Chapter 281 .Veronica Octagon Support Satellite Launch【3】

Tony wiped his head and body with a bath towel and walked out.

As he passed by the sofa, he threw the towel on the sofa and put on the new shirt that Pepper had prepared for him and walked to the balcony.

Seeing Tony approaching.

When Pepper was talking to Echo, he turned his head and said to Tony: “I feel Echo is much better than your steel armor, and it’s more human.”

After speaking, she turned around and continued to chat with Echo.

As a result, Tony, who had just arrived, was shocked by Pepper’s words.

Tony sighed and checked his watch.

8: To launch a satellite,, now.

So Tony beckoned to Ino and pointed to the base under his feet.

It means to prepare to launch satellites.

Ino nodded, turned to Echo and said to Pepper: “You guys talk first, Tony and I will go to his studio to take a look.”

After speaking.

The two got up and headed to Tony’s underground base.

After taking the elevator down.

Tony was walking on the road with Ino and said, “Anyway… I don’t need a rocket, so I just dug a big well as a silo.”

With that, the two walked to Tony’s finished product area.

Once you get here, you can see that… there is a big octagon in a series of battle armor.

The diameter of this octagon is about 10 meters.

Each corner: inside is equipped with a face-down battle armor lying in it.

After seeing this, Ino touched his chin and made a suggestion: “When you have lighter materials, Cowley can stack the octagon and stand up the armor inside.”

“This way, the total capacity after thickening will be 88 instead of the current 8.”

“Or expand the octagon to the size of a space station, so that the proposal I am talking about can be realized directly.”

Tony hugged his arms for a while before directly agreeing: “It is true, but the weight of the battle armor of the war series is too large, and the capacity of the octagon is already at the limit.”

“If the octagon is enlarged, then the suborbital cannot be released, and it must be placed in space.”

“But if it is placed in space, it will not be considered as a support. It takes too long for this armor to be supplied to land.”

After speaking.


Tony suddenly reacted “glaringly”

Ino said: “I was taken by you and started talking about anise! It’s obviously called Veronica!”

“You called it yourself, blame me”

Don’t get involved with me.(Read more @

Tony has a ten-face expression because he calls his gentle satellite an octagonal.

But at the same time uncomfortable.

It is also commanding 10 armors with eight octagonal octagons: and the ring in the middle.

Then let Jarvis control the armor and move it to the silo.

As time came to 9 o’clock.

At the same time, a battle armor jetted energy from under its feet and flew out of the opened silo.

Tony looked at Veronica, who was slowly flying away, and said, “It is estimated that it will be completed in ten minutes, and then these armors will fly back.”

Tony’s tone seemed unsatisfied at this time.

Because he knows that this support plan is only a postponement.

The possibility of using it in the future is very low.

And its main purpose, in the later stage, will conflict with the Nano Warframe.

Thinking of this, Tony couldn’t help sighing: “Wait until the Nano Armor comes out, Veronica can be treated as space junk…”

After Ino heard it, he couldn’t help but “dislike”

He glanced at Tony and said, “I was still calling it an octagonal uncomfortable just now, and now I want to treat it as space junk, what a scumbag.”


Tony was speechless.

Ten minutes later.

Through the broadcast of the battle armor.

Ino and Tony saw that Veronica had stopped firmly in the Earth’s suborbit and was locked in sync with the New York City area.

After feeling okay, Tony let Jarvis control the 10 armors and fly back.

No one has yet to fly back.

Tony checked the time and said, “Go back, or Pepper will find us in a while.”

Ino nodded, snapped his fingers and came to his studio and walked up the stairs to the living room.

After coming to the living room.

Although Pepper and Echo’s figures are not seen.

But the two heard the humming sound from the kitchen.

When the two walked to the kitchen.

At this time, Echo was cutting the dish with a knife and said to Pepper, who looked envious, “After studying the materials, I am proficient in all the cuisines in the world, so I can tell Echo what I want to eat at noon.”

At this time, Pepper’s eyes were fainting at the echo.

Tony leaned against the door frame with his arms around and looked at Ino and asked: “Almighty”


Ino replied.


When Echo saw Ino coming, he calmly put down the knife in his hand and nodded to Ino before continuing to cut vegetables.

Pepper turned around and looked at Tony and struck again: “I’ve never seen your battle armor cook in the kitchen. Yes, I came personally.”

Tony tried to explain: “Is it not so good to let the armor in the kitchen often?”


Pepper quickly let Tony go but continued to attack: “After all, your armor can’t be compared to Echo, she is a good girl.”

After the blow, Pepper looked at the echo with eyes full of admiration.

Can do laundry, cook, do all housework, and do all daily tasks.

She was envious of this kind of humanoid robot.

Ino felt Pepper’s gaze and smiled and said, “Since you like it so much, I will give you one at the post-4 show.”

“It’s just that that one is not as smart as Echo, that one can’t think, and it can’t be said to be human, but most of her can also.”


Pepper turned around excitedly and looked at Ino.


Then she felt a little unwell.


Ino waved his hand and said, “Tony had given me a Mark armor before, so let’s treat it as a gift.”

After hearing this reason.

Pepper was obviously moved to think about it, but the echo was so good, so he nodded and agreed: “Thank you very much, Ino, no way, I really like echo.”

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