Chapter 298 .Multiple fusion and single-layer combination of nanomaterials [3]

Extinct existence…This Hydra really does everything to do things.

And every thought is at the forefront of humanity.

During World War II, the development of energy-producing energy weapons is far beyond the normal situation in the world for many years.

At this time, Gaia asked again: “Do you need to stop it directly? The impact this time will be great.”


After thinking about it, Yi decided to say: “Make a safety device for the global network. As long as the network will not be destroyed, it will depend on what level the virus will develop.”

“Also…, adding a firewall to important material and financial networks. This is a bit annoying if it is broken.”

It’s okay if the information and website are blasted.

But important materials and secrets plus the complete destruction of the financial industry on the Internet.

There is no need to completely destroy it, even if the server data is completely washed, countless people will commit suicide.

And suicide is considered minor.

The global chaos is the most serious.

Hearing Ino’s words, Gaia nodded and used the energy of the earth’s core to install a set of safety devices and firewalls in the global network in the same way as Ino.

Then she placed a light screen in front of Ino and continued to report: “Hydra’s research on… bio-enhancement is about to be carried out.”

“These are the two who have screened out the biometrics to be qualified and will voluntarily conduct the experiment tomorrow.”

“They are twins, one brother, one sister.”

It seems that their progress is faster than the original.

Ino touched his chin and thought.

Wanda and Quicksilver will participate in the experiment tomorrow.

The watchmen led by Ava will also arrive tomorrow.

“Calculate Ava’s fall: what happened is very coincident with the time they participated in the experiment.”

Gaia’s eyes flashed, and then he replied: “The watchmen led by Ava will arrive at the secret base of Hydra in Sokovia in almost half an hour.”

“In general, they can prevent these two people from being subjected to bioaugmentation experiments by Hydra.”

After listening.

Ino nodded.

It’s ok.

Finally he waved his hand: “Yes, let’s first see what the super virus deliberately created by Hydra will look like.”

“Next, wait until the watchmen arrive before destroying the virus. Then it will be useless.”

Speaking of which, Ino looked at the time to arrive at the end of get off work time.

So when I stood up and prepared to flash to the underground experimental base, he said, “By the way, remember to make a copy of the virus data and save it. It may be useful in the future.”

Then Gaia nodded.(Read more @

Ino teleported him to the underground experiment base of Umbrella Island.

One came to the experimental base.

Ino teleported directly behind Angela and Helen.

At this time they are observing with a microscope…If she is not mistaken, she is analyzing, researching, experimenting, and manufacturing her own nanomaterials.

So Ino gently leaned in Angela’s ear and asked quietly, “How is the research going on Angela?”

Ah don’t get me wrong, this sentence was not called by Angela.

This sound was called by Helen, who was watching the broadcast monitor of the microscope.

After hearing Ino’s voice.

She radioactively turned the monitor off and didn’t do anything.

Then immediately turned and looked in the direction of the elevator.

Ino followed her gaze and turned to take a look.

Almost laughed out loud.

There are two small bells hanging beside the elevator.

She thought that when Ino got down in the elevator, he must have thought of the bell before opening the door.

But I didn’t expect Ino to directly attack and teleport down.

Bu Ino gave Helen a sugar chestnut on his forehead and said, “I don’t know if I teleport, I also do this method of covering my ears and stealing bells.”

“Next time I want to study secretly, please imagine my IQ to be higher next time, please. I am not this wise.”

Helen held her forehead in tears, begging to let it go.


But Hai asked again: “Isn’t wise a smart smile?”

“Ino is telling the irony, meaning you are stupid! Stupid.”

At this time, Angela, who was finally optimistic about the microscope, raised her head to explain to Helen.

Then he looked at Ino’s side face close at hand.

She held Ino’s cheek in both hands and kissed his side cheek.

Ino leaned on the research table without any looseness, with the toes of his right foot slightly closed, and his hands were half-bent on the table and said lightly: “Your behavior can’t be explained once.”

Angela smiled.

Then he turned to look at Helen and then blinked at her.

Means…: It’s your turn.

After being together for so long, Helen, who had understood her for a long time, still slightly shyly lighted her body, her eyes half-squinted and a scent on Ino’s other cheek.


A slightly satisfied Ino changed his expressionless face to smile and said, “Next time you catch it, you will have to play some exciting games.”

Helen’s cheeks flushed with erratic eyes.

Even Angela this time.

She also thought of the time when she was pulled into a tutoring posture by Ino when she wanted to tutor knowledge.

Although the reading and writing are the same, the difference between one and the other in the pinyin will come out.

Well, let’s not talk about this yet.

Ino turned to look at Angela and asked, “What were you doing just now?”

Angela explained: “Look at the microscopic view details of each nanometer material at 10 nanometers.”

“There are also changes between the fusion of multiple nanomaterials and the combination of single nanomaterials.”

Helen added: “Are we thinking about the fusion of multiple different nanomaterials, what will happen new?”

“Also, will there be new structural methods for the combination of individual nanomaterials.”

Hearing this, Ino looked at them with appreciative eyes with satisfaction and said: “Your ideas are very good, especially the second single nanomaterial combination to find new structures.”

“This idea is generally ignored by people, because it is a more basic and in-depth way of digging.”

“This is how the graphene material was born. You can also try it.”

Facing Helen and Angela is appreciated.

Gaia floating next to him also suddenly interrupted and said: “I am helping them calculate, as long as it does not affect the normal operation of the earth’s nuclear and the minimum energy limit I need.”

“I use all the extra energy that will be consumed naturally to help them calculate the possibility.”

“However, there may be new ways of single-layer combination of new structures, but the estimated time is the location.”

“There may be new discoveries in the next second, and it may take a long time to wait.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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