Chapter 305 .Angela, who remembers the taste, brings back to Wanda【1】

But after hearing the sound, Coleson and Ferry, who were driving in the forest, couldn’t help but look back.

Just… this look.

They were completely stunned.

Hill and Natasha, who heard no footsteps behind, also looked back.

Finally they all stopped.

Because in a little field of vision that can be seen vaguely.

The army of robots in the back is being crushed.

It’s difficult to say.

It’s simply… being slaughtered.

And the one who is slaughtering them is… the biomechanical lady who everyone knows a little bit on the way.

Although you can’t contact the outside casually while performing tasks.

But everyone still knows the face of the biomechanical lady who has swept the world.

After seeing it, Ava walked back without hesitation: “Keep up, it must be sent by Ino.”

Running on the way back.

Listen to the beeping energy sound and the echo of the main fire bombing.

The people who reached their original position within a few minutes only saw the ground covered with robot debris.

In this heavy snow.

Even the first robot had only a thin layer of snow falling on it.

Because the army led by the echo from beginning to end took only a few minutes to complete the army of thousands of robots.

5 Thousands.

Solved in a few minutes.

Looking at the wreckage all over the floor.

Steve took the shield and looked back at the people who ran back and couldn’t help but said: “It’s too powerful, it’s just… killing machines, their attacks are extremely precise.”

“No robot has a chance to try their second attack before it falls down.”

With that, wait until everyone reaches him.

Steve looked at the echo that looked very special and said, “Especially her, one person is…a legion.”

Looking at the biomechanical ladies who are already neatly floating in the sky.

And the echo that is flying over.

Everyone’s bodies are somewhat tense.

Because the echo is too strong.

The strength demonstrated just now is simply invincible.

But Echo flew in front of them, dropped their feet on the ground and suspended 10 centimeters, and said hello: “Hello, watchmen, my name is Echo. It is the biomechanical lady’s first machine 01 created by Ino, I am very happy. See you guys.”

“Now that the robot army has been cleared, a helicopter will come to pick you up and go back.”

“So here I congratulate you in advance: welcome home, watchmen.”

After speaking, the echo flew back to the center of the biomechanical lady group and said: “We still have the task of protecting the island, so we will go back first, and see you later.”

After waved.

Echo took 49 biomachines and flew back to the umbrella island along the same route.

Standing in place, the people who were full of wreckage looked at each other.

Then they all looked at the robot under their feet.(Read more @

If all these robots are moved away.

It’s as if there was no battle just now on this piece of land.

Although the echo was bombed before.

But that is an energy bomb.

It didn’t blow up a big hole in the soil at all.

Instead, it shattered all the surrounding robots by a shock wave.

Green and environmentally friendly.

At this moment.

Natasha asked from the side: “She called Echo Looks like… this is totally personal, right”

“But all her parts are biomechanical.”

At this time, Steve, who has been observing the most time, made a speech.

He moved the shield to the back and said, “Except for the extremely delicate fingers and face, the other features are all biomechanical.”

“But I don’t seem to know why. I look at this group of biomachines and feel the same as my favorite Harley motorcycle back then.”

Hill, Natasha: …Steve completely regarded them as handsome.

This group of biomechanical ladies is not only female.

The key is handsome.

Therefore, in appearance, men and women eat all.

…The screen returns to the sea view villa.

After Echo has performed the task.

Ino took another sip of the hot milk tea in his cup.

Except that it is not hot, the temperature has not dropped much…

At this moment.

Angela got up from the bed in a daze after she had enough sleep.

Then she saw Ino half lying on the balcony sofa.

So I got up and walked to Ino.

Find the location.

Puff fell into Ino’s arms.

Then rest your head on the corner of Ino’s thigh and belly.

Looking at Angela who is still confused.

Ino smiled, held the cup, and reheated the milk tea.

After a while.

When asked about the scent of milk tea, Anji stretched her hand and took the cup Ino placed next to her.

Then stick your lips to the cup.

After turning around and finding Ino’s lip print, I finished drinking milk tea in the same place.

Ino, who was looking at the scenery from the corner of his eyes but suffocated what Angela was doing, suddenly said helplessly: “You are disgusting…”

Although straight men are straight men.

But the words are true.

After drinking the milk tea, Angela put down the cup indifferently.

Then he got tired of Ino’s belly again.

up to you.

I continue.

Ino: …after a while.

After feeling that the watchmen have been sent back.

While watching the scenery, Ino touched Angela’s hair while sleeping with his eyes closed and said, “I have something to go to the company, so you can sleep here.”


Angela snorted.

Then Ino disappeared out of thin air.

Feel Ino disappear.

Angela stood up decisively and went back to Ino’s sleeping side instead of sleeping on her own, holding his pillow and continuing to fall asleep.

After all, she recognizes the taste.

…After arriving at the umbrella island.

Ino stood on the roof of the building and watched the people coming down from the aircraft one by one: “Welcome home, watchmen.”

Echo was standing behind Ino at this time.

She has returned long ago.


The first Ava to come down without hesitation walked to Ino and gave a hug.

Then Natasha wanted to follow her and hug her after seeing it.

Seeing Natasha rubbing too.

Hill embraced the mentality that since everyone hugged me, he hugged and walked to stand again.

It’s Colson and Steve’s turn next.

But Ava suddenly interjected next to her: “I brought back a girl from Sokovia. She has super powers, but she is still in a coma. You need to take a look.”

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