Chapter 283 .Helen who got drunk and misheard [1]

How is the exhibition the same as before? At this time.

Helen suddenly came up with an idea: “Why… let the Biomechanical Lady hold an exhibition in every state.”

“At that time, Ino will write a script for them, and then all the biomechanical ladies will introduce themselves at the same time.”

“Anyway…no more…sell, we just need to let the world know her, can’t we do it?”

Helen’s reminder reminded Ino that Ms. Biomechanics could not have an exhibition after all.

Because he didn’t sell it, he just let the world know it.

So even if it is released on the official website, it is okay.

But since they have all talked to Tony.

Then go ahead.

Let them introduce themselves uniformly.

Anyway… in their case, Tony’s weapon problem would never occur.

Even if it introduces the aggressiveness of biomechanics.

Then just guide it towards normal defense.


Ino nodded and agreed and looked at Angela and said, “You let the people below contact the largest stadiums in the 50 states in the United States.”

“Then just remodel it a little bit as an exhibition for ladies of biomechanics.”

“These 50 exhibitions will end in half an hour after introducing myself at most.”

“So our main purpose is… to cover the largest stadiums in the 50 states and tell Ms. Biomechanics to release it.”

Angela nodded: “Understood, I use email to give orders to the people below.”

Angela takes care of this…after.

Time comes to night.

After Ino took them back to the sea view villa.

Helen asked Ino on a whim: “Last time you turned the office into a sea of ​​flowers…how long can it last?”

“Almost always works.”

Ino explained.

Things modified by real gems can be eternal.

If it needs to change all the time, it will continue to consume energy.

But just like the kind of flower sea before…, the energy needed is pitiful.


Helen immediately looked at Ino after hearing this, “Will that turn my bedroom into the bottom of the sea?… There have always been so many animals…”

“But you just need to look and move all the time, you don’t need to be real.”

It turned out to be this.

He looked at Helen, who was full of stars with hopeful gazes.

Ino stretched out on the sofa with one leg and rubbed her hair and chuckled softly, “Even if you don’t count your contribution.”

“I can build an underwater villa for you alone.”

“And now it’s just an undersea beauty that always moves. What’s the problem?”

Feel this Ino’s petting movements and gentle tone.(Read more @

Helen, who had been living together for several years, couldn’t help but blush.

At this moment.

Angela just brought out the Helen she recently learned from the kitchen and saw Angela walk out, so she couldn’t help but pretend to look at it.

But her face was getting redder and red.

Angela is not blind.

After she put the four glasses of wine, she looked at Gaia with a question.

In the experience, I slept together, teamed up, pitted each other, made good food, and partnered.

Gaia’s friendship with Angela has now risen sharply.

But at the same time.

Gaia still gets a clone to chat with Helen every night.

Knowing that Gaia has no secrets to Ino.

Helen still speaks out what she thinks from time to time.

So whether it’s Angela or Helen.

Gaia handled them very well.

Going forward to the point of petting.

Seeing Angela’s eyes.

Gaia’s disappearance followed the principle of who asked me first, I would sell the opposite first, and floated to Angela’s ear to repeat the incident.

Then a figure with long blonde hair walked past Ino.

Then Helen was pinched by Angela and shook the flesh on her face and said, “You are so cute.”

“So I decided to let Ino accompany you today, don’t refuse”

Helen, who had just put Angela’s hands together and wanted to resist, said with her hands immediately after hearing these words.

Then you can pinch it at will.

I don’t resist anymore.

Angela played with Helen’s cheeks for a while and walked back to her sofa.

She actually wanted to take care of her after hearing Helen’s request.


Ino, let’s go! Ino:…you didn’t even ask my opinion.


Angela began to divide the cocktail she made into 4 attempts.

At first, Ino refused when receiving this colorful cocktail.

Because it is so colorful.

But after taking a sip.

Ino’s eyebrows trembled and looked at Angela with admiration: “It’s actually not bad.”

After listening to Angela, she didn’t know if she was happy or what she mumbled: “You actually use the word unexpected, which means you didn’t taste good before you saw it.”

Ino’s mouth twitched.

Women’s thinking is… so strange.

But he calmly faced it and said: “No, I just saw something colorful, it felt like a wizard or some kind of potion for a Rubik’s Cube.”

“And this kind of thing is usually not good in novels and TV, and it may be dead.”


Ino just finished.

Exhaling sound came from his left.

Helen opened her mouth and spit out her little red tongue and fanned her air with her hand: “It’s so hot and hot.”

Angela suddenly covered her lips and laughed.

This is something she prepared specifically for Helen.

That’s not only spicy.

Still on top.

For this reason, she specially mixed it to look like a drink, which looks small.

So Helen learned Ino and got bored.

Watching Angela snicker.

Helen knew that she had been rectified.

But after thinking about it, Ino belongs to her today.

Immediately, Helen put down the cup and took Ino to go to the bedroom without saying a word.

Since it is mine.

Then cherish every minute and every second.

You can only listen or watch.

Helen was pulled into her own bedroom by Helen.

He looked at Helen, who was flushed with red faces and with wide-eyed eyes.

Ino smiled and asked, “I’ll do whatever you want with the beautiful scenery of the sea.”

However, as soon as he entered the door, he slapped a response. Because of her tinnitus at that moment, she only heard…The above sentence removed the beautiful scenery of the sea.

Ah this……. Please download the novel without underline

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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