Chapter 263 .Insight into the launch of the aircraft carrier, the system broke in seconds [1]


Ino slapped his palms twice and said, “Well, now there are 6 members joining. As for Banner, I will invite again when that time comes. He won’t be here now.”


Ino looked at everyone seriously again.

Finally took a deep breath and said: “The first mission of Shadow Watch.”

“Goal: Destroy the Hydra and destroy the Insight Aircraft Carrier Plan.”

“Get out!”

……..At the same time, the Tri-Wing Building.

Pierce is working on plans for insight into aircraft carriers.

He looked at the insight aircraft carrier that was ready to take off.

To the chubby Senator Stern next to him, he said, “As long as this aircraft carrier takes off, those…S.H.I.E.L.D. that prevents us.


…. The agents will be killed instantly.”

Stern said with a smirk on his face: “And that… damn Stark, he is also a superhero”

“When he is not wearing armor at home, the shells on the aircraft carrier can kill him directly.”

“Of course no problem, Senator Stern.”

Pierce followed with a smile: “He is just a mortal body, no different from us.”

“Then quickly raise the aircraft carrier.”

Stern looked at the control panel and said: “I can’t wait to hear the news of Stark’s death while pampering the beauty who just sent me at home.”

“Then start, the aircraft carrier is ready.”

After speaking, Pierce issued an order to lift off.

He can’t wait too.

S.H.I.E.L.D. all day last night.


…. All of Fury’s confidant agents are missing.

And he disappeared after contacting the gods.

This has to make Pierce feel an inexplicable sense of threat.

With Pierce launching the aircraft carrier.

To avoid suspicion.

Senator Stern was ready to leave.

After all, he is a member of the pig head staying in the building of the armed department to look at this…It is not good to be seen by others.

But just when Senator Stern took the elevator to the lowest end of the floor.

Boom boom boom boom!!!!! The sound of explosions outside reminded me directly.

Tony’s armor instantly bombed the bridge leading to the exterior of the Tri-Wing Building.

As a result, no one can travel.

The mountains shook as the earth moved.

“!what happened!”

Stern supported Qiang next to him and looked around in a panic.

Pierce on the top floor hurriedly looked at the surveillance.

He saw.

Outside the Sanquyi Building at this time.

Thirty Mark bombing armors stood neatly in the sky.

They float in the air.

Stretched out his hands to the Triangle Wing Building.

The launchers protruding from that arm are all unknown weapons.(Read more @

And Natasha, Hill, Elson, Steve and others on the bank of the river have already entered this island.

They really fumbled forward.

Tony drove the radio and invaded the display device of the Tri-Wing Building and said: “You are already surrounded. My Tony Stark Shadow Watch member suggests that you put down your weapons and wait for us to deal with it.”

“Of course, I personally suggest that your Secretary Pierce better not start the insight aircraft carrier, because you will force our head to take action.”

“Maybe you don’t know what happened now, but I will first transfer the channel to the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.


…. Agent Nick Fury will explain.”

After Tony finished speaking.

The display channel and audio were synchronized to the mummy Ferry, who is now in the umbrella staff dormitory.

Then in everyone’s eyes.

Nick Fury began to say like a mummy: “Maybe you thought I was dead.”

“But that… is an illusion that you see, and it might be easier to think about it.”

“That is SHIELD.


…. The interior was actually invaded by Hydra 70 years ago.”

“Many of our senior staff, including agents, are Hydra people.”

“So I decided…”

“Announce S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…All the data of the system, let the world destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. at the same time.


…. and Hydra.”

“I can only do this because of SHIELD.


…. I’m sick into bone cream.”

After Fury finished speaking.

Tony just wanted to answer.


There was a loud engine sound.

Something gradually rose up in the water around the island of the Tri-Wing Building.

After a while.

Until the water is driven out of light.

These metal plates began to separate.

Then the three aerospace aircraft carriers appeared.

Their engines have already started.

The moment the upper panel opened.

They began to lift off.

Tony controlled the channel and looked at the three aircraft carriers and said helplessly: “I reminded you, don’t blame me for not telling the truth.”

With Tony’s words.

Natasha and the others have sneaked in in the net building.

Only at the moment when they were about to enter.

[Space Gems: Space Teleport] The five of them instantly came to the top floor of the Tri-Wing Building.

That is Pierce’s office.

Only Pierce is here now.

So… Pierce looked at the five heavily armed men with a dazed expression and asked, “How did you get up?”

Steve looked at Pierce and nodded after looking at the person behind him: “Magic.”

After speaking, he flicked the vibrating shield of his palm.

After a bang.

Pierce fell to the ground.

And Ino, who is controlling all of this in the umbrella building, has broadcast these images in real time through Gaia.

He just moved those 5 people to the top office.

But after seeing this.

Ino turned his head to look at Gaia who reappeared and said, “S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. The firewall of the system is removed.”

The starlight flashed in Gaia’s eyes.

Then immediately replied: “It has been cancelled.”

The screen turns back to Steve.

After they dealt with Pierce.

Hill immediately walked to the console and began to control the panel.

It’s just that she frowned suddenly.

Natasha asked immediately: “What’s wrong?”

Hill asked a little puzzled: “There is no password, SHIELD.


…. The system is unimpeded.”

“I guess he did it just now.”

At this time, Steve kicked Pierce who was unconscious underground: “Hurry up, the aircraft carrier is about to take off, and when Ino is hacked off, the power will be cut off here.”

Hill, who didn’t have time to think about this issue, could only nod his head to start S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


….All the data in the system are uploaded to the network.

At the same time, the three insight aircraft carriers have already lifted off.

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