Chapter 255 .The greater Tony’s tangled ability, the greater the responsibility [1]

Yes, yes.

But Tony is missing one thing.

That is the efficient use of energy to convert it into computing power.

No matter how the earth is built and produced, no matter how few nanometers the lithography machine is, it is not as good as Gaia’s utility rate for the earth’s energy.

This is simply incomparable.

“Then what do you plan to do in the next stage.”

Ino looked at Tony and asked, “When you think of intelligently controlling more Iron Legions, you must have more powerful computing power.”

“Research by yourself.”

Tony spread out his hands and said helplessly: “I can’t wait for the world to progress, I can only research breakthroughs by myself.”

“In this case, both the supercomputer and the Nano Warframe are on my plan.”

Ino nodded, and that could only be the case.

But having said that, Ino looked at Tony and said, “Your supercomputer is buried under the sea, and it’s a pile of computing power.”

“That must be.”

Tony opened a control panel next to it and transferred it to the page of the giant computer and said: “Look, I put it on the bottom of the sea where it can withstand the highest pressure.”

“Otherwise, the heat dissipation problem of this giant computer will be a headache.”

“And now it can be piled up, so I will pile up.”

Ino looked at the panel Tony opened.

The above shows a group of giant computer groups and the operating status of each group.

This is the foundation of Jarvis’ mobilization and operation.

Without them, Jarvis would not be so strong.

After watching it, Tony turned it off and sighed: “The road to development is still very long. Even if I made these 36 armors, I still think it is very small.”

“But a lot of progress hasn’t it”

Ino shrugged his shoulders as he walked back, “What if compared to the time when the New York Chitari army was at war.”

“You know, we are less than 12 years away from that year, but do you know how big the gap is”

Tony was stunned when he heard Ino’s words.

Then I can’t help but compare it.

Then he smiled somewhat relaxedly: “If now compared with before, now only relying on my 36 armors can also stop the Zetaru army.”

“And you may be able to eliminate them by just standing there for half an hour.”

“As long as you know.”(Read more @

Ino talked and walked to the elevator with Tony.

The tour is over.

Now of course it is to go up for a drink.

Then came to the living room.

Tony just took out the iced Visa and Ino at the bar.

Pepper also went home at this time.

Although it wasn’t time for get off work, Pepper, who had no company affairs today, of course came back to accompany Tony.

Since the enlightenment on the previous.

The relationship between Tony and Pepper is completely handled.

It’s no problem to use the term 100 Years 100 Haohe on them.

See Ino here.

Pepper was a little surprised and happily said: “Ino is here!”

Then she started asking Tony again: “Why don’t you remind me.”

Tony looked at Ino blankly at Pepper and said, “The relationship between us is not so unfamiliar, and there is no need for such a big scene.”

“Tony was right.”

Ino, Tony handed over the cube whiskey glass and said, “As if I have nothing to play, just chat, anyway…I’m leaving in a while.”

When Pepper heard it, he walked to the sofa area where Tony was sitting and sat down on the sofa alone. Then he said to Ino: “Now there are discussions about you in the company almost every day. No, there should be discussions about you all over the world. .”

“They are all discussing where you are, how great, and how much you believe in you.”

Hear what Pepper said.

Tony sat on another sofa and drank whiskey and said, “I also know this, now whether it is on the Internet or in reality.”

“They all believe in you as a god, so I guess Pepper stayed there for too long to listen, so it was automatically substituted.”

“It turns out that this is the reason.”

Ino looked at Pepper with a wine glass and said, “They seem to call me that way.”

“So in order not to carry too much responsibility, I took the vaccination a long time ago. It is only my interest to protect the people.”

Pepper nodded in agreement.

She can also think of if Ino wants to protect.

What it will be like, this is impossible.

Tony held the cup with one hand and rubbed his chin with the other. He suddenly asked: “I saw a sentence called: The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.”

“What do you think of this sentence”

“Just do it.”

Ino shrugged and replied, “Even if the earth is going to explode tomorrow, I can guarantee that my family is safe.”

“When these can be guaranteed, saving people is help or fun, or what I call interest dictates.”

“But even if you have the ability to save but not save others, you can’t say anything, because this is your duty.”

“Does he have to be able to be a good person, a good person, and to help others? No one says that.”

“So no matter what you do, your ability is yours, and the decision is yours.”

“Whether it is good or bad, there will be corresponding results.”

“Like I told you, you only need to consider the consequences that you need to bear.”

“So the conclusion is… you decide what you want to do, you are you, and others are not you.”

When Ino finished.

Pepper first nodded in agreement: “I like this statement very much.”

“Just like the moral kidnapping in this society.”

“You have money, why don’t you donate everything to help the poor”

“You are amazing, why don’t you protect the weak”

“You are rich in knowledge, why don’t you go to poor areas to teach students”

“These questions are… idiot questions.”

“Mine is mine. I can do whatever I want. If you want to praise it, you can praise it. If you want to condemn it, you can condemn it.”

Happiness!!! Ino clapped Pepper and said, “If you can think of it this way, your mentality won’t be as tangled as Tony, and there won’t be so many troubles that shouldn’t be there.”

Tony:…Just still there: he was shot out of the original point by Ino when he was pensive.

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