Chapter 246 . Insight into aircraft carrier plan, garbage plan [3]

Angela asked, “Then we won’t go tomorrow”

Ino turned his head to look at them.

Helen looked a little eager.

Angela looked for answers.

Ino knew what they were worried about, so he quipped them: “The experiment is important or I am important”

!!! Ah this…….in an instant.

Helen directly didn’t know how to answer.

This sentence that was in a dilemma among boys was originally used by Ino to have the same effect.

And it’s just that the objects are swapped.

He looked at Helen in a dilemma.

Angela knew that this was Ino’s jokes, and then smiled gently at Helen and said, “I am the experiment is important, and you Helen.”


Helen looked at Angela in amazement, and then said two index fingers in a small voice: “I’m the important point of Ino.”

Puff for a moment.

Ino and Angela laughed at the way Helen looked.

Helen finally knew that she was being teased.

She patted Angela’s face with shame and hurriedly ran back to her bedroom.

Watching Helen run away.

Angela and Ino glanced at each other and smiled together.

Still too young.

In the bedroom.

Angela’s body was covered with a thin blanket.

Today is an odd number day.

She wraps one arm around Ino’s neck.

He buried his head on Ino’s shoulder, next to his ear.

Angela said softly, “Will you go to the laboratory tomorrow?”

Ino: ………You are also worried about this issue.


Ino sighed on the ceiling of the starlight lamp, “Go go, let’s go.”

Angela happily kissed Ino’s cheek and arched it to find a comfortable position.

“Then I’ll go to bed first”

“It’s not necessarily.”


……… The next day.

Protect the Umbrella Secret Crystal Building.

After Ino sends Angela and Helen here.

Fury called.

“You said 4 everyone is almost finished, do you want to come and have a look, give some pointers”

Ino thought for a while and said, “Well, anyway… I am idle and I am idle.”

I didn’t snap my fingers this time.

Ino was directly teleported to the door of the Triquy Wing Building.

Enter the elevator in the lobby.

There was a sound inside the ladder.(Read more @

Identification: Tenjin Ino “Go to Nick Fury’s office.”

Buzz the elevator going up.

After a while, I arrived at Nick Fury’s office.

After entering the door.

Ino smiled and said, “Really put me on the whitelist.”

To tell the truth.

Ino himself thought that Fury was joking.

But I didn’t expect Fury to actually arrange the whitelist.

Fury stood up and said, “After I showed your video to the council and the House of Representatives, they agreed to whitelist you.”

“so it is.”

Ino nodded: “It seems that it’s better to click directly.”

Fury ignored this sentence.

Take Ino directly to the elevator: “Let’s go, let’s go directly to the underground.”

The two enter the elevator.

Fury: “Insight into the planning voyage.”

Elevator: Nick Fury, Ino rights allowed.

After the elevator announces, it starts to descend directly.

And Fury leaned on the elevator handrail and took advantage of this time to start saying: “My grandfather has been an elevator operator for 40 years.”

“The building he works in is pretty good.”

“Tip a lot.”

“He goes home at night, and there is a large roll of one dollar in his lunch bag.”

“He asked people a question mark, and others responded.”

…….. “Later, when a gangster asked him: Hey, what’s in your bag.”

“My grandpa will show them the loaded pistol in the bag.”

Ino smiled and shook his head and said, “What your grandpa did…it’s quite right.”

“Yeah, you think so too.”

As Ferry finished speaking.

The elevator has also reached the bottom of the ground.

Fury looked at the 4 Insights battleship in the distance and said, “It’s just that the times are different, so the pistol should be replaced.”

With that, the elevator opened the door.

The two went out.

In this underground space, a space of several kilometers in length, width and height is hollowed out.

The 4 Cha battleships are all stopped here.

And they are almost finished.

Now supplies and munitions have been delivered to it.

Fury took Ino as he walked and introduced: “This is the Insight Plan.”

“Three generations ahead of the helicopter carrier, and the satellite, are scheduled to be connected.”

“Once you are in the sky, you don’t have to land anymore.”

“The new engine can continue to do suborbital flights.”

Talking and talking.

The two walked under the abdomen of a battleship.

Fry pointed to those…multi-headed muzzles and said: “These…long-distance precision positioning weapons can destroy a thousand enemies in one minute.”

“Terrorists don’t need to show up, satellites, to read him.

Then kill the threat in the cradle.”

“If it hasn’t been officially launched, in fact, Kylian won’t need you to act.”

Hear what Ferry said.

Ino turned his head and glanced at him and said, “Even if you position me to strike, it’s easy.”

“No, no, no.”

Fury quickly took a hand out of his pocket and shook it and said, “You know, these… they can’t hurt you.”

Then he looked at Ino and asked, “I’m finished, do you have any comments?”

Ino touched his chin: “Want to hear the truth or want to hear the lie.”

“Of course it’s the truth.”

Ferry replied.

Ino nodded: “The truth is… rubbish.”

Fury:…….. Fury: “What about the lie?”

“The lie is very rubbish.”

Ino replied.

After hearing this, Fury squeezed the bridge of his nose: “Which goal did you compare with?”

“The former is Tony, the latter is me.”

Ino replied, “If you let Tony come over, you can dismantle one in a few seconds.”

“If I come…, you know.”

You don’t even need to explain, because Ino has no solution.

Hey Fury sighed and asked, “If it compares to ordinary people, then”

“Then do you still ask me?”

Ino looked at Fury: “Either you crush mortals, or you are crushed by the upper layers.”

“By the way, do you have the control authority of these 4 battleships? No, you can’t control it.”

: Sorry, I seem to have a fever today and my head feels dizzy. Go here today and resume the update tomorrow.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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