Chapter 243 .Tony bill ability, underground electric “mouse” [4]

Ino ignored him.

Instead, he looked around and said, “Tony is good to you, but I won’t be good to you. Who is the village chief, please come up.”

Following Ino’s faint tone, he said it.

The crowd actively separated and let out a middle-aged and elderly person.

He walked to Ino.

The body was a little lowered and said, “The people you caught just now are actually from outside the village. They have just come and settled for a month.”

“As for the anomaly, we haven’t noticed it. There are only 3 TV sets and a few radios in the entire village.”

“We all know you through these…TV and radio.”

The tone of this middle-aged and old person is very respectful.

As the village head.

He is obligated to protect the villagers here.

So in the face of Ino, he naturally changed from his original respect to more respect.

Hear what the old man said.

Ino looked around.

Since this is South Africa, the crowd in this hundred is all black.

But their arms and skin can also see calluses and wind marks from their work.

The child’s face is dirty.

Some even wore simple clothes.

But this doesn’t stop Ino from being kind to them.

Because Gaia has already told himself in his ears.

Kylian is a thousand meters deep under the ground.

And because they are for absolute safety and complete concealment.

There is no outdoor camera on this whole underground metal base.

So even the scanning of Tony’s electronic signals etc. can’t tell the reason.

Tony asked in Ino’s ear: “They really don’t know what to do, but the three people have been sent to see God, and now the clues are broken.”

“No, it’s not broken.”

Ino shook his head gently and said, “There must be a problem here. The three people came to settle here, definitely not suddenly.”

“Then where will they hide?”

Tony also looked around curiously.

There must be a problem here.

The address that Fury gave is also here.

They also died of agents near here.

So…Killian would hide where Tony looked around, and finally saw the ant accidentally.

These…The ants are just carrying food underground.

Tony instantly reacted to Ino when he saw it, “They won’t be underground, right.”

“What do you think.”

Ino stepped on the ground and said simply.(Read more @

“But before I came, I had scanned the underground nearly a few hundred meters deep, and there was no metal reaction.”

Tony thought for a while and said: “The underground base must use a lot of metal, otherwise the various facilities will not be safe.”

“Who said they didn’t use metal.”

Nuo said lightly: “Didn’t Fury tell you that the base in Kylian South Africa was probably established ten years ago.”

Words that started to be established years ago.

There is time to build the base deeper.

Tony secretly said: Why did he reach this critical point.

But here comes the problem again.

Tony’s armor can’t go deep into the ground at a depth of one thousand meters, unless he goes back and builds a special armor.

And the speed of digging is even faster.

Otherwise, using the construction team’s words, as soon as there is a movement on the top, the bottom will secretly say: What to do if they run, they can’t drop a nuclear bomb.

There is no other entrance for poisoning:.

Thinking of this, Tony turned his head and looked at Ino and asked helplessly: “What should I do about a kilometer deep underground, they will run away if there is a slight movement, unless we can dig it in less than 1 minute.”

“Otherwise it would be equivalent to letting them run for nothing. Are we using ground penetrating missiles?”

“I think you are an idiot.”

Ino said lightly: “You weapons expert don’t know where the kilometer-class ground penetrating missile is coming from now.”

“At this position, unless the government or you take a nuclear bomb, there is no other way.”

Tony nodded in agreement and began to meditate.

But suddenly he turned around and asked: “The government or us!”

Ino only talked about the government and them.

Ino didn’t say himself! In other words, Ino did it again! Ino looked at Tony and smiled and said, “Remember how I killed the blockbuster Qitarui army”

Tony’s eyes gradually widened.

His mouth gradually grew.

After a few seconds, he was relieved.

Then he looked at the people around him and said, “Now I will give you two choices.”

“The Umbrella Biology Department and Stark Industries decided to build a public welfare town 50 kilometers west from here.”

“This town can accommodate thousands of people after it is built within a month, and the houses and public facilities are intact, and the mayor is still the old man.”

“Now within 30 minutes.

If you leave, you can wait in the evening until Stark Industry’s special car will take you to the hotel and stay until the town is built…”

“And the second option can only choose the first one.”

“Now let’s decide!”

After Tony finished talking, he looked around and clapped his hands in a circle: “Okay, you all agree, so now there is a time limit of 30 minutes to take away everything.”

Rumbling Toni just finished speaking.

Hundreds of people around here went straight and crawled home to pack their things.

Then in about 10 minutes: within time, they took things with them and ran away.

Because they are already poor, they have nothing.

As for whether Tony will lie to them.

how is this possible.

The gods are here.

After half an hour.

Tony looked at the country where the birds don’t shit, turned his head and asked Ino, “How is it?”

After speaking, he shook his eyebrows.

Ino nodded appreciatively and said: “Good idea, you have used the money to the extreme.”

After all, money can make ghosts push things.

Tony only costs a few dollars for this operation.

As a result, now it has not only hit the terrorist leader.

It also lifted the reputation of the two companies to the next level.

From now on, even where Ino and Tony went to sabotage.

According to this compensation method that is equivalent to demolition, I am afraid that everyone is looking forward to Ino and Tony’s demolition.

I am afraid that it will be too light.


After the crowd was gone.

Ino looked at the underground and explained: “The earth is actually conductive. It’s okay to see a thunderbolt introduced into the earth in daily life. In fact, it’s just because it’s buried very deep.”

But if this is converted to the voltage level of Ino Thor’s power.

It’s only a thousand meters deep.

Let Tony see the “rats” buried alive by thunder and lightning

Seeing that Ino is ready.

Tony hurriedly said: “Wait! I’ll run away, and you will put it back 1 minute after the countdown!”

After talking about Tony bang! I ran away at a speed of several Mach.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

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