Chapter 334 Found! The trail of Dr. Hank!

At the corner of Darren’s eyes, evil light flashed.

The big plan that has been brewing for many years is about to succeed.

Stark’s Iron Legion and the world admired by the gods will surely be marked by his “miracles”

Shaken… “Report! Our facial recognition system found an old man whose facial features match 80%%!”

“Bring me the message!”

Inside the umbrella company building, Ino is excitedly waiting for the match result this time.

He searched for Dr. Hank for a long time, and finally he had some whereabouts.

Soon, the technical department transferred all the tracks and surveillance cameras of this guy to Ino’s office.

The old man in the photo is slightly rickety, and even the size of the figure is much different from that of Dr. Hank that Ino has learned.

But when he saw the extremely shrewd gaze on the surveillance video, Ino could be sure that this guy must be Dr. Hank undoubtedly! The change in his figure is precisely because he used Pim particles to make his body very clever. “Shrink”

To an extremely small degree.

Coupled with the protection of peaked caps, glasses and masks, the facial recognition system of the umbrella company could not find his trace.

This revealing photo was still because he showed a profile when he came out of the public toilet and put on a mask.

Only the side face, but there is an 80%% agreement.

It’s so similar, isn’t it Dr. Hank himself?Claus Technology should have belonged to Dr. Hank’s wealth.

And Darren Krauss, his previous identity, was just Dr. Hank’s apprentice.

Dr. Hank created the Pym particle and continued to conduct in-depth research on the Pym particle.The results of the research have caused Darren to covet it.

Following Darren’s various trajectories, Dr. Hank was finally swept out of his company and reduced to a life of receiving aid.

Ino wanted to find Dr. Hank in order to protect Dr. Hank from being harmed by Darren, and by the way to absorb the powerful effect of Pim particles.

With the energy of the Pim particles, Ino’s body can be infinitely stretched within a controllable range.

If the gene is mutated, he can even directly apply this ability to other things.

Compared with the need for a machine to become larger and smaller, and it is also controlled by the change technology of the number of Pim particles, Ino’s body seems to be more suitable for this ability.

“Sure it is him! Give it to me immediately.

Protect Dr. Hank and invite him to our umbrella company as a guest!”


Ino’s order was issued, and the secret department of the umbrella company was also quietly dispatched.

Although Ino already has the Shadow Guardian, these people are veritable superheroes, and they are simply not qualified for such a “low-key”


And S.H.I.E.L.D..


…., also under the control of the bitter egg, as for SHIELD.


…. Whether the Hydra spies inside have been completely eliminated by them, Ino is also unclear.(Read more @

To complete such a low-key job, he can only rely on his own strength.

“Ino, Dr. Hank, did you develop something that interests you so much”

“Hey, Dr. Hank, it’s a big deal! Don’t be surprised when I master this skill!”

Ino smiled, and embraced Angela who had just walked through the door.

At this time, he seems to have embarked on the true pinnacle of life.

Standing in a high position, with countless wealth, beautiful women close by, and powerful.

But these…, can’t completely satisfy Ino.

He wants to control all kinds of power.

I want life on earth and even other planets to enjoy happiness.

Wars, exhaustion of resources, and all kinds of disasters will not happen.

These…Goals are still too far away from his current achievements.

The only thing he can do is to keep fighting.

While Ino is enjoying the leisure in the office, the umbrella company team has followed the tracking mark all the way to the place where Dr. Hank is hiding.

“Well, he’s here obviously! Why did he disappear all at once”

More than a dozen cars, all parked outside an extremely narrow alley.

Inside the alley, there are three trash cans placed randomly, and there are…, they are drunks and wanderers lying on the ground.

Dr. Hank disappeared! “Isn’t it possible that someone can disappear out of thin air!”

“Search! Search carefully! Be sure to find the target and bring it back to the umbrella company!”

Dozens of umbrella company personnel in suits and leather shoes frantically searched in the narrow alleys.

Their goal is to be about 1.6 meters tall: middle-aged and elderly men.

Who could have imagined that such a goal could become a creature the size of an ant in an instant.

When everyone was searching frantically, Dr. Hank had already crawled to the back of the trash can and was firmly hidden in a gap.

He was the size of an ant, it was impossible to be found by this group of ignorant guys.


Suddenly, beside Dr. Hank, a huge ant passed by.

Dark eyes fixed on Dr. Hank’s body.

The terrifyingly large and exaggerated body made Dr. Hank motionless.

You know, the power of an ant can drag objects that are dozens of times larger than its own body.

The Dr. Hank in front of him is just the size of his meal.

“Don’t come here, don’t come here”

Dr. Hank chuckled, calming the ant’s emotions in fear.

In fact, he who is so flustered is the one who needs to be comforted! “Squeak…”

“Don’t don’t! Don’t move! Don’t move! Don’t come over!”

The curious ant moved in Hank’s direction even more presumptuously.

At this time, Hank almost wanted to die.

Or, caught by someone from the umbrella company.

Or, eaten by ants.

In the situation of choosing one of the two, which one is better, he still has his own number in his heart.


Accompanied by an old but high-pitched scream, a dull sound suddenly came from the corner of the trash can.

The location of the trash can also swayed very strangely.


“Don’t hurt him! Keep him safe!”

Umbrella employees, immediately.

I noticed such a big movement.

Dr. Hank’s whereabouts were finally completely controlled by the umbrella company.

“Report, the target mission has been found, set off immediately!”

“Okay, well done, tonight, I will give you a vacation!”

Ino, who is far away in the office, has been: watching every move here.

“Hehe, who said, you can take him away”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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