Chapter 306 . Suddenly after a lifetime, Wanda watched a coma video [2]

After Ava’s explanation.

They carried Wanda down from the helicopter again.

Seeing this, Ino snapped his fingers.

Then everyone teleported to the lounge.

Ava was carried by Natasha to Wanda to lie on the bed.

Then put a pillow on her.

Then Ava began to explain the process before and after her mission: “In the beginning I sneaked into the underground base…”

“Then I got the scepter and came out, suddenly several robots appeared…”

“With the explosion, I was blown up together when I passed this girl’s room.”

“But when I got up, as long as the red energy appeared on the girl’s body, the rubble could splash down.”

“But as long as the energy is gone, the dust will fall on her.”

As Ava finished explaining.

Everyone also knew the specific circumstances of her time in the underground base.

Ino nodded, expressing understanding.

Then walked to Wanda lying on the bed, reached out and picked up her wrist, feeling it casually.

“It’s nothing, it’s just a coma caused by the shock wave of the explosion and the excessive stimulus reaction.”

“She will wake up after a while to rest.”

Ava nodded, and then asked more concerned and curiously: “Then what is the red energy in her body?”

“When I took her back out, the falling boulder just about to hit us.”

“But as soon as the energy in her was ignited, I was bounced off without a stone at all.”

Facing Ava’s question.

Ino simply explained: “It’s a little bit different from yours.”

“Her ability is to manipulate a certain kind of energy, but it can also be said to be a certain kind of magic.”

“And your ability is derived from unstable molecules when quantum energy bursts.”

“And what she may need to consider after waking up is how to manipulate the energy in the body.”

“Because she gets her energy by herself.”

The explanation of Wanda’s ability is actually chaos magic.

It is an ability called energy and magic.

And this ability is very strong.

It is not only multi-faceted, but also has extraordinary potential.

If you use it well, fighting Thanos is like hammering son…simple.

After hearing the explanation, everyone nodded.

But Steve was taken aback and repeated a question: “Magic”

He, an old man of World War II, really doesn’t know what magic is.

So the caring Ferry used his mobile phone to search the Internet for a Rubik’s Cube and showed it to him.

This thing is too lazy to explain.

Anyway…similar to the game.

At this moment.

“Run…”(Read more @

Wanda lying on the bed couldn’t help saying that when she was in a coma, and as she finished speaking, her reaction became stronger.

The two heads also gradually sweated.

Except for…Ino, the rest of the crowd looked at each other.

Then one by one walked out of the lounge.

People who have just woken up need to be quiet.

If you see so many people around her, you will get nervous.

Wait until everyone is out.

Ino walked to Wanda’s bed and prepared to sit down:.

A chair just floated over and put it under Ino to sit down.


After Ino sat down, Wanda on the bed panted more and more.

Breathing is also getting faster and faster.

With sweat on his forehead.

She abruptly sat up from the bed and looked at her surroundings with a look of a world away.

Her pupils shrank a little, and she was obviously in fear.

After looking around.

She also saw Ino sitting on the chair beside the bed.

After rubbing his eyes for confirmation.

Wanda’s pupils returned to normal and hesitated, “God… God Ino”

See him here.

Wanda’s beating heart quickly recovered slowly.

After all, what does Ino exist in ordinary people.

everybody knows.

Ino nodded as he watched Wanda recover and said, “After you and Pierre were half-forced to participate in the bioaugmentation experiment.”

“Your brother Pilche…Forget it, you can read the records at the time for yourself.”

Ino waved his hand.

A light screen with Ava as the first angle of view appeared in front of her.

From the walls of Quicksilver to Wanda’s interior.

Wanda remembered this process.

Ava appeared in her perspective for an instant.

Then she fainted.

But from the first point of view in the video.

These are the reasons for her coma… the multiple small missiles.

And from the moment Ava got up to look back.

Wanda was surprised to cover her lips and saw Ava when she looked back and saw that Quicksilver was just under the huge rock.

And Ava, who was thinking about it for a moment, grabbed it and ran out.

After that, Ino turned off the projection.

“This is roughly the situation during the time you lost consciousness.”

“The next thing is… the robots chased them out, and I sent biomachines to destroy them.”

After that, Ino also conveniently played the video of Lady Biomechanics destroying thousands of robots.

But looking at the back of the battlefield from the video.

That… the castle has collapsed.

And it’s solid.

Plus the time has passed so long.

In other words, Pilcher is Quicksilver…Think of this.

Wanda’s tears stayed.

Quicksilver is his brother.

No one who has a loved one has died, and there is no response, except…It’s really ruthless.

But obviously Wanda is not such a person.

After a while.

Wanda wiped his tears: “What causes this red energy in my body and what is it?”

“That day this department suddenly found us, and they said that we were the two with the best talents.”

“In the end, they let us participate in the experiment in a semi-forced way.”

Hear Wanda’s reply.

Ino let a box of tissues float in front of the crying Wanda and began to explain: “That organization is called Hydra.”

“Previously, a hyper-network virus was born from the Hydra group that was forcing you.”

“But this super network virus is not under the control of Hydra.”

“Then it swept the global network within half an hour, and finally produced an ego personality.”

“It named itself Ultron, which is also the reason for controlling robots to bomb underground bases.”

“Its ultimate goal is: to make the earth biologically extinct, destroy human society, and create a new life society.”

“And your ability.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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