Chapter 333 A good company in the hearts of the people

“Xiete… he’s too nasty…”

“Mr. Stark, please pay attention to your words! Our every move is under the gaze of people all over the world!”

Gaia smiled slightly, a gentle and kind light on his face.

As Gaia said, at this moment, they are under the attention of the media all over the world.

Every move of Umbrella Company and Stark Industries has been under the surveillance of this group of media invisibly.

Due to Klaus Technology, the entire Manhattan Peninsula, and even the entire country, the media’s eyes are focused on these two technology giants.

All the negative news that came out before was undoubtedly a stinky dog ​​skin plaster on them.

If you want to get rid of the bad impression that you have created before, you must do something that can be recognized by the general public.

The rescue of civil aviation just now is… a living example.

“Gaia, notify the relevant civil aviation authorities and mark them the no-fly zone.”

“Tony, your Steel Corps, is working in shifts just outside the no-fly zone. You can’t let any other civil airliner fly in.”

“Whether our reputation can be restored depends on this wave!”

The blue light flashed, and Ino left the passenger plane and came to Gaia and Tony’s side.

At this moment, the wings behind him slowly stirred up the airflow, maintaining his body floating steadily high in the sky.

Coupled with the golden light surrounding the wings, it really feels like a god descending from the earth.

“Ino… how long do we have to stay here, my Iron Legion, can’t fly like you do.”

“Soon! My clean energy neutralizer can quickly eliminate radiation! You can come back in less than thirty or fifty minutes!”

Ino chuckled, and Tony under the mask was full of a tool-like expression.

He was supposed to be a superhero, but in front of Ino, he was just a poor follower.

Good things, Ino enjoy, bad things, Tony’s back.

After dealing with the matter here, Ino returned directly to the headquarters of the Shadow Guardian.

In his office, Angela is not hurriedly dealing with matters related to fishing vessels.

“How is it going”

“Look! The situation of the fishing vessel is getting better again!”

Angela yelled excitedly, and slid her right hand on the computer screen, a display screen of holographic projection 33, immediately.(Read more @

Appeared in the center of the office.

“God descended! Save lives again!”

“Stark Group and Umbrella Company joined forces to save the passenger plane in disaster!”

“Umbrella company eliminates the threat of aerial radiation, and gives you the clear water and blue sky! Stark Industry is helping!”

“Those… articles that slander the gods at will.

The author’s heart is deplorable!”

Countless headlines flew to the big screen in front of Ino. Just now he went into the passenger plane to eliminate the sickness of the dying passengers, and the video was continuously reposted on the Internet.

Even if some are relatively vague, the forwarding volume has reached a terrifying hundreds of millions.

The public support of Umbrella Company and Stark Industries is steadily picking up.

“Our company’s negative fishing vessels have been reduced a lot!”

“There is more! There are many energy companies want to cooperate with us!”

“Look, there are other governments who want to purchase our clean energy formula at a high price!”

Faced with the good news that followed, Angela seemed quite excited.

The trough that I had fallen into before, under Ino’s random operation, immediately rebounded.

“Hehe, just sell them…the more rubbish formula! The core technology, we still have to master it! Also, I want to drink a glass of Bloody Mary, how iced!”

“No problem, my Lord God”

Angela smiled and directly attached to Ino’s body.

The hot ketone body caused Ino’s heart to feel hot.

“Don’t don’t don’t, I can’t bear it, I can’t bear it, I’ll talk another day! I’ll talk another day!”

“Cut! So boring!”

Angela snorted dissatisfiedly, then changed hands to the wine cabinet and made a glass of Bloody Mary for Ino.

Bloody Mary is the name of a cocktail. This cocktail is made by mixing vodka, tomato juice, lemon slices, and celery root. The bright red tomato juice looks like blood, so its name contains two blood Words.

And Mary, it is derived from a terrifying ghost legend “Angela, let Tonydo contact the various media and let them promote our feat of doing things for the people!”

“Sir, you want to be a good company in the eyes of the people”

“Hehe, that’s of course, whether the company’s efficiency is good or not, reputation is the most important! Tony is very good at this aspect, let him step up his efforts!”


Angela smiled slightly, touched the communication device on the auricle again, and called Tony.


“Why did they wash it out? What did you do for eating! Two wastes!”

On the top floor of the Claus Technology Building, a handsome man slapped the editor-in-chief of a newspaper on the face.

Their company spent a high price to discredit the umbrella company and Stark Industry, but in a short period of time, they were whitewashed.

His plan has not even been realized! “Mr. Darren, we have really tried our best. Those videos are really good…”


Facing the editor’s explanation, Darren’s inner anger was uncontrollable. A loud slap was once again slapped on his face, and he shouted angrily: “It’s really a bunch of trash to dare to quibble! A newspaper, an organization, even You can’t do such a small thing!”

Darren’s heart is full of hatred for Ino and Tony Stark.

Because the umbrella company and Stark Industries have gained popularity, the profits of Krauss Technology have dropped sharply.

If he hadn’t held a hole card in his hand, otherwise this Claus Technology would have already collapsed! “I will give you three days! If Stark Industries and Umbrella Company can no longer be pointed out by thousands of people, I You want the Manhattan Daily to disappear completely!”

“Yes! Mr. Darren, we must go all out!”

The editor-in-chief of the newspaper has crimson blood on the left and right faces.

Darren’s hand strength is really not so big! At this moment, in the underground part of the Claus Technology Building, intensive experiments are going on.

A battle suit decorated with black and yellow colors is constantly being produced.

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