’s go, ask Tony to go and see together, what else is there in this armor!”


Gaia smiled slightly, followed Ino, and walked directly into the space portal.

As soon as the blue light flashed, the two came to the top of the company building of Stark Industries.

Here, you can overlook the entire Manhattan scenery and geographical location, which is unique.

“Xiete! Ino! Why did you break into my house suddenly!”

“Tony, didn’t you say that you were not with you: these models messed up?”

The screams of Tony and a certain woman immediately attracted Ino’s attention.

After seeing Ino, the bulging beauty first exclaimed, then put on her clothes with a shy face, and quietly retreated towards the corner.

And Tony also put on a bath towel in a panic, very dissatisfied with Ino’s sudden visit.

“Ino, this matter must not be told to Pepper!”

“Hehe, even if I didn’t say it, Jarvis might have told her! I came to you, not for this!”

“What’s that for?”

“Klaus Tech’s battle armor has already begun to train secretly on the island. I plan to call you together and join in the fun!”

“Okay, wait a moment, I’ll prepare the plane!”

“Well, hurry up!”

Ino smiled slightly, and took Gaia to sit directly on the sofa Tony had just applauded for Love.

Gaia, who has a keen sense of smell, smelled some weird smells almost instantly.

Soon, the aircraft of Stark Industries was ready to take the three people 3 directly towards the secret island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

…On a small island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

The black and yellow armor is constantly changing its size, passing through various obstacles, and practicing the control of the body.

The mechanical arm on the back has also been completely replaced with another material, full of a sense of technology.

The laser gun on the shoulder is also different from the old waste wood, but uses the real top laser technology.

In every design, it is easy to be able to shoot a powerful laser beam and destroy a car.

“Very good, Hope, your control over the armor is beyond my expectations!”

“Darren, shut up, you don’t deserve to mention the name of this armor!”

“Hope! Don’t forget, now this company, I am the real owner! You are just an employee of my company! As long as I want, I can fire you at any time!”

“Darren, you fire me and continue to develop the suit, just dream!”

In the battle armor, it is not Darren Krauss, the boss of Krauss Technology.

It’s a young and beautiful blonde beauty, Hope Van Dyne! Hope is the biological daughter of Dr. Hank and an executive from Krauss Technology.

She is currently experimenting with the capabilities of the latest battle clothes.

Regarding… this battle suit, Hope is arguably the person who knows it best.

As the daughter of Dr. Hank, Hope once also had full control of Dr. Hank’s suit and possessed good fighting skills.

“call out…!”


The azure blue laser light quietly shot out, and a huge rock was directly shot in half by the laser light.

Darren looked at the strength of this battle suit from a distance, and he couldn’t help feeling very happy.

“Warning! An unidentified aircraft is approaching! Three minutes from the landing time!”

“Huh! Who would dare to interrupt my training? That group of guys who are not afraid of death practice their hands!”

Hope grumbled and directly manipulated the telescopic switch to shrink himself to the size of an ant.

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