Chapter 259 .The Avengers live umbrella staff dormitory【1】

Waiting for the bewildered crowd to come to the umbrella building.

Enter the top office floor.

Everyone saw a mummy sitting on the sofa leaning against it.

Just when they were still: dumbfounded.

Ino walked to his desk and sat down like it was no big deal.

Fury looked at the crowd, then looked at Ino and asked, “What’s the matter, how did you solve it?”

“I used blindfolding to make everyone in the world including the group standing at the door… fools think you are dead.”

Ino took a sip of the milk tea on the table.

When he heard it, Fury nodded with little approval.

It’s good to die, it’s good to feign death.

Feign death can be seen by Hydra’s unscrupulous actions.

“Nick Fury!”

At this moment.

Steve, who had recovered, finally reacted.

He looked at the direction of the umbrella headquarters hospital, then looked at Fury and asked, “Aren’t you dead? The body just moved into the morgue.”

This issue has been unanimously agreed by everyone.

The corpse of Fury was lying there just now in the headquarters hospital.

It’s really a horse, Steve has personally confirmed it.

He really thought that Fury was too dedicated and played himself to death.

After looking at the crowd, Fury turned his head and said to Ino: “This requires you to explain, I don’t know.”

So in the end Ino drank the milk tea and looked at the crowd and said, “Are you ready to squeeze at the door to listen to my story”

This statement came out.

Everyone reacted and walked to the sofa to sit separately.

Then Ino began to say: “Actually, the pictures you just saw are fake, just an illusion of drama.”

“Really, Fury is… the Fury you see now. I gave him basic healing. The fatal part is gone. The rest only needs to be cultivated.”

“Next is… when you discuss how to solve this problem.”

“But I guess SHIELD.


…. You can’t go back.”

“Since Fury is “dead”


“The chief is gone, you can’t escape being assassinated when you go back.”

Face Ino’s statement.

Fury nodded first.

He looked at the crowd and said, “If I’m not mistaken, the next easiest to take hands is…you.”

“So you guys don’t go back either. Find a place to hide and see what Hydra will do next.”

“and many more…!”

At this time Steve finally asked: “Hydra”

Hydra is the organization of Steve’s time.

And their Red Skull had a fight with Steve.

It’s just that now he is guarding the soul gem.

Looking at Steve who was puzzled, Ferry said, “Yes, during your freezing period, Dr. Zola was captured and started the paperclip project.”

“Then there is their 70-year incubation period, and until now, they have been full of SHIELD.



“And what I did this time was…Hydra planned.”

Steve closed his eyes helplessly when he heard it.(Read more @

He didn’t expect that the things he thought to be resolved in the last century would still exist after 0 years after he regained consciousness.

Looking at Steve who was thinking silently.

Hill looked at everyone and asked, “Then what do we do now, how do we go next, do we hide first?”

Ferry squeezed his lips, which only showed his facial features, and said, “This is the only way to do this now.”

After speaking, he looked at Ino again and asked, “I don’t recommend finding a place for us to live with. A big down payment, a good person, a good person, a god, a god…”

“Stop and stop…”

Ino quickly interrupted Fury’s continued nagging: “The Umbrella Island has a staff dormitory area, so let’s live there, anyway…Hydra dare not come to protect the umbrella.”

Hear Ino’s residence.

Fury nodded happily.

That’s definitely safe.

If this Hydra is carrying S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. publicly provoke the umbrella.

Wasn’t the god able to go straight that day and he let Hydra have no reason at all.

And the information will be announced as soon as that time.

Hydra completely declared that it was over.

Although SHIELD.


….There will be none, but obviously it won’t hurt to take the Hydra away.

Because the state will organize new organizations.

But the Avengers will still be there.

Thinking of this, Fury couldn’t help but want Hydra to come and provoke the umbrella.

So he remembered that it was erected in Stark Tower.

After thinking about it, Ferry looked around and looked at everyone and said, “If Hydra can carry SHIELD.


…. It’s just fine to provoke an umbrella in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D.


…. It’s gone, but it’s not bad to be able to drag a Hydra into the water.”

….. This statement came out.

Silence all the way.

Even Coleson interjected next to him: “I don’t think Hydra will come to provoke Ino no matter how stupid it is.”

“After all, the consequences of the last provoke Ino are still there, and he is even a little fragrant.”

Coleson’s words instantly reminded everyone of some bad things.

Because at Kirian’s scene at that time,

It’s really fragrant.

Although it still has a burnt smell.

But having said that, Natasha still asked: “In order to completely eliminate the Hydra, even if it is S.H.I.E.L.D.


…. Do you have to do it if you no longer exist?”

Fury nodded without hesitation: “I’m already “dead”

, And S.H.I.E.L.D..


In fact, I have already seen the form of ….”

“To do things for the upper level is not in line with S.H.I.E.L.D. at all.


…. It’s better to go to South Africa to form another organization on my own.”

“In the future, if you do small things, do small things. That’s better than S.H.I.E.L.D.


…. It’s good to do dark things.”

Speaking of which.

Fury looked at Ino and asked, “Can you talk about that…invisible person?”


Ino asked Fury to say: “Ava is about to withdraw from SHIELD.



Ava accompanies Ino’s rhetoric.

Everyone is curious about this name that was heard for the first time.


Fury introduced them to Ava’s department and the internal situation of their department.

These…It is not important and does not damage Ava’s information. Ino told Fury the other day.

After a while.

But Fury finished that…S.H.I.E.L.D..


…After the secret organization.

Everyone is still thinking that there is still an organization under their noses.

And that organization has done a lot of bad things.

The strange thing is…

There are people who can pass through walls and become invisible.

And it’s not high-tech yet.

This is super power.

But having said that, Ino looked at these……prepared to let S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…The one who ceased to exist with Hydra.

Suddenly he had an idea in his heart.

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