Chapter 256 .Ferry: First find the god father to save his life [2]

What was Tony thinking about? How could Ino not know.

Isn’t it just thinking about his ability and help? Although I don’t know how that sentence reached his ears.

But Tony was thinking just now…similar to moral kidnapping.

Tony rubbed his forehead when Ino pointed out the reason, and said, “Well, I was really thinking about this problem at first.”

“I heard this sentence for an accidental reason, and then I was thinking about whether ability and responsibility are linked.”

“Of course it hooks up.”

Ino leaned on the sofa and took a sip of his drink and said, “It’s just that the direction of the hook is the person closest to you, such as Pepper.”

“After you are strong, she is your most important person again, then you say you don’t hook her to whom you hook to”

As soon as Ino said this.

Tony was taken aback, then looked at Pepper and nodded to confirm.

Pepper also gave Tony a warm smile.

Tony said, “Yes, it’s the right thing to hook up with the closest person or family member.”

“So for strangers, wanting to help is…helping.”

Ino looked at Tony, then looked at Pepper and said, “It’s my duty not to help.”

“Although I don’t have any major incidents that don’t help, there is really no need to deal with small matters, such as someone who was stolen and robbed.”

“That is a government business. Although I want to manage it, I choose to leave it alone…

, I am not a king, nor are they my people.”

This time Tony and Pepper nodded together.

They finally understood the division of these things.

After seeing that they were finally about to unravel, Ino looked at his watch.

1: “Um… it’s been a long time since get off work.”

Ino reluctantly put down the wine glass: “I’m leaving first, Angela and Helen are still waiting for me to get off work.”

“So fast.”

Pepper was stunned to look at the scenery outside the window.

It was still dark when she came back.

As a result, she just feels chatting for a while now.

It’s actually already pretty bad, and it’s dark.

Ino waved his hand and walked straight out of Tony’s door.

Then he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

After returning to the umbrella building to take Angela and Helen home.

Ino also told them about Tony’s worry.

But they smiled and passed away.

But Helen asked a question that had been shelved for a long time.

Helen asked curiously: “When will the prototype of the biomechanical lady made by the Destroyer armor be equipped with intelligence?”

Ino thought for a while: “Alright, after a while, I will ask Ava to get the psychic scepter, and then use that heart gem to give the biomechanical lady the soul.”

“With the ability of the gem in the heart and Gaia’s evolutionary logic system, this lady’s soul potential is lower than Gaia, but she is still a personal one.”

“In the future, maybe it will be replaced with a more upright body, but it depends on her length.”(Read more @

Helen nodded to express understanding.

When Ino thought about it just now, after he decided to get the dark elf, the plot would not develop.

When the time comes, take the scepter back directly and first build the biomechanical lady army.

It is impossible for him to restrict his development because of the plot.

Isn’t this what Shabi is capable of doing?

But the dark elf has only been a few days, so you can wait and not worry.

But after Helen got the answer.

She bounced to the bathroom and got ready to take a bath.

At this time in the past, Angela would wait a while and follow her.

But this time.

Angela quietly walked to Ino after seeing Helen leave and whispered, “Helen, this little white flower, you shouldn’t…”

I won’t explain the following tiger and wolf words.

When Ino heard Angela’s words, he looked at her jokingly and said, “Are you going to see what it is like to use them on Helen because I use them all on you?”

“I…I…Angela was stunned by Ino’s words: “I mean it can’t be uneven. I have experienced it, and then Helen will definitely not be left.”

“It’s so pitiful to leave her like this, so you have to let her taste it.”

Hearing her words, Ino couldn’t help but smile and said, “I think you want to pull her into the water and see her expression after experiencing the same incident with you.”

“I do not have”

Angela stood up from the sofa and pulled Ino up and said, “Let’s go, you can’t leave Helen alone…


Ino was very sympathetic to Helen, being pulled up by Angela, and said, “You girlfriends and sisters are really sympathetic to brothers and sisters.”

Angela watched Ino stand up and went there and said in disregard: “I am called sharing the blessings and sharing the difficulties.”

“Furthermore, this is not difficult, this is…”

Accompanied by Angela’s forced defense.

Ino has been pushed to the bathroom door by her.

But at the moment Ino was pushed forward.

Ino pulled Angela in with a backhand.

Angela: Ah… the next morning.

Protect the top office of the Umbrella Secret Crystal Building.

Gaia said right next to Ino: “Nick Fury is being intercepted at this time.”

“So fast.”

Ino sighed.

Can cause such a quick cause.

Ino didn’t need to think about it, and knew it must be the reason Ferry came to him that day.

After Fury came here that day.

When the Hydra people knew it, they thought whether Fury was planning something.

But no matter what he planned.

Anyway… early assassinations and late assassinations are all assassinations.

It’s better not to wait: Fury and the gods planned something to kill Fury directly.

This is why Fury was assassinated so early.

At this time, Gaia was broadcasting this scene to Ino.

Ferry was waiting for the traffic light when he was passing by the traffic light that is a little bit sideways in the city but not far from the umbrella building.

A police car parked at S.H.I.E.L.D. in Fury.


….The agent in the car looked at him.

Ferry looked at the two police lanes with a blind eye: “Do you want to check my ID?”

The two brawny policemen in the police car gave him a deep look.

The police car with the rear co-pilot picked up the intercom and didn’t know what to say.

The police car drove away directly.

Ferry looked at the police car going away, frowning suddenly.

The two strong men in the police car are suspicious.

Many police officers in the U.S. are fat.

And the odds of two brawny policemen sitting in an ordinary police car: winning the lottery.

Coupled with their deep eyes.

Fury held the steering wheel for a moment.

Slightly stepped on the accelerator, and as soon as the steering wheel was hit, he changed direction and headed for the umbrella building.

Let’s ask my father to save my life first.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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