Chapter 264 .The gathering of celestial bodies, the nine worlds into one [2]

Tony asked quickly in the communication channel: “How is the system database uploaded? I think that big guy is pointing at me and you.”

Just when Tony finished asking.

Hill just happened to replied at the same time: “Okay!”

Boom! Rumble!!!! Just the moment Hill finished speaking.

The Sanquyi Building was instantly powered off.

And what followed was… the deafening thunder.

Click! Then, the glass of all the surrounding buildings was shattered.

Hill and the others quickly squatted on the ground to cover their ears.

If this is not covered.

The eardrums can be shaken.

Tony also controlled the armor to fly down and lay on the ground as soon as he heard it.

He didn’t want the armor to attract electricity because it was metal.

After a blast of thunder.

Before Tony wondered why he just stopped.

What an inexplicable jam and a crash sound came out.

Tony raised his head.

Everyone in the Sanquyi Building also looked out the window.

The appearance of the three aircraft carriers seems to be fine.

There are only a few places: thick smoke.

But they all lost power and fell.

These…The aircraft carrier has just ascended to an altitude of one thousand meters.

The result is now falling again.

After a few seconds.

Boom!!! The sound of realistic heavy objects hitting the ground.

Everyone who was far away in the Tri-Wing Building felt a shock on the soles of their feet.

But it came right away.

It was… the sound of three aircraft carriers exploding together.

For a moment.

The darkness caused by the power cut off in the entire Tri-Wing Building was illuminated by distant fires.

Hill looked at it and immediately shouted: “Get down!!!”

Forget it….

what reason.

Everyone got down directly.

Boom!!!!! Then a few seconds later.

The gust of wind after the shock and explosion poured into all the floors where the glass had just been shattered.

Regardless of….

Is it broken or unbroken glass?

This gust of wind blew for a few more seconds.

At the scene, he gradually calmed down.

Everyone got up from the ground, and they were still in the distance: smoking three 3 insights into the wreckage of the aircraft carrier.

They couldn’t help but sigh at the gap between the gods.(Read more @

Insight into the aircraft carrier is like invincible to them.

And Ino can easily hack it with a wave of his hand.

This is the gap.

At this time, Tony flew in wearing his armor and asked: “How is the mission completed?”

Hill looked at the power-off control console and said, “It’s done, S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. All the information in the system has spread to the Internet.”

“Let me see.”

Tony flows directly in the direction of the night wind in the battle armor: “There has been an uproar on the Internet, but your real identities may be scrapped.”

“That doesn’t matter.”

Natasha walked to the pile of broken glass and lifted up a chair to sit on it and said, “Anyway… after joining Shadowwatch, our true information is useless.”

“At that time, Ino will definitely arrange one for us, just use it casually, it will have no effect.”

For… Natasha’s words.

Hill and Coleson nodded at the same time.

For their agents, the identity is just a layer of skin.

It does not matter.


Tony Zhu snorted: “Then our first mission was successfully completed, it’s very simple.”

“Currently it looks like it is.”

Steve held his shield and smiled.

Then he looked at Pierce, who was still in a coma at his feet, and asked, “Will this guy just let it go?”

Coulson said next to him: “It’s okay. His identity information has also been exposed. Maybe after he wakes up, he will know that prison may be the safest place for him.”

Tony happily said next to him: “I think so.”

The plan this time was truly a perfect success.

Almost not a single soldier.

The overall consumption seems to be only the consumption of the missiles blocked by Tony after the broken bridge started.

It’s too high, plus the calories of Steve’s shield.

Tony looked at everyone and said, “Then let’s go back first. Why do you go back and hold my armor? How fast?”

The place to go back is of course to go to the umbrella first.

But… the people present suddenly calmed down.

Tony looked at everyone and said inexplicably: “What’s the matter, you are all stupid”

Accompanied by Tony’s speech.

Suddenly he realized that the hit family was not looking at himself.

Instead, I was looking behind myself.

Tony turned around.

It turned out that Ino was standing behind him.

Tony asked suspiciously: “It’s just going home…It seems that the celebration should also be celebrated in the umbrella building.”

“Then you want to celebrate it may be a little early.”

After Ino turned around and said.

He snapped his fingers and teleported everyone present to the top of the building.

Then, a spectacle appeared.

There are 8 mirror-like circles in the sky.

They have different heights, different positions, and different scenery displayed inside.

There are volcanoes.

There are forests.

There is snow.

“That is how the matter”

Steve looked at the eight circles in the sky and asked.

“The celestial bodies gather, and the nine worlds are united.”

Ino looked at the 8 space rings in the distance and explained: “It takes a long time to appear once, but this time I just met.”

Steve baffled his head inexplicably and wondered: “Why do I feel that no matter what era I am in, every time a major event for a long time allows us to meet.”

Everyone: …this question.

Something, and it’s true.

Hill looked at the circle in the sky and asked: “What should I do now, will there be aliens?”

literal meaning.

So many worlds have come together.

Will there be an invasion of alien civilization “No, but it will.”

Ino kept looking at those space doors and replied.

“What’s the meaning”

Hill wondered.

Ino: “The former Nine Realms would not invade, but a civilized society that has almost perished for a long time.”

The dark elf’s ambition is to turn the universe into darkness.

But obviously he thinks too much.

It’s too weak just by their words.

At this moment.

Ino’s eyes narrowed.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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