Chapter 332 Can’t show up, can’t show up at all!

In the clouds, a large 747 passenger plane is steadily driving along the scheduled route, without any notice of the coming crisis.

Gaia arranged the next red border marking line near the contaminated area, and surrounded the entire contaminated area with a very bright device.

The flight of the passenger plane happened to go from one end of the contaminated area… directly to the other end, running through the entire contaminated area.

What is even more frightening is that, in addition to being able to withstand temperature changes, this ordinary civil aviation aircraft has almost zero defense against nuclear radiation.

The passenger plane entering the contaminated area is tantamount to death! Tony’s steel army is constantly releasing the clean energy arranged by Ino.

Under the cooperative effect of clean energy, the radiation in the radiation area is dissipating very quickly.

However, the speed of this dissipation cannot keep up with the speed of the civil aviation passenger plane.

The passenger plane passed through the clouds and rushed towards the inside of the radiation area without… slowing down.

“Sir, the civil airliner number 54 is rushing out of the clouds and is about to enter our operating range!”

“Hey, just let our robot army avoid some of them.”

Regarding Jarvis’s tip, Tony didn’t feel the seriousness of the matter at all.

“Sir, but they don’t have radiation protection armor. All the passengers, within 90 seconds, will undergo abnormal changes and die!”

“Mom messing with Fak! Quick! Quick! Let them off course!”

Thinking of this, Tony finally panicked.

A 747 passenger plane, that is hundreds of lives.

If they cross the contaminated area and cause such a terrible air crash, then the umbrella company and Stark Industries will really become the sinners of the ages pointed by the fishing vessel! “Gaia! Gaia! A civil airliner is going through Our radiation area!”

“Xiete! Quick! Hurry up and eliminate the pollution inside the route according to their scheduled route!”

When Gaia heard Tony’s words, he directly made the best judgment at the moment.

It is too late to make a large passenger plane flying at full speed and about to enter a contaminated area deviate from the course.

Only by cleaning up the pollution on the route can the loss be minimized.

Tony heard it, immediately.

Echoing Gaia’s decision.

Jarvis directly helped Tony invade into the system of the Civil Aviation Administration and call up the scheduled route of the passenger plane.

The route information was directly distributed to the various mechas, countless until the flames sprayed again, pushing the Iron Legion mechas to the predetermined location.

“Mom…what’s that…”

Inside the airliner, a little boy by the window asked his mother with a puzzled look.

Not far from the nose, the entire sky was wrapped in a large patch of red light.(Read more @

Even the crew member sitting in the cockpit was full of dementia.

“What kind of shit is this?”

The captain cursed, holding the coffee cup in his hand and holding the joystick tightly with both hands.

As a driver, he knew very well inside that something strange was going to happen.

Sure enough, when they have not yet entered the contaminated area, they are still hundreds of meters apart.

The electronic system of this passenger plane began to become disordered one by one.

“The compass is malfunctioning! Me, your compass is malfunctioning!”

“Report to the captain! Our spirit level and altitude measuring valve have exploded…”

The entire passenger plane is facing constant invasion of terrorist radiation.

Many passengers have already begun to feel dizzy due to radiation.

“Xiete! It’s too late! The plane has been abnormal!”

Inside Tony’s mask, he directly saw the surveillance scene inside the aircraft.

Many passengers vomited, and even the captain and deputy in the cockpit began to twitch strangely.

The effect of radiation on the human body is… so terrifying.

“It’s over…There are so many waste collection areas, but the range of radiation walks is more than that…”

“We did not consider the various variables of radioactive elements in complex air conditions…”

Gaia, as the right-hand man beside Ino, made such a low-level mistake.

The mistake of two people is likely to directly lead to the death of all personnel on the entire passenger plane.

“Now… I can only ask Mr. Nuo to do it…”

Gaia looked anxious and kept in touch with Ino.

According to his character, he should now be lying on the balcony and enjoying the sun! “All mechas! Give me the outer layer of the aircraft, and use all the clean energy to resist the radiation inside and outside the aircraft!”

The situation is critical, Tony can only temporarily change his tactics and use all the clean energy to protect the human life inside the guest plane.

A large number of mechas were stuck on the periphery of the airliner one after another, spraying the clean energy in their catalytic converters toward the outside of the airliner and into the ventilation ducts.

The impact of radiation on the passenger aircraft is also greatly reduced under such operations.

At the same time, Ino also received an emergency signal from Gaia.

A blue passage suddenly appeared in the aisle of the passenger plane.

Ino’s body walked out very gracefully.

“Mr. Tenjin… it’s Mr. God…”

“Ahem…God first, save us, save us”

The passengers in the passenger plane saw Ino’s figure immediately.

He pleaded with Ino in a begging tone.

If there is a savior in this world, the only possibility is Ino.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely protect everyone’s safety! Come on, everyone follow my instructions and take a deep breath.”

Ino smiled, and the divine power directly opened the valve of the catalyst bottle.Under the catalysis of clean energy, countless neutralizers turned into a milky white mist and sprayed out thinly.

“Come and breathe in, breathe out, breathe out”

Ino walked around the cabin very ostentatiously.

After a short walk, everyone’s rejection of radiation disappeared.

Poor Tony and Gaia can only do some aftermath work outside the airliner.

After all, the real limelight lies in Ino! “God saves the airliner!”

“God saves people again! All passengers landed safely!”

Soon after, countless news headlines blasted the Internet again.

Ino was lying on the bench and enjoying the sunlight with a smug face, while Tony and Gaia could only stand beside him with envy.

“Your posture in the cabin…but not good…really bad…”

Ino walks around in the cabin, like a breakdance dancer in the 70s and 80s.

He twisted his body, and from time to time tossed the passengers on the passenger plane a touch of the kind gaze of the true Holy Lord, Fei Lu reminded you: Three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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