Chapter 270 .Biocomputer, Mark 43【4】

Tony’s words are…very familiar.

It seems to have been said before.

“Come on.”

Ino took Tony’s good whiskey glass and said, “If Pepper knew about this, she could come and kill you now.”

Tony pursed his mouth, and didn’t know what he was thinking.

But he also took the wine glass and walked to the sofa next to Ino to sit down and take a sip.

Then Tony thought for a while, and said: “Regarding computer technology, I am wondering if I want to try to research and develop a breakthrough in the current world’s current computer common sense technology.”

“After all, if we continue to study computer computing technology, no matter the current architecture or nanometer precision, it is difficult to continue to make breakthroughs on the basis of Jarvis.”

Ino nodded approvingly.

Computer technology has come to the present, and the breakthrough is only a better progress for the world.

But for Tony it just added a bit.

For Ino…, it’s useless.

So Ino leaned on the sofa and agreed: “That’s right. No matter how big a breakthrough is, it will only make a big progress for the world, but for your calculations, it will only change from 1+1 to 1+2. ”

Tony leaned back on the sofa when he heard, put his hands on the backrest and sighed.

“So I’m thinking about new technology, and this technology is still related to you.”


Ino replied: “It’s about me”

After speaking, Ino drank the wine in the glass.

Then after thinking about it, the square glass on Ino’s handle floated back.

He hooked his fingers and took the whiskey bottle on the table.

The cup is always poured, it is better to blow on the bottle.


Tony agreed and said, “I also told Pepper about this issue last night.”

“Pepper said that when Kylian came to her, it was like she showed a brain-like image.”

“Although she didn’t know it was just a projection, it inspired me.”

Speaking of this, Tony also drank the wine in the glass.

But he just wanted to learn Ino’s way to float the glass back and float the bottle over and remembered that he didn’t have this ability.

So Tony could only stand up and bend over and put the wine glass on the table.

Then he took out a bottle of iced whiskey from the ice cube box and opened it and said: “So last night I was thinking whether the brain and the computer can be merged.”

“Then I started to check the information in the middle of the night and collected a lot of information. Finally, I had to tell, yes.”

“That’s a biological computer.”(Read more @

Speaking of this, Tony turned his head and looked at Ino and asked: “The capacity of the brain is also very high, but is it a logical automatic option and cleaning function?”


Ino nodded: “This is not a function it chooses, a function the brain must have.”

“If it does not have filtering and cleaning functions, recording these memories and reading the sugar and energy needed at any time is a terrifying value for a person.”

If a normal person undergoes high-intensity mental activity.

He will suddenly especially like sweets.

Even if I liked it before, I would love it even more.

Sugar is very important for brain supplementation.

Energy too.

Ino explained to Tony: “A person’s brain only accounts for about 2% of body weight, but the energy it consumes is 20% of the body’s total energy.”

Tony thought for a while and asked: “Then what if the brain is bigger”

“People will die.”

Ino simply said: “For ordinary people, if their brain strength doubles.”

“The consequences are… hypoxia, lack of nutrition, lack of sugar, lack of energy, etc…”

“But even if hypoxia can be solved, energy and other nutrients can’t.”

“Because your human body is like an industrial chain, no matter which link can’t go wrong, the body can’t absorb it, and it can’t supplement nutrition.”

“So for people, there is only an evolutionary path of comprehensive development, and everything else is collapse.”

Hear Ino’s explanation.

Tony was very excited, pointing his left hand and replied: “No one can do it.”

Then he pointed to his brain: “But the brain can.”

Then he gestured with both hands to move his head away: “Then if I simulate the brain and use this structure and architecture to develop a computer.”

“Whether it is energy or oxygen, it is delivered directly.”

“At best, what I need to consider after successful research and development is…the load level of this computer.”

“Is that okay?”


Ino leaned on the sofa and said to Tony, “But I suggest you start with the biological computer on the plant: it’s better to get started.”

“Moreover, in the future, there is a big way for biological computers. If the body meets the standard, or you can load it on humans in the future.”

“Maybe Nianli mental power is not a dream.”

Hear Ino’s affirmation.

Tony slapped!

He said with joy: “Then study this aspect and include it in the second largest research project besides…

Ino nodded while drinking.

That’ll be fine.

The battle armor is the largest, because it’s useless to have a computer without a battle armor.

Tony seems to be improving his Mark 42 recently.

Tony also said at this time: “Oh, yes, my Mark 43, look at it.”

After speaking Tony waved.

A metal door in the living room opened automatically.

Then, in less than 56 seconds, the armor was assembled on Tony’s body.

Tony Ka’s open visor introduced to Ino: “I added radiation-proof lining armor to this set of Mark 43.”

“It can also allow me to work for long periods of time in nuclear contaminated areas, extreme temperatures, and extreme environments. It can also perform underwater operations, and it can also perform suborbital flights.”

Orbital flight is…refers to flying at an altitude of 35 to 300 kilometers from the earth, but the altitude is still dragged by the earth’s gravity.

Seeing that Tony has improved the comprehensiveness and kinetic energy of this suit a lot.

Otherwise, this suit of armor can’t fly that high.

Let alone what it would be like to fly so high.

Without the radiation-proof lining armor, the battle armor can hold it, but Tony can’t hold it.

“Not bad, in line with the comprehensive development I just finished talking about.”

Ino praised after watching it.

“By the way, I have one more thought about Battle Armor.”

Tony thought of something and said to Ino: “Do you think I am developing a satellite, what about the rescue system?”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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