Chapter 261 .Shadow Watch, World Organization【3】


After everyone’s explanation.

Tony finally understood the reasons before and after the incident.

He shook his hand relaxedly and said: “By the way, it just happens that my armored forces need to be tested, but after they are dispatched, the country will definitely find me.”

“The position will be gone by that time, S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. It’s gone, whoever talks about it will explain.”

Face this problem.

Everyone shook their heads together.

Except for…Ino, none of the people present has this ability.

and many more….

Ino can.

For a moment.

Everyone started looking at Ino again.

Ino waved his hand helplessly and said, “Just say that you can just follow the forces of the gods. They dare not attack you.”

“To be honest, if I didn’t have the idea of ​​establishing a country or occupying a place, no matter which country it is, there would be no opposition to me.”

“I can stay here, which is the greatest luck for the United States.”

“I am not only protecting their citizens, but when aliens come, I will fight them.”

“Then this group of congressmen still dare to let me change the president.”

Everyone: …They are honest with Ino’s words.

Because Ino is telling the truth.

The god is an existence that immediately overrides a country.

Ino guessed that he would finish fighting the Dark Elf immediately.

That is the existence that completely overrides the state.

It’s just that the former considers the degree of faith and prestige.

The latter only considers showing muscles.

So only Ino can say this sentence.

Tony went on to say: “Isn’t this solved? When will we be dispatched, I think the sooner the better.”


Fury directly decided: “Hydra may not be able to do it later than us, they definitely want to deal with this problem faster.”

“And starting from today, you won’t go back. They are very sure about the background. No, tomorrow they may start insight into the aircraft carrier in advance.”

Everyone nodded.

This conjecture is correct.

Since Hydra has dealt with Fury, it will only be faster to deal with them.

Seeing that they are almost discussing it.

Ino checked his watch.

1: It’s off work.

So Ino suddenly stood up and looked at everyone, they will take you.”

“You can discuss the rest, I just want to see the insight aircraft carrier fly up and fall.”(Read more @


Ino teleported to the basement.

Then, holding Helen and Angela’s waists with both hands, he teleported back to the office and looked at the people for the last time and said, “I’m going home first, you are free.”

Then Ino disappeared again.

Hour with Ino.

Gaia turned off the lights of the building before teleporting away.

Everyone looked at the evening sun outside the French windows.

Then they all looked at each other.

Steve suddenly smiled and asked Tony, “Is Ino usually such a person when he gets off work so punctually?”


Tony explained in the video call: “He prefers to get off work. In the previous broken smart system, his smart system is also called double break.”

Weekends…It turns out that I not only like to get off work on time.

Ino also likes weekends.

But it’s a pity.

The umbrella boss has no weekends.

Topping the sky is…single break.

At this time, Mummy Fury also smiled and said: “Congratulations, we have learned another Ino secret. This is top-secret information, and only a few people know it.”

…As the joking ended, everyone was ready to go to Jason to lead the dormitory.

But Mummy Fury looked at the people who suddenly left and said dumbfounded: “Hey! Me, I can’t go!”

Everyone reacted on the spot.

Coulson and Steve suddenly trot back to carry Fury away.

The screen returns to Ino’s side.

After returning home.

Ino simply replied to them the process they were in the office just now.

Angela just went to the refrigerator and took out a large bottle of iced watermelon juice and filled it with 4 glasses.

Helen asked suspiciously at this time: “Fry is so utterly S.H.I.E.L.D.


…. If you say you die, you die, the director says you don’t want it, then you don’t want it.”

“Currently it seems to be.”

Ino stalled and took the watermelon juice from Angela and said, “Before the Qitari army attacked.”

“Fry also told me that he actually likes a peaceful life, but he has to finish his duties.”

“At the time I thought he worked for the country, but now it seems that he is a bit honest.”

But Helen still questioned: “But it sounds like Fury has broken a jar.”

“Anyway… SHIELD.


…. Properly, it can’t be kept, it’s not as good as going to a new organization.”

“With his charisma, it is still possible to attract a group of agents in the world plus the original old employees.”

“And this organization will be completely under his control.”

Ino drank the watermelon juice and shrugged his shoulders: “Of course it’s possible, but I will try to know if he wants to go it alone or really want to deal with the darkness.”

“any solution”

Now even Angela asked curiously.

Try Fury out for real or fake.

It’s kind of fun.

Ino looked at them and said, “I am going to build a world organization that exists in the shadows.”

“The general purpose of the organization is… to deal with issues and affairs that I don’t want to do myself.”

“They serve the world, exist in the shadows, and aim at the gods, which is me.”

“In the organization, everyone is equal. They don’t have officers, and some are only agents.”

“Of course, there is one exception, and that is to serve me.”

Angela and Helen listened.

Helen immediately became interested and said, “What is it called? This organization sounds so handsome as soon as it sounds!”

“Shadow Watch, how is it?”

Ino watched Helen touch her hair.

Helen immediately thought for a moment to explain: “Does the world watcher exist in the shadows?”

“What a handsome name and code name!!”

Helen liked it a lot.

And even Angela, who is usually calm, nodded quickly like it.

This world organization knows the future as soon as it listens.

… the next morning.

Umbrella building top office layer.

Everyone is sorting out their agents’ combat suits, weapons and ammunition, etc…

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