Chapter 244 .Thunderbolt, the base razed to the ground [1]


5 seconds.

……【Power of Thor】Rumble!!!! The sky where the sun was shining was instantly clouded.

The maddening mid-sky thunder shot down and hit the earth.


The earth rolls.

The land with a radius of one thousand meters centered on Ino is like being rolled over by an earth dragon and then blasted.

The original village instantly turned into ruins.

All the surrounding areas became dark brown dirt turned up from the ground.

“Oh my God……”

Tony watched from a distance with the telescope in the armor.

A thunderstorm like a thunderbolt in the distance.

This time it was more than twice as strong as that in New York.

Countless thunders, each as thick as an oil barrel, bombarded the earth.

After half an hour of catharsis.

The thunder gradually disappeared.

The dark clouds gradually dissipated.

Tony watched Ino slowly fly over after the explosion.

Stand next to Ino.

Tony looked at Ino as if he hadn’t done it just now and said, “I don’t think it would be enough to give Kylian more life… he is dead.”

After speaking, Tony looked around.

Where is this place before?

The land with a radius of one thousand meters has been turned over.

Even the black and brown soil under the ground was turned to the surface.

No shadow of the original village can be seen now.

Ino looked at the only intact piece of land under his feet and said, “Those who should die can’t die anymore.”

Although that said.

But in fact, the people under the earth are all dead.

And it’s all burnt.

Tony said, “I called SHIELD.


…. Let them dig.”

Ino nodded.

Tony called Fury using Warframe.

After receiving the call, Fury asked: “Not found.”

“already solved.”

Tony said lightly: “But you have to come over and dig it, they are under the ground, very deep.”

“How deep is it”

Fry asked.

“At least a kilometer.”

Tony replied.

“I’ll bring someone here right away.”

After speaking, Ferry hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Tony also said to Ino, “Fry will bring someone here right away.”


It didn’t take long.

Two fighter planes flew over from a distance.(Read more @

After stopping to this piece of land that had been plowed over.

Fury, Hill, Coleson, Tasha, and Steve all got off the plane.

Of course there were more than a dozen agents accompanying him.

Fury brought all these elite agents.

It can be seen that he is rigorous and serious about this matter.

Wait until they are all down.

Tony looked at them and asked, “A kilometer deep underground base, what use is it for you to bring these agents here?”

“Who said that to dig the earth, you must have a machine.”

Fury waved to the group of… Ordinary agents next to him and said, “If it’s just digging, isn’t it okay to be violent?”


The group of…agents have removed a few boxes from the fighter plane.

After opening the box, Fury said: “Earth-boring explosives, a land that can explode tens of meters deep.”

“These boxes add up enough to blow up to Kilian’s base.”

Ino nodded to the group of… Agents pointed to one side and said, “Go over there and stay away.”

Hear Ino’s words.

The agents looked at Fury.

Fury said: “Look at what I am doing, do it.”

After finishing talking about the dozen or so agents, Fury carried the box and exploded it.

Wait until the agent is gone.

Steve walked up in casual clothes with a vibrating shield and asked, “Are there any enemies?”

“I guess it’s gone.”

Before Ino could answer Fury, he looked around and said, “If I remember correctly.”

“This was originally a village, but now it looks like…a little fertile land.”

“You’re right.”

Tony opened the visor stall and said, “Ino and I built a new town for the villagers here, and now they all live there.”

“Then Ino crackled and plowed this way.”

“Then it will become the scene you see now.”

After Tony danced and explained.

Steve obviously asked me blindly, “This was originally a village!”

After speaking, he turned around and looked around.

This Nima is all dark brown land, where is the shadow of the village.

Tony asked in Ino’s ear: “I recorded your outbreak just now, do you want to show them and pass it to them”

Ino nodded.

Tony expressed his understanding and walked over and showed it to Fury, Steve, Hill, Coleson and Natasha.

Then pass it to them by the way.

Originally, Ino wanted them to see the fate of provoking the gods.

So after Tony’s video is passed to Fury, he will also pass it to it.

This saves a lot of trouble.

After a while.

Natasha covered her mouth with one hand in shock.

Steve watched the video and then watched Ino himself and asked: “If you only look at Ino, you can’t tell that this is what you looked like when you broke out.”

Now Yushu is facing the wind, and the gentle Ino is the Ino with the blue and purple light in the video that releases the thunderous.

Although this is all Ino.

But it looks like two people.

Bang! Steve just finished.

There was an explosion in the distance.

It seems that the ground penetrating missile is already working.

Fury looked at it and said, “There should be results in two hours.”

It’s okay during this time.

Ino looked at Fury and smiled: “I heard that you are building 4 big guys recently, and they will be built soon.”

Fury’s face twitched.

“big guy”

Steve looked at Fury in a puzzled sentence and asked: “What big guy or 4 can’t be a weapon?”

Steve asked.

Fury’s face twitched even harder.

Except that…Steve didn’t know about it.

Hill, Natasha and Coleson also know.

But other than that, few know.

How did Ino know.

“This is much more powerful than a weapon.”

Ino smiled: “Maybe it can threaten me.”

“How can this be.”

Fury quickly said: “It is impossible to threaten you. Besides, you will always be on the government’s whitelist.”

After seeing that video of Ino.

Fury knew that he and the government could never mess with the gods.

In case there is a little mistake.

Then the whole country is truly beyond the reach.

“What about me about the whitelist”

Tony also asked at this time.

“Hey, you haven’t said what weapon it is”

Steve also asked.

For… Steve, Ino said that.

That is very powerful for ordinary people like them.

So Steve must ask to understand.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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