Chapter 307 .Join the Shadow Watch’s Wanda [3]

Speaking of which.

Ino’s voice paused, and then explained: “And that…red energy is one of your ability to express.”

“It is a combination of magic and energy, with extraordinary potential in the future.”

“As long as you control it well, the power of this magic has unlimited possibilities.”

“But it has a problem.”

“That’s extremely difficult to control and requires you to practice year after day.”

Wanda is equal to Scarlet Witch.

And her ability is also called: Chaos Magic.

The comprehensiveness of this ability is very high.

Eliminate air, distort space, static space, make objects explode, create energy positions, manipulate space, etc…very comprehensive capabilities.

It can be said that she is simply…a small reality gem.

And it can also control the energy of real gems.

But the difficulty is no less than controlling infinite gems.

So after hearing Ino’s explanation.

She stretched out her hands, then looked carefully and there was no change, then asked: “Then can I manipulate this tissue box in the air like you?”

Wanda also saw these when she was wiping tears just now…

As a god, this is the normal ability of Ino.


Ino nodded and said, “You even have more abilities than this, but you need to develop it.”

After hearing Ino’s affirmation.

Wanda looked at the tissue box placed on his lap.

Then imagine what that red energy looks like.


When she reached out to the tissue box with both hands.

A burst of red energy envelops the tissue box.

Then Wanda slowly raised his hands with joy.

The tissue box also floated slowly.

“I made it!”

Wanda turned his head to look at Ino in surprise.

She didn’t think that she would be able to succeed the first time.

But next.

After being excited, she was unfocused and accidentally used force.

The tissue box floating in the air turned into a ball of paper in an instant.

And it was compressed into a very small mass.

All become physical balls.

Wanda exclaimed when she saw it, she didn’t expect to be like this.

Ino looked at her and said: “Your ability not only brings you comprehensiveness, it also has the ability to destroy the world, so be careful when using it.”

Wanda nodded and stopped the energy release.

Then stretched out his hand to pinch the tissue box ball that was compressed into a ball without losing weight.(Read more @

After a while.

Looking at the ball, she suddenly said: “I want revenge!”

Unsurprisingly, Ino nodded and said, “Of course, this is a very normal thing. It hurts you and your loved ones, and revenge is natural.”

After speaking, Ino got up from the chair.

Slowly walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Then with a bang, he opened the floor-to-ceiling curtains and looked at the scenery outside.

The eyes of noon shone down.

Gives Wanda some warmth.

Hear Ino’s words.

Wanda, who was still looking at the paper ball in his hand, squeezed the quilt with his other hand, and said: “I want to join the video where I saved my girl.”

“She has superpowers, and so do I, so I can do the same thing as her.”

“Complete the same task.”

“Go kill Ultron.”

Hear Wanda’s ambition and nervous words.

Without looking back, Ino continued to look at the scenery and asked, “Why do I mean to join Ava’s team.”

Wanda wants revenge, that’s for sure.

But I just wanted to join, which is why Wanda heard Ino asking why, and her heart suddenly relaxed.

I can ask why, at least…It’s almost stable.

If I refuse, I won’t ask why.

So Wanda easily explained: “My parents were killed by the weapons of Stark Industries.”

“Even though Pierre and I both decided not to blame Stark, as long as we can live happily in the future.”

“But now Pilche has been killed, and I am the only one left in the world.”

“So I have three 3 reasons to decide to join.”

“The first one, because of the revenge of Ultron, it is easier to join the team and succeed.”

“Second, I want to get better ability development only by protecting the umbrella.”

“The third one, we all see the deeds of the god Ino, and Pilce tells me every day that he wants to be someone like you.”

“And I…, I admired you very much, from the one on Harlem Street.”

Harlem Avenue.

That was when I was officially exposed for the first time.

So Wanda is… at that time… Ino, who knew he turned around, looked at Wanda and smiled and said, “If you don’t talk about the last one, the first two are indeed correct.”

“The umbrella also needs a talent with extraordinary potential like you to join.”

“So congratulations, I agree.”

After speaking, Ino waited for the girl’s reaction.

But unexpectedly.

Wanda’s face was serious and corrected: “No, the last one is the most important. Pierre and I have also dreamed of joining the umbrella.”

“But at that time, we were two ordinary people, and this kind of thing was limited to dreaming.”

“So what happens now is just like a dream.”

Ino:…Slam it silently.

Ino began to wonder if his charm was too strong.

It’s a bit unspeakable question.

But after thinking about it, Ino decided to do business first.

Clap…! Clap your hands and the door of the lounge opens automatically.

And those who stood outside the door were… the watchmen who came back from the second mission.

Because the door is soundproof.

They didn’t know what happened in it just now.

Ino looked at them and said, “Introduction, Wanda Maksimov, from now on, she will be…a member of the watchmen.”

“Welcome, Ms. Maximoff.”

As the most discerning Steve, he was the first to say hello.


Everyone said hello.

Wanda looked at Ava and said, “Thank you for saving me. If it weren’t for you, I would be buried in the ground.”

“You’re welcome.”

Ava responded quickly.

What did Ava say, it was very cold outside.

And… if it weren’t for Wanda’s ability to be activated by the scepter at that time.

Ava is determined not to…

She…Looking at the crowd, Ino took a photo of it and pulled her eyes away and said, “You have completed the second task brilliantly.”

“Now let’s start the third task: destroy Ultron. After a while, there will be an echo to introduce you.”

“But in these few days, the umbrella will give you a complete set of combat suits, which is also the latest.”

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