Chapter 258 .Fry “fake death”, the original plan has changed [4]

Snoring! There was a sharp metal cutting sound.

The supercar driven by the Winter Soldier went directly from the middle to two halves.

Boom!!! Another section of the supercar hit the wall and exploded.

The Winter Soldier rolled out because there was no door.

When Fury’s vehicle braked directly after spotting the gods, he was unconscious and Fury was arched and opened his weak eyes.

Under the judgment of the intelligent system.

Nowhere is it safe to go to the gods.

Through the rearview mirror, Fury saw the giant sword and the figure of the god, and suddenly fainted with a big breath.

The screen turns back to Ino’s side.

At this time, Ino hasn’t changed even the gods descended to the earth.

He just changed the giant sword.

What kind of transformation is needed to fight the Winter Soldier.

Looking at the Winter Soldier lying on the ground in the distance.

Ino kicked the giant sword, turned the giant sword into liquid and took it back into his body, and walked over.

Click, click, click.

The undisguised footsteps slowly approached.

Oh…!!!! “Tenjin Ino!!!!”

After the smoke was over.

The crowd on the street cheered when they saw Ino.

But when Ino walked to the Winter Soldier, Bucky.

Bucky jumped up violently and swung his robotic arm towards Ino.

When his purely mechanically powered arm shook his fist, it even drove the wind.

But the people watching around saw that Ino was about to be hammered when he was still not defending.

Bucky’s hand stopped abruptly in the air.

Bucky was taken aback.

Then he threw his right fist again.

But it stopped again.

He wanted to back up again, but suddenly he couldn’t move his whole body.

Ino looked at this…the beautiful teammate with slightly curly hair and a mask and said lightly: “Since you haven’t shown up yet, don’t show it, just go like this.”


A blue door suddenly appeared behind Bucky.

Then he floated directly in.

Beyond the door is outer space.

Ino doesn’t know where it is.

Anyway…he will become space junk after a while.

After dealing with Bucky.

Ino looked back and looked still: Ferry, who was unconscious in the car, sighed.

Fortunately, there is a reality gem for him to act out a play.


Ino took Fury to the umbrella.

And Hill, Natasha, Steve, Cole and all the bald Hydra agents who were notified came here.(Read more @

Stand outside the operating room across the window.

Ino looked at the scene inside, and Hill took the lead and walked quickly next to Ino and asked, “How is Nick?”

“and many more….”

Ino replied faintly.

Coulson looked at Ino outside the window.

Then he looked at Ferry in the window who was being operated on.

He also calmed himself down and watched.

Natasha stood quietly beside Ino.

Even if Ferry had a problem, Ino would never let something big happen.

So that’s why Hill was equally calm just now.

But in this.

And Steve is getting more and more confused when looking inside and then outside.

Isn’t it about acting? Ferry is dead! This Nima is so dedicated, but An Naiyu Ino is a god, he believes that Ino must have a solution, so he also “worries”

Squinted at the window and looked at Fury.

As for the bald agent.

That’s also “worry”

Seeing whether Fury is dead.

He just came to make sure.

After all, the scene where the gods are saving, Hydra is afraid that Ino has a special ability to save Fury.

Then everyone kept looking at Fury in the emergency room.

But no one could tell that the scenes inside were performed by Ino with real gems.

Nothing is true.

After a while.

In the eyes of everyone, the heartbeat curve on the heartbeat detector in the operating room is getting lower and lower, and it is getting more and more delayed.

Coulson clenched his fists nervously outside.

Hill and Natasha also glanced at Ino at the same time.

Then they looked at each other at the same time.

Then continue to look at Fury.

But suddenly.

The beep heartbeat detector sounds an alarm.

The electrocardiogram in the operating room becomes a straight line as it weakens.

The doctors and nurses inside immediately dealt with it in a hurry.

Only after a while.

The doctors stopped.

A nurse filled out the form and opened the door and walked out.

Then she handed the watch to Ino, leaned forward and bowed before leaving.

After that, other doctors also came out and performed the same actions and left.

Natasha took the watch on Ino’s left and read the contents.

“Moderate concussion.”

“The whole body burn area reaches 37%.”

“Lung lobes, kidneys, and heart shrapnel penetrated to death.”

…After reading the entire report.

The bald-headed Hydra agent also confirmed that Fury was dead.

Natasha and Hill finished reading the report.

They looked at Ino at the same time.

Unconsciously, Ino is already the leader of everyone here.

And last time Fury’s Zhong.

It also made it clear that Hill can listen to Ino.

So…Fry “is gone”

, They waited for Ino’s next move.

Ino looked at the bald agent, and said faintly: “I haven’t seen you, go out.”

Um… after the agent saw Ino’s xenophobia.

Going out consciously.

After he went out, he directly took out the agent’s phone and called Pierce: “The gods have let me out, they must be discussing something inside.”

“If you want to do it, you must do it before the gods, otherwise, after the gods do it, people on the earth will believe him when he says anything in the world.”

The bald agent said, Pierce said with deep approval: “The first is the first, and the right to speak is for the victor.”

“As long as we put SHIELD first.


…. Once you have mastered it, you can do it directly without being afraid of Ino.”

“Tomorrow morning, when Hill, Romanoff, Rogers, and Coleson come back, they will work together and kill them all.”

“Then insight into the aircraft carrier will take off, no one can stop the development of Hydra.”

“Long live the Hydra.”

The bald agent replied: “Long live the Hydra.”

The screen returns to Ino’s side.

Ino looked at them with a mysterious smile and said, “Follow me to the umbrella building first.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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