Chapter 265 .Two infinite gems cohabiting together【3】

One of those space gates suddenly floated out of an invisible battleship.

The battleship is dozens of meters long.

But the height: a few hundred meters, like a submarine the size of an aircraft carrier.

It’s just that there is a 100-meter-long blade on the front of the submarine.

There are also powered wings on both sides.

“A fleet is coming in.”

Ino looked at the battleship and said lightly.


Tony circled around: “Why can’t I see the armor or scan it.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Steve and others also looked around.

Then nothing happened.

“The battleship has invisible high-tech materials all over the body, you can’t see it.”

Ino explained.

As soon as the battleship came out, it suddenly turned one direction and ran straight towards Ino.

It seems that… the dark elf discovered Ino.

At the same time, the battleship is also directly released…The stealth state has entered the war mode.

“I saw!”

Steve shouted, pointing to the battleship that appeared suddenly.

But no one cares about him, because no one is blind.

at the same time.

When Steve finished.

The dark elf warship launched hundreds of warships about 10 meters in length towards Ino.

After everyone saw this, they all took up the weapons in their hands.

But Ino turned around and said flatly, “Except for Tony, none of your abilities can compete with them.”

“So this time… except for Tony helping me stop the small battleship, you all have to go back and watch the live broadcast.”

After Ino finished speaking.

Without waiting for their reaction, he directly waved everyone except Tony back to the top floor of the umbrella building.

There is a live broadcast prepared by Gaia.

After all, even the minions against the dark elves are not enough for their abilities.

The weapons held by those minions can shoot through Asgard’s ordinary shields.

Although it may not be able to shoot through Tony’s armor.

But it must be able to shoot through their flesh.

So only Tony is left to control the Ino Qing soldiers.

After sending them away.

Ino turned back to look at Tony and said, “You help me blast all those…small aircrafts. When I finish bombing that…big one, I will come back to solve the small one:.”

Tony nodded with a serious expression.(Read more @

When the visor closed, he flew away with his hands and feet down.

He went to control those battle armors to intercept small battleships.

And Ino took a look at the biggest battleship last.

Gaia floated to Ino’s ear and asked.

“Wait for him to start destroying, or I will use natural forces to destroy some small warships”

“The power of storm and lightning are too small to penetrate their defenses.

Ino explained: “They are much stronger than the Chitari army.”

“I’ll go in and ask some questions later and just bomb the warship directly.”

Gaia nodded invisibly.

After Ino finished speaking.

The direct voice flashed inside this dark elf battleship.

At this time, Malkis, the leader of the dark elf, was arranging something with his cursed warrior.

Standing at the console behind them, Ino asked interestedly: “Isn’t there any other cosmic forces telling you my strength before you came?”

Swish! It wasn’t their shock that Ino’s sudden utterance greeted them.

Instead, the dark elf leader who was greeted instantly echoed two darts.

It’s just that the dart stopped 10 cm in front of Ino.

Roar! Shoot with the darts.

Immediately afterwards, the organization soldier beside him rushed up with a roar.


Rush up in a step of 10 meters.

Bang!!!! I was kicked back for a few hundred meters.

Rumble along with the collapse of the internal building.

Malekis glanced back at his cursed warrior and then looked back at Ino and asked, “Who are you to hand over the etheric particles.”

“Oh my goodness.

Ino held his forehead helplessly.

At this time, Gaia’s voice echoed in the air very cooperatively: “Master, the soil buns in the country don’t know your fame.”

In order to raise Ino’s face.

Gaia called the master directly.

Malekis and the cursed warrior who had just gotten up immediately looked around.

Guyana’s voices from all directions made them very vigilant.

Because it means they think Gaia will attack from any direction.

Ino looked at Malekiss with a smile and asked, “Do you want ether particles, do you know other gems?”


Malekis just wanted to talk about etheric particles or something.

But before he could finish speaking the next moment, his eyes widened.

What did he see? Ino used reality gems to directly create two space gems that only glow, and reality gems held them in his hands.

This operation made Malekis’ eyes widened for an instant.

He looked at the two gems in Ino’s hand and stuttered, “Two…two infinite gems…in…in one hand.”

“Do you want it?”

Ino tossed the two shiny gems and asked.

With great interest, this Malekiss can’t even tell which is the real gem of reality.

But he didn’t wait for Malekis to answer.

Ino threw two gems to Malekis.

Malkis instantly caught these two gems in a panic.

An expression of ecstasy appeared on his face.

Boom!!! With the dazzling blue light flashing inside the battleship.

At this time, Tony, who was packing up the small battleship outside, heard a muffled thunder coming from the inside of the battleship.

Hear this voice.

Tony knew it was stable.

Tony guessed right.

Malekis, who was almost carbonized, opened his mouth when he looked at the stone gem in his hand that turned into a cover: “Fake…fake.”

“Is it really useful for you?”

Puff through.

As soon as Ino finished speaking, Malekis fell straight to the ground.

Ino looked at the cursed warrior with horns on his head.

After thinking about it, I don’t want to thunder anymore.

[Space Gems: Space Teleport] So Ino waved his hand and threw him into the sun where it evaporated.

Only after evaporating the cursed warrior.

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