Chapter 335 Confused! Compete with Klaus Technology for Dr. Hank!

The strange and cold laughter suddenly came from the top of everyone’s heads.

The black and yellow mechanical armor, plus several metal walls behind him, firmly fixed this guy who appeared suddenly on the wall of the alley! “Is this Stark’s new suit?”

“I don’t know, does Mr. Stark really do this kind of funny armor like an octopus”

The people who didn’t know the situation stared at the mysterious armor that suddenly appeared, and kept guessing.

Only Dr. Hank, looking at the battle suit, shivered.

“No… he is Darren Kraus!”

“Darren… Shett! That’s… the boss of Krauss Technology! Brothers! Protect Dr. Hank!”

Hank’s words finally awakened everyone from the confusion.

Companies that have been studying technology all the time now have their own leaders.

Stark Industries has heroes like Tony Stark who control the super armor.

Umbrella company, owns the “Tenjin” who controls the supernatural power like Ino

! That Claus Technology, it really doesn’t look like a thing if it doesn’t make any moves! Everyone was shocked, and quickly stuffed Dr. Hank into the car.


The sound of harsh tires rubbing against the ground continued to sound, and the people of the umbrella company ran wildly in the direction of the umbrella company.

“Want to run! It’s not that easy!”

Darren Krauss in the mask also looked fierce.

With a command to go down, a dozen cool and avant-garde motorcycles rushed out from various positions on the street and pursued the umbrella convoy.

And Darren Kraus, who was hiding in the battle armor, relied on the power of his mechanical arm to quickly churn over the eaves.

The speed is not much different from that of a car driving in a crowded street.

“Report! Someone is chasing us!”

“What a weird guy”

“It seems to be someone from Claus Technology! A yellow-black armor, like a big octopus!”

“Klaus dare to wear his armor hahahaha”

When Ino heard the news, he clutched his belly and laughed.

Not to mention that the various functions of his battle armor have been perfected during this time, but when it comes to the laser device not long ago, I am afraid there are still a lot of errors.

When Ino and Tony were chatting, I accidentally heard that the laser technology that Tony sold to Krauss Technology was a product of several years ago.

Not only is it quite poor in terms of stability and energy consumption ratio, but even the energy beam from the laser is weak.(Read more @

Not to mention attack power, maybe even a piece of bread is not cooked.

What Tony sold to them was only the first test product.At first, Darren Kraus dared to directly install it on the armor.It was just… just kidding.

“Don’t panic! The armor has no offensive power, you just get out of the car and do it with them! The media and officials will have someone solve it for you!”

“Good boss! Then we won’t be persuaded!”

With Ino’s permission, the guys from the umbrella company smiled at each other.

Except for…The car carrying Dr. Hank was still running non-stop, the other cars stopped on both sides of the road one after another.

“Klaus guy! Dare to come down! Let’s single out!”

As the captain of this operation, Max can be said to be a thorough fighting maniac.

At two meters tall, he has a terrifying physique, superb fighting skills, and deadly tricks that they can’t even think of.

Many people from Claus Technology actually stopped the car and surrounded them.

The black and yellow armor also fell from the sky very coolly, and fell in front of Max with a sound.

“Give me Hank, you all can go back alive!”

“Oh, just wear iron skin, I thought you were Tony Stark”

“Let me say the last one…”


Before Darren’s words fell, Max’s punch hit him directly in the chest.

Even with the protection of battle armor, this terrifying power still rushed into Darren’s chest.

The heavy armor, also under Max’s strong hammer, flew backwards.

Accompanied by a dull voice, the black and yellow armor was lying on the ground in embarrassment.

There is also a very embarrassing fist mark on the chest.

“Huh, he can’t stand a blow, Max chuckled, punched with one hand, and slapped the punch with the palm of the other.

The tall body slowly approached Darren, and it felt like a god crushing ordinary people.

“You clown! You don’t deserve to be an enemy at all!!”

Darren, who was knocked to the ground, also felt that his face couldn’t hold it.

The mechanical arm behind him plunged into the ground fiercely, dragging his body up.

Two laser guns rose from behind him without hesitation.

When things got here, there should have been some turning points.

But Max is completely confident.

With Ino’s words to him before, he concluded that this laser gun was not very powerful.

With his skin’s resistance to exercise, even if he resists such a blow, there shouldn’t be any major problems.

In a state of confidence, Max still approached Darren calmly.

“Boy! You will pay the price for your arrogance today!”

“Hahaha, that’s the best! Otherwise, I will pull you out of this iron can! Which two guns to put in your mouth!”

Max had an arrogant tone, and the angry Darren couldn’t bear the anger in his heart, and directly squeezed the trigger to fire.


A huge sound suddenly erupted from the two laser guns.

The umbrellas grouped together beside them and the two factions of Klaus Technology also stopped their hands in shock because of the loud noise.

Even Max was shocked by the extremely hot feeling and the burst of light just now.


For a long time, Max still didn’t feel any pain in his body.

But inside Nadalen’s helmet, there were sirens.

“Warning! Ninety%% damage to the shoulder and back defensive armor, and 30%% damage to the head armor! Weapon system failure! Weapon system failure!”

On Darren’s armor information panel, most of the armor is flashing red.

The laser just now not only failed to kill Max, but also destroyed most of his armor.

This operation can be described as astounding.

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