Chapter 308 .Swallow the soul gem, the ability to merge and improve [1]

Hear the new combat uniform.

Everyone is also a little curious about what it looks like.

Now, except for…Ava, the watchmen are all the combat uniforms of the temporary red umbrella department.

Strictly speaking, although comprehensive, there is no specificity for their various talents.

So it is not appropriate.

And Wanda needs him to personally create something that can be more convenient to use.

The weapon becomes useless after the gem of the psychic scepter is removed.

It’s better to use this material to make a “magic device” for Wanda


Ino first let everyone rest on the island for a day.

Then tomorrow will begin testing the data to make combat uniforms and weapons.

Let’s relax and get familiar with the skills.

Finally, go to Ultron.

Therefore, Ino used Nianxiang to communicate with Echo and said, “Next, Echo will tell you how many things have happened during the time you left.”

“All the biomechanical ladies here are a terminal, you can find them if you have any questions.”

“And I am also going to expand the island, and you will live in a new house at that time.”

After Ino finished speaking.

The echo flew over.

She looked at the people in the lounge and said, “The separate rooms are ready. You will rest here for the time being.”

“When the expansion of the island is completed in a few days, you will be replaced by a huge luxury villa.”

“At that time, each person will have a room with complete facilities.”

After the echo was finished.

No one made any strange noises.

The best combat uniforms and rest and luxury villas.

What else can I think of.

At this moment.

Steve touched his chin again and said, “It only takes a few days to expand the island, that is, to rebuild it again.”

Although it was more full during World War II.

But Steve also knows the speed of construction in the 21st century.

But this is too fast.

Echo explained with a smile: “We have the latest technology, the latest materials, and new technologies. These are the simplest.”


Knowing that he didn’t know anything, Steve decisively gave up the question.

Because he knew, he couldn’t understand even after asking.


The echo took them back to the rest room for a break.

And Ino first took the box of the psychic scepter and went back.

But the place to go back this time may be different.

Because Ino teleported to the top of Mount Everest.

This is also his whim.

After all, it is necessary to absorb spiritual gems.

Prop up a peaceful space on the top of Mount Everest.

No matter how big the snow is outside the space.

This space is quiet and peaceful.

The appearance is incredible.(Read more @

Open the box.

Ino took out the scepter.

Then he threw the box back to the warehouse that protected the umbrella island.

Then Ino stretched out his hand to remove this psychic gem.

Then throw the scepter of the soul gem back into the warehouse, which will still be useful at that time.

Ino holds a glowing blue “goose egg.

Although the soul gem is yellow.

But this blue thing is only its outer shell.

Hold the blue “goose egg”

Ino applied slightly.

Two crackling sounds came directly.

Then the whole blue goose egg was crushed by Ino.

Blue powder fell from Ino’s fingertips.

Only one yellow gemstone remained.

It is…one of the infinite gems: the soul gem.

[Gene Swallowing System] [One of Swallowing Infinite Gems: Mind Gems] [Swallowing…] At the moment when the gem turns into liquid and flows into Ino’s body.

Ino felt like his brain was flushed.

Do not.

Not a rinse, but a cooling sensation.


You will feel your consciousness enlarged infinitely.

And you can think about countless questions at the same time.

For example: what to eat at night.

How is Angela.

The development progress of the latest technology.

The recent heat on the Internet.

Tony just sent a message stating that he will be here tomorrow and so on…

At this moment, Ino handled everything at the same time.

This is the sublimation of the spiritual level.

The entire brain seems to be infinitely enlarged.

You seem to be: seeing the entire universe in your brain.

I do not know how long it has been.

[Swallowing completed] [Gene Devouring System] [New Ability: Heart Gem] [Mind Gem: able to read, manipulate, modify, create, and protect the spiritual world of creatures.

】【It also enhances the mental power and the ability to increase the mind.

】【At the peak, it can even dominate all existences with hearts.

】【Abilities: Gods 45% Thor70%, Echo, Gods descend to the earth, Gaia consciousness, Space gems, Reality gems, Soul gems] This upgrade only reminds the ability of gems.

There are no additional hints for the improvement of the abilities of the gods and Thor.

In other words…I almost look down on it, but anyway…

Ino took a formal look at his abilities again.

God, Thor needless to say.

Echo and Gaia are also directly created.

There are three more gems, all of which were obtained by myself.

Not enough… Now there is one more ability.

That is when the gods descend to the earth.

I don’t need to transform myself anymore.

Moreover, relying on the increased physical fitness of the gods now, it is far more powerful than the gods who have reached the limit.

And weapons.

To be honest, the control space is much better than taking out a giant sword.

So after thinking for a moment.

Ino tentatively tested: “The abilities of the gods are equivalent to those of the gods, and I don’t need it now.”

“Can the gods swallow the power of the gods to improve their physique?”

[Main] [God] Swallowing [Vice] [God going down] [Yes] [No] The moment Ino makes a decision.

The system proactively prompts it.

That means it can.

Because according to the past, every time Ino has a new understanding and control.

The system will evolve a bit more accordingly.

So this time too.

Don’t hesitate.

Ino chose yes.

The Heavenly God’s descending to the earth is no longer useful to him.

Ascension of the gods is the main thing.

The Ino selection is after.

He felt that the ability of the gods to descend to the earth was not attacking the whole body.

In the past, this ability was only produced after Ino was inspired.

But now, he already feels that this ability is his innate.

Now not only the effect of the gods descending to the earth is still there:

The abilities of the gods have also been improved.

[Gene Devouring System] [Tianjin 45%%] At this time, a spark-like door opened on the periphery of the space.

Then a figure covered in white came out from inside.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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