Chapter 269 .New technology discussion, Tony shaking hands [3]

: Ino, I don’t know if you are sleeping or not at this time, so I sent you a text message.

In the meantime, do you want me to go to you or you come to me to chat and discuss a drink.

I want to talk to you about the latest law, about computer technology.

After reading the message.

Ino directly replied: I will go to drink your wine at noon.

What is it at noon Tony second replied: You are already awake, are you not coming now? I am very anxious to wait until noon.

Ino: Gila still fell asleep in my arms, wait until she wakes up from sleep.

…Tony came first with a series of dots.

Then there was a long silence, and Tony sent the last message: This was conveyed on behalf of Pepper who had just woke up, and she said Angela was really happy.

Although Tony said it was gone.

But Ino thinks Pepper should have a sentence after it: Don’t work for Tony every day like she does.

After turning off Tony’s message.

Ino continues to check the recent wind direction on the Internet.

But after thinking about it, it is too troublesome to watch it slowly.

Ino directly used the power of reality gems.

[Realistic gems: Count the popularity of keywords on the earth network and rank them in a table and generate them in a function of the control panel] With energy consumption.

After a while, there was a small stepped symbol in the function bar on Ino’s control panel.

That’s what ranking means.

Ino turns on this feature.

In an instant, the entire control panel was filled with the rankings of all events on the earth.

Ino once again clicked on the heat of his own country.

1: God kills the alien spacecraft in seconds.

This heat is the highest.

Because the video is on the surface, but when the celestial bodies converge.

An alien spaceship appeared suddenly, and then Ino beat him up and disappeared.

So it is equivalent to Ino destroying alien civilization for the second time.

2: God Thunder destroys the aircraft carrier.

The idea of ​​monitoring aircraft carriers was uploaded on the Internet.

Because but S.H.I.E.L.D..


…After the plan was announced, part of the aircraft carrier’s functions were also leaked.

So when the citizens found out, they were “honored”

It is a surveillance aircraft carrier.

3: 8 gates in the sky.

This does not need to be explained, the celestial bodies are gathered.

4 Nistark led the Armored Legion to help Ino solve the minions.

Uh…No need to explain this.(Read more @

5: Shield event.

The fifth is equivalent to clarifying the previous causes and consequences.

It is equivalent to sorting out these…All things are next 6.

7.. Everything is not bad.

It is not related to the above things.

Just… similar to these events.

After seeing these almost.

Ino checked his watch.

9: Now that I said, give Angela a nap.

Ino didn’t wake her up.

After all, for so long, she hasn’t had much daily routines to sleep in.

And for Angela.

Every day without Ino, the most expensive “alarm clock” in the world

, She can almost sleep until noon to wake up.

But this time Angela didn’t seem to be the same.

She seemed a little awake in her sleep.

Angela turned her back to Ino, her arms stretched forward as if she didn’t feel what she wanted.

Then she turned around again.

The arms stretched forward again.

But because Ino is half leaning against the bed when he is doing it.

This time Angela was empty again.

Angela didn’t touch her heart twice, suddenly opened her eyes.

Then he moved up the thin blanket covering Ino’s thighs and met his eyes.

Angela saw Ino and closed her eyes again.

Then she propped herself up and kissed Ino on the cheek, then leaned against Ino’s chest and continued to squint for a while and whispered, “What time is it…”

Ino smiled and waited for her reaction and replied: “It’s almost 10 o’clock.”

Angela opened her eyes suddenly.

Then he raised his head and looked at Ino’s chin.

There are slowly doubts in his eyes.

That’s why you didn’t ask me to get up today. Ino smiled and embraced Angela and said, “Isn’t it a surprise to sleep in occasionally? Let’s take a day off today. You can go to Helen later. I have already told her. .”

For… this sudden surprise.

Angela thought about going to the laboratory to study.

But they have a control panel developed by Ino, and it will be the same when studying with Helen at noon.

So An Jilai said briskly: “Love you”

Then he slid down on Ino’s chest and fell asleep again.

Ino looked at Angela who was sleeping again and said, “I’m going to find Tony first, and I’ll be back in the evening.”

After speaking, Ino got up and changed his clothes, then moved to Tony’s house.

Angela, who continued to sleep, thought for a while.

Reached out and took the pillow of Ino Pillow and held it in his leg.

Nobody throws a pillow.

Then find a related one to make up for it.

… after coming to Tony’s house.

At this time Pepper has gone to work.

Tony sits in the living room and looks bored at his watch after playing a game of stacking cups to see how high he can stack himself.

But after seeing Ino coming.

With a flick of his hand, the pile of cups that had been piled up to a dozen high and fell down.

But just when Tony was about to listen to the clinking of the glass.

These…The cup is directly forbidden in the air.

[Space Gems: Space Stasis] Use the power of infinite gems to stop the cup.

For… these… the cups are also broken and no regrets.

Ino walked in and waved his hand and floated the cup back to teasing Tony: “Is my hand shaking so much, is it because my kidney is too old?”

“Fuck you, look at my muscles.”

After Tony retorted, he stood up and went to the iced whiskey at the bar to prepare to pour the drink.

Ino walked to the sofa where he was sitting just now and sat down: with his legs folded and smiled: “Kidney deficiency has nothing to do with muscles.”

“Don’t look at your fitness looks pretty good during this time.”

“What if it’s a silver gun wax-like head?”

Tony took the right whiskey and walked back and forth: “If this is before, I will let you and I drive the most tender car model to be more powerful than anyone else.”

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