Chapter 245 .National celebration, umbrella company holiday [2]

“team leader.”

Fury looked at Steve and said seriously: “You will know, but now is not the time, I will tell you when the time is up.”

What else Steve wants to say.

But in the end, after seeing Ino, he thought about it and didn’t say anything.

Because Ino is…the last fuse in their eyes.

And it’s still the kind of fuse that is too thick to be thicker.

There is Ino.

Steve: The people will be fine.

But the real result is actually.

There is Ino.

Ino: At least the earth I won’t let it blow up.

After Laughing Fury finished speaking, he looked at Tony and said, “You are not on the white list of the board of directors.”


Tony asked unclearly.

“Because your Mark armor technology is too powerful, we can’t master it, plus your personality.”

“So not only does the council distrust you, it also gives you a level of danger.”

Wait until Fury finishes explaining.

Tony asked why, “Then why should I be on the dangerous list? Ino is much more dangerous than me.”

Do you think I don’t want Ino to be on…! Fury almost yelled this sentence.

Responding to the cry in his heart, Fury asked Tony deeply: “We have swapped positions, would you like to use Ino as a dangerous and vigilant unit?”

Tony thought about it, but let it go.

Went after 2 hours.

One of those agents ran up to Fury and said, “There is indeed an underground base, but…”

“but what.”

Fry asked.

Even the agents have difficulty exporting:, then I guess there is indeed something.

“But there are a lot of people who die… and they die…”

Speaking of this, the agent explained with gestures.

Fury understood a little bit.

Then everyone walked over there.

Waited until that underground base.

After seeing the scene inside.

Even Steve frowned.

Even when Natasha saw it, her eyes flashed to the other side.

Tony even looked at the sky while whistling.

It is estimated that only Fury and Ino didn’t feel anything.

As for the cause of this.(Read more @

That’s because the death of this group of people is really terrible.

This little place.

The agents have placed hundreds of charcoal bodies together.

And the black hill in front of me was piled up.

The clothes worn by this group of people are all carbonized.

And only the body burnt remained.

Fury moved his eyes and looked at the agent beside him and asked, “Are there any people alive?”

“No, sir.”

The agent shook his head and said, “All the corpses are here. They were all electrocuted before the safe escape route was opened.”

Ferry nodded, looked at the frowning American team next to him, and then turned around and asked: “That is to say, these…………the all-wicked bastards are all dead.”

That… the agent was taken aback.

He didn’t figure out why these facts should be asked by Fury again.

But he still replied: “Yes, sir.”

Hear these.

Steve’s brows relaxed again.

Ino had already learned through Gaia that there was no missing fish in Kylian’s death and said to Fury: “It seems that it will take some time to tell who is Kylian here.”

“Then you can find it first, I’ll leave first, and you can take the corpse for business.”

“But I will issue an official announcement to kill him.”

“I want the president to personally post and repost.”

Fury nodded and said, “No problem, I will talk to Mr. President.”

Ino nodded.

Just turned around and walked a few steps.

Tony said quickly: “Take me! I don’t want to fly for a few hours.”

Ino nodded again.

Then when passing by Natasha, she touched the top of her head and teleported away with Tony.

[Space Gems: Space Teleport] After seeing Ino and Tony go.

Ferry, Coleson, Steve, and Hill all turned to look at Natasha.

Natasha spread her hands.

Then he turned his back.

After sending Tony home.

Ino only left a sentence: In the future, he will focus on nanotechnology and leave.

Back to own umbrella building.

When Gaia revoked his invisibility, Ino said to her: “Posted on the official website that Kylian has been killed, people around the world can go out with confidence.”

Gaia nodded: “It has been announced.”

The moment Ino announced the news.

Countless media and netizens who are always guarding the news are reposting this news in an instant.

So that in an instant, everyone can see this message no matter where they are on the Internet.

Some people have even begun to organize a parade to celebrate the gods of the gods.

Everyone held up the portraits of Tenjin and Ino where they went to sing and advocate.

Knowing this news, Ino asked Gaia to announce another news.

“A celebratory crowd has to exceed 70 people.”

This news came out.

Everyone felt distracted.

As a result… Gaia said next to Ino: “Because of the dispersal, everyone is exaggerated by this atmosphere, so not only the crowd has increased, but the celebration range has also expanded.”

“And now the celebration has spread from New York to other states.”


Add fuel to the fire.

It was already night at this time.

Ino took Angela and Helen home first.

As a result, they just waited until they finished taking a shower, wearing pajamas, lying on the sofa and chatting.

Gaia said next to him: “Tony Stark also celebrated the power of the gods on Facebook and on the official website.”

“Furthermore, the president just released confirmation that the gods killed Kilian on Facebook and the official website of the State Department.”

“Then this two-person operation again and again put your fan base on top of the craze.”

“They seem to decide to celebrate from tonight to tomorrow morning.”

Ino:…….. Ino curiously asked: “How many of my employees are also in the celebration team”

“Except… the ones who can’t come and those who are sleeping are basically there.”

Gaia said: “But many of them decided to go back to bed in the early morning, and a small number of people plan to go to bed again tomorrow night.”

Ino:…….. “Hey”

Ino sighed and waved his hand and said, “Post an announcement on the company’s official website. There will be a day off tomorrow, and the back office will go to work normally.”

Well, when Ino talks about this, Helen and Angela can’t sit still.

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