Chapter 260 .S.H.I.E.L.D. to die with Hydra [2]

If S.H.I.E.L.D..


…. It’s really going to be destroyed.

And Fury has to form a new organization on his own.

It’s better to realize Ino’s long ago ideas.

The idea is…: the department in the shadows.

Full name: “Shadow Watch”, as the name implies, the watchmen hidden in the shadows.

It’s just borrowing the name and setting of Overwatch, there is no relationship between the two… now it doesn’t need to be said.

Wait a while.

Then Fury started discussing with everyone.

Fury asked Ino: “What about the insight plan is to let the aircraft carrier fly or stop it”

“Let it fly.”

Ino said lightly: “If the insight into the battleship accidentally fell and no one knows what happened, then no one can blame it.”

“But the civil area destroyed when he fell and the impact it caused are enough for S.H.I.E.L.D.


…. Slowly tormented.”

This is true.

Fury nodded in agreement.

If it really crashes, it will cause such a big impact.



…. It’s really troublesome.

But this cures the symptoms but not the root cause.

After thinking about it, Fury still looked at the agents like the mummy and said: “If you want Hydra to die, you must let S.H.I.E.L.D.



Ferry’s sudden decision made Hill and Coleson a little confused.

But Ino explained: “Hydra has been in S.H.I.E.L.D. for 70 years.


…. The core position has been deeply rooted, even Fury’s recommender Alexander Pierce is a Hydra.”

“In other words, S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau will not be cleaned up.


…. You can’t clean up Hydra.”

“Do you understand what I said? Now these two organizations are one body.”

Hearing Ino’s words, even Steve nodded with a sigh of relief.

This is no longer an option.

Then everyone nodded.

The mood at this time is indeed a bit immersed.

Because of SHIELD.


…. No matter what, everyone has stayed for so long.

However, it is not bad for reality to die together for the sake of Hydra.


Steve began to ask, “Then how do we let SHIELD.


…. Die with Hydra, don’t be like the way I used to.”

His way is to die with the Red Skull.




But the people present can’t.

At this time, Natasha said directly: “S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.

…..(Read more @

…. There are a lot of agent information and all incident process information in the system.”

“Although this is only S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. Maybe there is no Hydra Secret Service.”

“But Hydra definitely has data in the system where most people are.”

“So just expose SHIELD to the world.


…. system information.”

“Hydra will perish naturally, S.H.I.E.L.D..



With Natasha’s explanation.

Hill also said to the side: “After insight into the aircraft carrier, their main firepower and attention will be on the aircraft carrier.”

“At that time, we only had to go to the Sanquyi Building to get the information, and then publish it to the public.”

When Hill said this.

Everyone simultaneously looked at the core area of ​​the office…the soy sauce Ino.

Because this involves a key place.

That is, the insight into the aircraft carrier will definitely shoot them immediately after launching.

They don’t have the ability to stop shooting.

What should I do? Of course, Ino slammed a thunder to hit it.

They went to the Sanquyi Building to grab the data and release it.

The gods split the insight into the aircraft carrier again.

Isn’t the plan finished perfectly? S.H.I.E.L.D.


….+The head snake was done together and saw their eyes.

Ino shook his head slightly and said, “Did you forget one of your own members?”

Everyone looked at each other.

Fury directly doubted: “Stark!”

“You finally remembered.”

Ino said helplessly: “Since you decided to let S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. Destroy with Hydra.”

“Then…the dark information will also be released together.”

“Then why don’t you let Tony drive the Armored Legion to help you solve the problem if you can’t just grab it?”

This sentence is over.

Ino still murmured in his heart: By the way, he can still get good impressions.

But when Ino finished this sentence.

Steve was directly puzzled: “Iron Legion”

“Oh, I forgot.”

Ino remembered: “Tony didn’t tell you.”

“His armor has formed a small army. Originally, this was the secret of the two of us. At the beginning, I planned to not say it before I was ready.”

“He was afraid of SHIELD.


…That is, Fury is making trouble for him.”

“But since you feel that you are all dead, I will tell the matter in advance.”

Fury asked directly: “How many?”

He was referring to the number of steel troops.

“Um, although there are only two digits 0 now.”

However, Ino continued to add: “But how much you want to make up in the future only depends on the amount of material…”

Ferry thought.

Since Tony has such a powerful firepower.

Then let him help.

After all, not allowing Hydra to succeed is the most important thing.

Thinking of this, Fury looked at everyone and said: “Although I will make a video call, the phone is on the table, now I will call Stark.”

When Coleson saw it, he turned on his phone and called Tony.

After the video beeped for a while, it was connected.

Tony’s voice and portrait came out.

“Boiled eggs, why do you sometimes…, mummy, who are you.”

Everyone:…… Before everyone can answer Tony continues: “Well, I know you are Fury, but what’s the matter with you, did you go to stab the hornet’s nest?”

“Our dignified SHIELD.


…. Chief, the king of agents went to stab the hornet’s nest and was bitten into a mummy.”

“This is too funny.”

Fury leaned on the sofa and curled his lips and said, “S.H.I.E.L.D..


…. It’s all gone, S.H.I.E.L.D..


…. Director.”




Tony said in a daze, “Aren’t you all fine yesterday? Why is it gone today? Wait for me to take a look.”

“You go and see!”

Now Fury asked calmly: “Why can you go and see SHIELD?


…. It’s not good S.H.I.E.L.D.I’m talking about.


…. It will take a few days before it’s gone!”


These… Tony turned his head and looked at Ino in the video and asked, “What are you doing? I think Ino is here and I think it’s true.”

Ino:…I am so laughing.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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