Chapter 300 .Space gems increase Realistic gems increase Gaia [2]

With Ino’s command.

Gaia’s eyes flashed the stars and the current firewall was designed with “thorns”


At the moment when the design is finished.

The super virus that was attacking fiercely stopped abruptly.

Then it looked at the firewall again.

After hesitating for a while, he attacked again.

After that, it stopped and did not attack a third time.

The learning experience is horrible, it basically eats it wrong once, and it won’t eat it a second time.

Unless it can’t be solved, it will definitely be better for him to suffer a third loss.

Seeing this, Gaia looked up to Ino and said, “It wants to leave.”

“It’s…very decisive.”

Ino looked interested and said, “Knowing that he might react quickly after being teased.”

“In the face of the unknown, it does not explore and unfold like usual rigid procedures.”

“But thinking about retreating and regenerating energy and waiting to grow up and then come to test.”

“This has shown that this super virus has extraordinary wisdom.”

It’s not just that.

The wisdom of this super virus may be higher than that of the vast majority of people in the world.

“Let it go, since it has these…, then you try to stuff it on the Internet to see its memory from the dark history of mankind.”

Because it involves memory, and it can also be noticed by the super virus.

So after Ino finished speaking, he changed from walking to leaning on the mattress.

Then he stretched out his right hand and stroked it on the top of Gaia’s head.

[Space gems strengthen reality gems wish: the ability to enhance Gaia’s consciousness] At the moment when this thought appears.

The energy in the core of the earth is being used.

Not only that, the energy of the Moon and Mercury is also being extracted by the system.

Finally, the space gems increase the reality gems to increase Gaia.

The starlight in Gaia’s eyes instantly brightened.

Although the trend is quite big, Ino’s purpose is to make the super virus seem to know this by nature…It’s like a dark history.

And after all, it is a super network virus made by the spiritual scepter, which is also the spiritual gem.

So just to be on the safe side.

Ino will choose this foolproof method to deal with the super virus.

Anyway…nothing is lost.

After a while.

Gaia stopped the operation of the Earth’s core host.

The starlight in her eyes was also ordinary.(Read more @

“Well, the memory of the super virus has been engraved with the dark history of mankind.”

“He suddenly stopped on the Internet now, as if he was sorting out his memories and making decisions.”

Ino, leaning on the mattress, retracts the one placed on Gaia’s forehead.

Then he pulled the thin blanket down and said, “Pay attention to what decision will be made, and how are Ava and the others now.”

Gaia felt the warmth on the top of his head.

Suddenly he squatted forward and replied: “I am groping for the secret base of Hydra. It is expected that there will be a battle in a few hours.”

“The current Hydra Secret Service does not have the slightest resistance to the watchmen.”

“So the fighting time will not exceed 2 hours. Ava and the others will be able to solve them unscathed.”

Ino nodded.

Let’s talk about changes.

But the actual situation may not be the same as Gaia calculated.

And even for Ancient One, she still can’t see the future trajectory related to the Ino event.


At this time, Angela woke up because of the conversation between Ino and Gaia.

But in fact.

In fact, as long as Ino wakes up first, even after doing it or leaving, Angela will feel Ino’s departure in her sleep.

After Angie woke up, she hit a little Hache.

Then he glanced at the place Gaia had just left.

She didn’t care, but she propped herself up and leaned against Ino’s chest.

Feel the warmth of the skin in front of you.

Ino stretched out his hand to lift a thin blanket to Angela and said, “Every time I sit up you will wake up, then next time I won’t sit up.”

Facing what Ino said.

Angela moved in front of Ino as if she shook her head and said, “I like the feeling of being crooked with you before getting up, so let’s do it.”

Ino smiled.

I didn’t know how to answer and kissed Angela on the forehead.

Perhaps this time is the time that Ino thinks is the best and favorite.

But something will come and destroy it.

Like Tony.

Now the ringtone of the phone call next to Ino’s bedside table is… Tony’s call.

Checked the time.

5: Really rare.

Ino hadn’t taken the cell phone, and directly connected Tony’s phone with the control panel and asked: “What’s the matter, what’s the matter.”

“My system host was hacked! All the data was copied, but the intruder didn’t destroy the data! It didn’t destroy my backup!”

At this time, Tony held his mobile phone at home and said to Ino anxiously.

After all, if his Mark battle armor and other weapon technology spread to the outside world, it is already a very serious matter.

The matter may be so big that Ino, the god of heaven, needs to be cleared out to solve it.

If this happens.

Tony can’t forgive himself.

So he immediately called Ino when he knew the warning from the backup insurance system.

“How is your Jarvis? It is your system steward. If something goes wrong with your system, it will be the first to face it.”

Ino asked.

“Jarvis is okay, he just went down.”

Tony replied quickly: “The intruder didn’t destroy Jarvis’s system, but shut it down.”

“Now it is restarting, and the emergency notification system I designed woke me up.”

Ino nodded.

Jarvis was not destroyed because this time is really different from the plot.

Face this pseudo artificial intelligence.

The super virus just shut it down.

So there is no hatred, and there is no hatred for Tony.

Ino said: “It’s okay, your intruder is not actually a human, but a super virus born by coincidence by the Hydra Secret Service.”

“I am tracking this super virus first, and not only you, but only in this half an hour.”

“The global network has suffered from this super virus. Maybe the network will explode after a while.”

“It’s exploded!”

Tony was surprised: “The global network is going to collapse!”

Ino:… “I mean, the speech is going to explode.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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