Chapter 297 . Program viruses that are expected to exterminate the network [2]

It didn’t take long for Klau, who was panting all the way, finally ran into the gym of the International Hotel.

In fact, these…the gym is…open and play.

The hotel here is just for the comprehensiveness of the facilities.

Who is going to exercise in international casinos?

Unless there is something wrong.

Seeing Crowe who was out of breath.

Eric, who was working on his arm muscles, just glanced at him strangely, and then continued to work out.

Crow panted, looking at the dense lumps on Eric’s upper body, and said, “Tianjin…Tianjinyi agreed to talk to him.”

Boom! After hearing this, Eric dropped the dumbbell in his hand and looked back at Crowe and asked: “Are you sure”

Eric had only mentioned this to Crow.

In fact, Eric never thought that Crowe could talk to the gods about other things.

Let alone talk about your own affairs and help yourself.

Crow’s handle wiped the sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his suit shirt and said, “You hurry up and say it directly, don’t let the gods wait any longer.”

“Just say don’t…wait anymore”

Eric looked at Crow naked and incomprehensibly.

What to say directly.

After I said, can the gods hear him, Crow immediately pointed to the sky anxiously when he heard what Eric said: “Talk! Quick talk! You just say that the gods can hear you!”

Eric’s eyes went wide.

Now that the gods can hear and think about it, he hesitated and said directly: “I want to take back the throne of Wakanda and fulfill my father’s dream.”

After speaking, he looked around the roof.

Want to hear Ino’s answer.

“It’s very simple.”

Ino said faintly: “But my salary is very high, it may be too much for you to imagine.”

“What’s the reward”

Eric quickly asked.

As long as he can guarantee the fulfillment of his dream, he is willing to pay any reward.

“All the vibrato of Wakanda.”

Ino said faintly: “And after it’s done, as long as Wakanda is really peaceful as your father said.”

“Then I can guarantee that as long as you are honest, Wakanda civilization will not be broken.”

Wouldn’t it be cut off?

Isn’t it not cut off to live alone and pass on from generation to generation?

Faced with this requirement of Ino.

Eric thought for a while.(Read more @

Although Zhenjin is the powerful Wakanda now, it is also the “culprit” of Wakanda.

Is this something good? Not necessarily.

And even if you don’t have this Da, you won’t be bullied by other countries.

What’s more, there will be a patron behind the gods.

Whatever you think like this, you will make money.

It’s all cost-effective.

Or it can be said that the price is good.

Therefore, Eric decided as if gritted his teeth: “No problem, as long as I become the king of Wakanda, vanadium metal can be given to you.”

The expression must be a little bit reluctant, and a little bit painful, so that it can show the vanadium metal.In fact, it doesn’t matter whether Eric or not.

“Then it’s okay.”

Ino’s tone was faint and couldn’t hear the emotions: “But it’s not the time yet, you need to wait a little longer.”

“But this time will not exceed one year. During this time, you must cooperate with Crowe to provide me with more vanadium metal.”

“Of course, Mi Jin I will still give you, these…………It is of no use to me, but it can give you a little bit of strength.”

“Next, you just need to help me get vanadium metal as much as possible.”

It’s too simple to help Eric become king.

It’s as simple as Ino’s later reminder.

And Wakanda this country.

It needs to take care of its own fate.

Hear Ino’s guarantee.

Eric raised his head excitedly: “No problem! I will steal as much vanadium metal as possible!”

This is what the god Ino said.

It’s impossible for Eric to not know the power of the gods.

Therefore, the guarantee of the gods is absolutely no problem.

All you need to do is to do it yourself.

And the price is only those…vanadium metals.

Finally, Ino nodded with satisfaction and directly cut off the remote one-way call.

The screen goes back to the island protecting the umbrella.

Gaia heard all this… after he asked Ino in doubt, “Wakanda is a strange country.”

“Obviously very rigid and unsuitable for the progress of civilization.”

“But their technology and overall strength are much more advanced than all countries on the planet.”

“That’s because Zhenjin really helped them too much.”

Ino stretched out and continued to lay on the chair lazily and said, “But their rigidity saved them.”

“According to the customs and national culture of Wakanda, this rigid process has completely helped their country.”

“If it is replaced by any civilization on other earth, I am afraid that the three wars would have been fought long ago.”

Gaia calculated it.

Nodded in agreement.

If this vanadium metal and technology spread outside.

It is very possible to fight for these benefits.

At this moment.

Gaia, who was floating beside Ino, frowned.

Ino intuitively felt it and turned around to look at Gaia and asked, “What’s wrong.”

Gaia read the information and said: “Hydra is creating virus programs on the Internet.”

“Virus Program”

Ino was puzzled: “Ongoing”

Gaia didn’t speak, but nodded without moving his eyes.

At this time, she was feeling the follow-up operation of Hydra.

At the same time, she waved her hand to show the internal process of Hydra at this time.

Ino looked over.

At this time, inside Hydra, which is the secret base in Sokovia, they are preparing to create a virus on the Internet.

After watching their operations at this time, Ino touched his chin and said, “They are… using the psychic scepter to create an unknown virus.”

“Moreover, they don’t have any authority to grow and control this virus, and they are completely let go.”

“Just make and don’t care….


Gaia nodded after hearing this: “Because it is a network virus created through the scepter of mind, the umbrella can be solved by Ino, but it is an extinct existence for the world.”

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