Chapter 282 .Bring ice cream to Angela and Helen [4]

Tony leaned against the door frame.

Although Pepper said he was tired, but he couldn’t help it, the echo was… so powerful.

When the time comes, echo the biomechanical lady of the same type, he really wants one.

But think of this.

Tony asked curiously to Ino: “The exhibition means that you are not going to sell the biomechanical lady.”

“I’m not short of money, what am I selling her for?”

Ino said of course: “Even if the Biomechanical Lady is not as good as Echo, it is at least close to your steel armor level.”

“So will your steel armor be sold?”

“Will not.”

Tony shook his head quickly.

“Then I will definitely not sell it either.”

Ino explained: “At most, she will expand production when she wants to use it in the world.”

“But even if it is expanded, I think they might be good to be the police of the world. They are definitely not fair.”

Hear Ino joking.

Tony also shook his head helplessly and guessed: “Then I can already guess how long your fans looked at the biomechanical lady on that day.”

Then there’s no way.

Ino spread his hands without saying a word.

It is impossible for the biomechanical lady to sell it.

So let the world know that she is an official product.


Just now when they were talking, Echo started cooking.

After a short time.

Echo brought the dishes to the table.

Unfortunately, apart from…Ino, no one knows the value of echo.

Otherwise someone will see it.

I am afraid I will be shocked and can’t myself.

Stir-frying is really too wronged and echoed.

This is more aggrieved than using a star as a firework…One meal: after the meal.

Tony took a sip of the wine and cleared his mouth. Decisively turned his head back to Ino and asked, “Ms. Biomechanics’s cooking level is the same as echo.”

Ino’s mouth twitched: “The same, they are all common skills.”


Tony immediately said happily: “I have to eat her dishes every day! If I’m tired of eating one, I will change it again!”

Looking at Tony who is like a child.(Read more @

Although Pepper also felt very delicious, it just didn’t show it.

Tony pushed away the chair and stood up.

Then, clutching his stomach, he staggered and walked over.

He waved his hand and said, “This kind of feeling of eating and supporting, we still go to the store.”

“It’s just that I stuffed myself last time, and then I was willing.”

Ino smiled helplessly.

Pepper was a little brave to get the digestion medicine for Tony.

Ino also said to the echo with satisfaction, “You made it delicious.”

“Thank you, Ino.”

Echo also nodded politely.

Then she began to clean up the dishes and take them to the kitchen to wash.

After getting the medicine back, Pepper saw Echo picking up the dishes and immediately walked over with Echo to clean up in the kitchen.

Tony took the stomachic and digestive tablets, lay on the sofa and picked up a light-screen tablet to check his Veronica.

Ino sat next to him and glanced at it and muttered, “I basically don’t use it now, and I won’t use it in the future:.”

As soon as Tony’s arm stopped, Veronica’s page was closed.

Tony scratched his hair and said helplessly: “After all, nanotechnology has the future. With nanotechnology, most things can be made.”

“Without nanotechnology, everything will be limited, and progress will be slow.”

Ino nodded: “You know it.”

At this moment.

Pepper came over with a few ice creams.

She gave Tony and Ino one afterward and said: “The echo is so good, I can’t even imagine how many people will be raised if she meets the market.”

Speaking of this, Pepper seemed to glance at Tony intentionally or unintentionally.

It’s just that Tony was eating ice cream just now, so I didn’t see it.

Ino smiled and said, “That’s quite difficult.”

It’s hard to imagine.

At what point does civilization have to develop before there will be creatures of this level of echo to be all-around assistants.

Ms. Biomechanics will be… it is possible.

Echo is basically impossible.

Eating ice cream.

Ino also feels that it’s almost time to stay today, and it’s time to go back.

But… Ino looked at Pepper and asked, “Can I get two more? I will also bring one for Angela and Helen. There are two in total, so I don’t need that many.”

When Pepper heard that I knew it, he went to get two ice creams and handed them to Ino.

Then when Ino led away, he also praised: “You are so kind to them.”

Ino smiled dozingly with an echo and walked to the door without looking back and said, “They are kind to me, too.”

…After using the space gem to return to the current Umbrella Island Underground Laboratory.

After finding Angela and Helen with two ice creams, Ino gave them one.

After they took it apart, they ate happily.

However, when he learned that the biomechanical ladies only open exhibitions and do not sell them, Helen was surprised: “Isn’t Ino’s last press conference saying that there will be biomechanical ladies?”


Anji stretched his hand and tapped Helen’s head: “Ino only said that there will be, not selling.”


Helen immediately kneaded the place where Angela knocked in embarrassment and continued to eat ice cream.

Ino pulled a chair and sat on it and smiled and said, “Ms. Biomechanics doesn’t have to sell it.”

“Her existence shows that she must be tall and tall, but it will be worthless if she sells it.”

“Moreover, the biomechanical lady born in this social state will only add convenience and safety without other help.”

“That’s why there is no need to sell.”

Something as advanced as the biomechanical lady.

Even if they have to play.

Ino will never sell her out.

And even in the future, it will be manufactured in large quantities.

Their ownership will only be Ino.

At this time Angela thought for a while and asked: “Have you decided on the time and place of the exhibition?”

“The time is fixed, 3 days after the manufacturing is finished tomorrow, which is now 4 days later, but…”

Ino thought for a while and said, “I haven’t decided on the location yet, I’m also thinking about it.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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