Chapter 301 .Hydra base, Steve’s bad premonition [3]

Tony, who had a false alarm, let out a sigh of relief.

If the global network is going to explode.

Then the global economy doesn’t know how much it will lose…

I don’t know the others, but that…it must be a very, very, very scary value.

After relieving his heavy heart, Tony continued to ask: “Then what do you do now… The super virus is still there: is it on the Internet?”

“If it continues to wreak havoc on the Internet, it will cause too much damage.”

Hear Tony’s worry.

Ino leaned on the mattress and replied in a flat tone: “It’s no longer damaged, in just half an hour.”

“The super virus has washed the world’s useful internet data all over the world.”

“Wash it all over! It’s all reproduced!”

Tony exclaimed: “How is this possible!”

“Collect all the global data, even if you only pick the useful ones, this is huge data.”

“How did it run around with so much data! Is its internet speed so fast!”

Ino replied affirmatively to Tony: “Of course it is so fast.”

“And now he stopped and sealed himself in a corner to learn this knowledge.”

“If I hadn’t followed it from the beginning, I wouldn’t be able to find this hidden network.”

“Now what”

Tony immediately asked: “Should we find a way to eliminate it on the Internet, how to eliminate the global disconnection”

Global disconnection may be one way.

But don’t do this when it’s not a last resort.

Doing so is simply… bombarding the network a bit.

And disconnection does not solve the super virus.

It just cannot be moved and is locked in all the host servers.

As long as the network restarts.

It can be resurrected with full blood.

Unless the systems of the global network are destroyed and replaced.

Isn’t that nonsense.

So Ino replied: “There is still no solution to this problem. It will take a while.”

“I will post on the Internet later so that as many people as possible will not be active on the Internet.”

“After all, that would give the super virus more opportunities.”

Tony thought for a while.

There is no way to nod his head: “Let’s do this first, the Internet is not my strong point, and I don’t know what to do.”

The idea of ​​Super Virus is just the opposite of Tony.

It believes that Ino is only stronger in reality, and there is no way to deal with it on the Internet.

But from just now.(Read more @

It also discovered something wrong after attacking the umbrella company.

Random is now quieting down to replenish knowledge and evolve himself.

Next, I was about to hang up, and Ino asked casually, “How was Friday? You were awakened by the alarm so early, and Pepper must be awake too.”


As soon as Ino finished speaking, Tony sighed: “She ran out to watch Friday as soon as she knew a little bit.”

“And I didn’t even wear shoes, so I went to see her Bei daughter directly.”

Ino: …The baby girl must have said…Friday.

It seems that Friday was joking with Tony.

After almost, Ino said, “Well, hang up first, I’ll take care of it.”

“Well, I’m hanging up.”

Tony replied.

After hanging up the phone.

Angela, who had been leaning on Ino’s chest, resting her head on his shoulders and squinting to sleep, listened a little bit as if she didn’t understand.

She murmured without opening her eyes: “What happened to the internet super virus?”

Ino simply repeated it to Angela.

After understanding, Angela nudged Ino’s cheek with the top of her head and said, “You are so bad. For fun and curiosity, you have made the whole world like this.”

Ino couldn’t help but smiled, “Do you like it?”


…Time passed.

It didn’t take long for the watchmen to arrive at the secret base of Hydra Sokovia.

Armed in full service, they looked at Ava in black and red umbrella combat uniforms in front of them.

Because the time to take refuge is the earliest.

Ava also knows the most.

So in secret, she is basically half the leader.

Ava felt the body molecules faintly beginning to tear and looked at them and said: “I will use my ability to go in and take a look. You will wait for me here before I can find out all the routes and stuck points.”

Everyone nodded, there was no problem.

In the past, Ava fumbled alone.

Because she has this special ability.

Umbrella Ino also customized Ava with a new set of black and red combat uniforms using biological materials.

This suit made Ava quietly silent no matter what material it was on.

Unless it’s a big step to run.

It’s just… a born assassin.

After getting their confirmation.

Ava stroked her faceplate with her hands, this is to prevent her breathing from being detected.

And it can breathe in harsh environments, even underwater.

After straightening.

Ava’s body disappeared directly in front of them.

That is, she has already left invisible.

After Ava left.

Steve, Coleson, and Fury looked at each other, and finally shrugged their shoulders together.

Even if Ava disappeared from their eyes.

They also don’t know anything about Ava’s next move except for the last impression.

If Ava now turns around and comes back to assassinate her own person.

None of the five of them can run away.

All have to die.

Natasha and Hill Cat whispered while looking at the investigation from a high place: “Ava’s abilities are too powerful. If she wants to touch me the next moment, I can just jump up.”

Hill replied with a telescope with a single-barrel that automatically adjusts the viewing distance: “It’s better to pay attention, this is the secret base of Hydra, and Ava has received the news.”

“Ino said that as long as the scepter is taken back, everyone else can be killed.”

Natasha nodded quietly.

For…killing these…the people of the Hydra group who were renewed in World War II.

She also thinks it is best to kill.

At this moment.

Steve downstairs suddenly frowned and looked towards a castle in the distance.

Coulson and Ferry immediately.

Asked: “What’s wrong!”

Steve frowned and said, “I feel there is something wrong, as if something bad is about to happen.”

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