Chapter 271 .Veronica Satellite that can battle damage supplies [1]

“Satellite, Support System”

Ino took the bottle and said, “What’s the main function?”

Tony originally planned to make this system to prevent Hulk from rioting, so he developed it with Banner.

But now Hulk will be in charge of Ino even in riots.

So now Tony still wants to study why Tony reaches out and pushes things off the table, and then pats the table again.

Then when the table becomes a display screen.

Tony opens a database.

There is an idea, concept map and information on it.

Tony opened it to Ino and said, “I named it Veronica. Its main function is…to supply my battle-damaged armor on the battlefield.”

“Look at these… the hatches, each of them is a place where you can store the armor.”

Ino looked at the conceptual drawing designed by Tony.

This set of Veronica satellites, the system is not the same as the original one.

The original is a bit like a pentagon protruding device.

And now Tony’s design is like an octagonal.

Yes, it is… the star anise of the seasoning in life.

The combat support satellite that Tony said is…when a battle armor is damaged, another one is dropped directly.

So a set of satellites, the system has a total of 8 battle armors.

Ino nodded in agreement with the function and design. “The design is good, but it’s a bit expensive.”

“Do you have a separate launcher and suborbital connection function, otherwise it is a bit troublesome to 8 at a time, the money is not a problem.”

For Tony, the money for launching satellites is really nothing.

But the main thing is to be afraid of trouble.

If eight are launched, then eight more launches will not be added.

And it is impossible to wait for 8 to be used up.

So there must be a separate launching device.

Tony nodded naturally when he heard it: “Now, it’s just that the launcher is there, and the suborbital link is still there: research, but it’s almost done.”

“Then there is no problem.”

Ino nodded and asked, “When will this octagonal be launched?”

“star anise!”

Tony looked at his Veronica look after hearing it and was dissatisfied: “It’s Veronica, you call her an octagon with such a gentle name!”

“Then she has an octagonal shape, what can I do?”

Ino spread his hands: “Nick Fury, we still call him marinated eggs.”(Read more @

“It’s not because the top of his head is like a marinated egg.”


Throw stuck for a long time and finally frustrated: “Well, your name is octagonal, but my name is Veronica.”


Ino shrugged.

But then again.

Ava and the others have already gone to find the Mind Scepter, and it is estimated that they will find it soon.

So when will Tony’s this one be made? Ino asked: “How long do you expect to make it?”


Tuo quickly replied: “If it was before, it would definitely not work in a few months, but now my base has a complete production chain, so it can be better in one week.”

“When the time comes to launch her, I can get more than 36 suits on the battlefield.”

“and many more….”

Ino suddenly interrupted: “I remembered one thing.”

“What’s up”

Tony held the bottle in doubt.

“Isn’t your Mark 43 capable of suborbital flight”

Ino looked at Tony puzzledly and asked, “Then why can’t you give Veronica’s push system a little bit stronger.”

“Then you wear Mark 43 and push her up, can’t you just save the trouble of rocket satellites?”

“And your Mark’s battle armor can be controlled remotely now, right?”

“The armor is ready to send the armor.”

Tony stayed for a while.

It seems…this is the case.

Tony shook his forehead and said, “How could I turn myself into a dead end and almost brought you in.”

“It’s just falling into common sense.”

Ino took a sip of wine, then stood up and looked at the sea from the balcony of Tony Seaview Villa and said, “Some breakthroughs, just try to escape: just fine.”

“Have you not found that many breakthrough studies are accidental and unexpected coincidences?”

Tony took the wine bottle and thought for a while, stood up quite agreeably and followed Ino to the balcony.

There are several pillars under Tony’s balcony.

That’s why it can protrude from the edge of the cliff.

It happened to be noon now.

However, the temperature is not high, and it is just right to be basked in the wind.

At this moment.

Tony’s door heard the voice of people shutting down after parking.

After a while.

Pepper returned.

Tony explained to Ino after seeing Pepper, “She always likes to go home and cook for me at noon at work recently.”

Ino joked: “As long as you don’t add a sentence: Is it too little work?”

Tony heard this and immediately reacted and retorted: “Am I the kind of… black-hearted boss? I’m showing you how good Pepper is to me.”

“Don’t show off how good I am in front of Ino.”

At this time, Pepper came over with a white bag and nodded to Ino and said hello to Tony, “I can’t compare to Angela or Helen.”

Hear what Pepper said.

Tony curled his mouth and looked at Pepper a little helplessly and said, “If it’s really like this, then you can’t lose your confidence.”

“Angela and Helen have a lot of communication with you, but you can’t always belittle yourself, can’t you?”

“That’s right.”

Ino agreed from the side: “You can’t always say that you are worse than them, even if they are…, anyway… you can’t belittle yourself.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Tony also nodded in agreement.

But Pepper looked at Tony and said, “But even if I come back to see you at noon, this is what I learned from Angela, and they taught me a lot.”

“Otherwise, maybe you shouldn’t see me at night except for this period of time.”

Tony rubbed his forehead awkwardly.

But the topic changed: “Didn’t Jarvis also handle most of the company’s affairs, otherwise you don’t have so much time, right.”

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