Chapter 254 .Tony’s Steel Armored Legion【4】

Hour to afternoon.

Ino came to Tony’s sea view villa.

Pepper is not at home at this time, she is still at work: Stark Tower.

To be honest, Ino would think Pepper was too miserable if it weren’t for Tony giving her shares.

It’s like a tool man.

After seeing Ino coming in, a Mark’s armor came up to greet him.

Ino smiled and said, “No, I will greet me with a shell.”

Ino finished.

As soon as the visor of the battle armor opened, Tony’s face leaked out and said, “Well, I want you to guess.”

Since Ino just said that sentence.

That means Ino already knows whether there is anyone in the armor.


Tony takes Ino into the basement first.

Then walked to the central assembly platform where he used to test the Mark 42 armor.

Tony stepped on the metal floor under his feet and said: “This is the only normal way to the underground base. Of course, there is also an escape channel and a passage for the armored legion.”

Then Ino nodded.

The metal floor where Tony and the two were stepping directly began to drive down.

That is the elevator.

It’s just that it can’t be seen at all if it doesn’t move.

During the driving, Tony introduced to Ino: “Pepper doesn’t know about this base at the moment, but it’s not that I don’t want to tell her, but that it will make her bad.”

Ino looked at the elevator that had not reached the end of the rapid descent and said, “It looks like you are digging deep.”


Tony explained: “It takes a lot of metal to build the base first, and purchasing a huge amount of metal outside will cause suspicion. I am different from you.”

“You can produce materials by yourself, and I have only recently slowly improved a material to make the base construction faster.”

“At the same time I am still: looking for metal mines. Although I only found one now, it is enough for now.”

Speak with Tony.

He finally reached the base with a nod.

Tony’s armor automatically untied and walked aside.

Then Tony took Ino on a tour.

Walk in an underground base full of metal.

The first thing you can see is that Tony’s underground base is similar to Fury’s…Insight Aircraft Carrier Underground Base.

In other words, a thief’s space was dug.

At the same time, there are many fully automatic manipulator assembly lines working.(Read more @

There are also large excavators and construction machines under construction in the distance.

Tony said as he walked: “The Dadonghua machinery here is equipped with a semi-intelligent system, and they can all be controlled by Jarvis.”

Speaking of Tony, he pointed to the machine on one side and said, “Hey, Jarvis, control the manipulator over there and say hello.”

After Tony finished speaking, the manipulator over there waved.

Ino walked next to Tony and looked at it and said, “Hmm…a more advanced assembly line factory.”

Tony: … Tony said helplessly: “You say that, I am a little like a small workshop.”

“Be confident.”

Ino patted Tony on the shoulder and said, “Da Workshop.”

Tony turned his head in silence and continued to walk deep with Ino.

Today Ino’s words.

The thief is sad.

Then, Tony and Ino went deeper and deeper, but the robot assembly line became less and less.

till the end.

The two walked to a display area.

The lights here are filled up, and rows of pedestals are prepared here.



…Taiwan battle armor.

And these battle armors… seem to be a little bigger than the one Tony just wore.

Tony looked at these armors and explained: “Of these 36 armors, only 6 can be worn.”

Yes, this is the problem that Ino just discovered.

Only 6 can be worn.

The other 30 units are solid.

Tony continued: “The six previous units are all used as auxiliary armors for the entire cloud server to detect the enemy, scan the enemy, and locate the enemy.”

“And the thirty solid ones at the back are all fire-powered armors, and there are a lot of ammunition in them.”

“Of the 30 units, only 6 are light-firepower armors, but the other 24 are heavy-fire coverage armors.”

With Tony’s introduction.

He also took Ino to the side of each armor and looked at them in turn.

Some of these armors also carry transmitters on their backs.

Ino nodded after reading it: “If you start all of them, it will be no problem to destroy a city with a radius of hundreds of kilometers in a short time.”

“But in the face of the army, it depends on the opponent’s interception function and battle damage. After all, we will fight the alien army in the future.”

Tony scratched his head and said, “I actually plan to produce more, but I can only use it as a spare if I produce it. It can’t be on the battlefield at all.”

Ino looks at Tony and knows the reason: “Jarvis has insufficient computing power”

Tony nodded and confirmed: “Yes, not only processing power, computing power, etc.”

“This kind of firepower armor requires rigorous calculation of orbits, but even these… it is not the most expensive… calculation.”

“It is the six reconnaissance armors that really cost the calculation.”

“The local data they obtain requires a very large amount of computational processing.”

“It’s okay if you can connect to my cloud service computer to fight.”

“But I’m afraid it’s fighting against the cloud service computer disconnected.”

“Then you can only use the built-in computer, the amount of calculation is not enough.”

At this time Ino added: “So then it seems that the armor will become a fool.”


Tony nodded and admitted.

no way.

Jarvis’s computing power can only be this way.

And this is the effect of connecting to a cloud computer.

If the internet is disconnected, it will be real.

And Tony himself couldn’t control so many armors at the same time.

So he can only command, but the real control still depends on Jarvis.

Ino joked: “Then I am afraid you want to violent soldiers, then you still need to use the inner core of a planet as energy, no, there are stars.”

“How can it be done.”

Tony immediately waved his hand and said, “That would be too scary.”

“The energy produced by the inner core of the earth is used to calculate how much I can violently… soldiers.”

“Not to mention the stars, my all-smart army armed the earth so that no one dares to come.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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