Chapter 299 .The birth of a super network virus with wisdom [1]

Hear Gaia’s words.

Ino, Angela, and Helen looked at each other.

They all laughed at each other.

Gaia is such a mature but carrying a young soul, which is sometimes particularly interesting.

This situation will disappear when she stabilizes.

It’s a pity to think about it this way.

Ino looked up and rubbed her head and smiled: “I know that you were born from me. No one knows you better, and knows you better than I.”

“So don’t worry that I care about you, I forgot about you, because you are always in my heart.”

Hmm… the moment Ino finished this sentence.

The expression on Gaia’s face was unexpectedly stiff.

Then he slowly turned back in the air and turned towards Ino behind his back.

It seems embarrassing.

Looking at Gaia’s interesting first appearance.

Angela and Helen stared blankly at each other.

Then this roaring sound completely embarrassed Gaia.

It disappeared in front of the three people 3’s eyes all at once.


Ino couldn’t help but smile when he saw this.

Then snapped his fingers.

Everyone returned to the sea view villa.

Since it has been said that Angela and Helen have at least half a month’s rest.

Then you can’t let them have time to secretly study.

The two women looked at each other after seeing the environment directly changed to home.

In the end, both parties took helplessly to join hands in the bath.

…The next day.

Ino wakes up under the arms of Angela and Gaia.

But then.

He didn’t even wave his hand.

A light screen emerged in front of Ino’s eyes.

Ava’s message is displayed on it.

At this time, Gaia opened his eyes after receiving the news.

But after seeing that Ino had opened the panel without reporting, she closed her eyes again as nothing happened.

Because under normal circumstances.

If she touched her in the middle of the night, she would teleport away when she woke up.

So it’s better not to wake up.

Watching the news from Ava.

Ava claims that they have come to Sokovia and have discovered something wrong here.(Read more @

Through understanding with the residents here.

The secret department of Hydra is very impressive.

Whether they were concealed or destroyed directly after the application was discovered.

Ino thought for a while: “Bring the scepter back and destroy it directly. The Hydra people don’t need to stay.”

Although this is the case, Yi also knows that there must be variables in the follow-up.

For example, the super virus mentioned yesterday.

It may be born after a while.

After receiving Ino’s reply.

Ava stopped speaking, and they didn’t need to reply after receiving the confirmation of the message, unless there were other questions.

After replying to Ava’s message.

Ino looked at the time at 4 a.m….That’s right, this time is the best time to dive, so it’s normal.

He looked at Gaia who had just opened his eyes and put his head in his armpit.

Ino closed his eyes again, ready to go to sleep.

Although I don’t need to sleep…but sleeping is quite comfortable, isn’t it.

He woke up just now because of Ava’s message in his system.

He is conscious even when he sleeps.

Close your eyes.

Ino moved his arm around Angela with his left hand, so that Angela’s pillow is in a better position and fits more closely.

Then it gradually became even as he breathed… Gaia suddenly opened his eyes.

After the stars flickered in her eyes, she lay in Ino’s arms and whispered directly: “The super virus was born ahead of time, and it was instantly out of the control of Hydra.”

“Then go directly to the network and increase the data experience geometrically. Its network speed is countless times faster than the normal network in the world.”

“Now it has read all the world’s network knowledge, and… and Mr. Stark’s system database has been copied by it.”

“It now knows the existence of Ino through the Internet, and it is still collecting Ino’s information.”

“But the information on the Internet is very scarce. It believes that Ino’s strength is only in reality, so it is ready to attack the umbrella company system.”

With Gaia’s real-time live broadcast process.

Ino opened his eyes again and listened.

“It has attacked. Do I need to fight it back. It is expected that no amount of time will be given to it to pass through my system host firewall.”

Faced with Gaia’s inquiry.

Ino thought for a while and replied: “Create a loophole for it artificially, and then create a logical calculation maze in the firewall.”

“If it can get out, I will let it go this time to see how it grows.”

“If you can’t get out, just wipe out its consciousness.”

Gaia nodded in Ino’s arms.

Then an artificial loophole was left for the super virus in an instant:.

The super virus, which is violently attacking the umbrella system, saw this entrance: he was immediately happy.

Then it rushed in.

Look around for Gaia’s core host.

But it didn’t know how many laps, it seemed to know that it had been going back and forth after a long time.

Suddenly it began to get irritable.

It wants to directly break through the “wall”

, A direct two-point and one-line offensive host.

But helplessly, this wall seems to be as hard as it was when I entered.

But didn’t the previous one have a vulnerability after a few attacks? Why is it not outside now?

Ino smiled after looking at the thinking super virus: “It’s already very smart as a few minutes after it was born.”

“Looking at the way he is thinking, he seems to be going back to see how to break it.”

as predicted.

With Ino’s words just finished.

This super virus really took the path it had detoured before and re-enacted it, on the contrary, it just spared it back like it was upside down.

It’s really like going upside down and returning to the entrance of the virus:.

This is really interesting.

Then it looked at the firewall of the umbrella.

It started to attack again.

It wants to see whether the same way the umbrella firewall will open the second vulnerability entry:.

If it opens.

That means there is no problem.

He will go in in the same way and try to attack again.

So Gaia asked with questioning eyes: “Do you need to open a second maze?”

Ino thought about how to play.

Then he said to Gaia: “You don’t need to turn it on, you prick the firewall and see how it reacts.”

Ino is curious how it will solve another super virus that is not in its plan.

After all, it actually carries wisdom.

That’s not fun, is it a bit of a loss, a waste of reading the underlined version of the novel, please download

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