Chapter 239 .Tony dislikes S.H.I.E.L.D., Celestial video [4]

Tony’s words.

Ferry was completely stunned.



…. Can’t help. Tony wants to solve it by himself. Ferry looked at Tony seriously and said: “You really do it all by yourself.”

“I confirm.”

Tony leaned on the sofa in the same pose as Ino and said, “You guys are useless.”

Facing Tony’s straightforward words.

If this were in society, Fury and the others would have been angry.

But Hill didn’t hear it.

Coulson still looked at here with a smile.

After holding his chin in silence for a while, Fury stood up directly from the sofa and said, “Then I will leave this to you. The President asked, and I said Tony took the initiative.”

“No problem at all.”

Tony raised the quilt in his hand, “Just say that.”

“it is good.”

Fury nodded flatly.

Then he took Coleson and Hill and left.

After the helicopter left.

Hill pilots the plane and asked Fury: “I just told the above that Tony took this question, is it okay? I won’t worry about it.”

Fury put on noise-cancelling headphones and said faintly: “Plus, he invited the gods to help him.”

Hill: ….. After thinking about it, Hill said inexplicably, “Then why don’t you say it there.”

Fury: … Fury didn’t speak.

He deliberately ignored Hill waiting for the helicopter to reach the destination.

You think I don’t want to.

But I dare not.

…The screen returns to Ino’s side.

After seeing Ferry go, Tony stood up and walked slowly to the open platform.

Although you can’t see people with the naked eye.

But he could see the dense crowd under the building.

At this time, Pepper walked out of the elevator and said: “The reporters are all around the building. They can’t get out even if they want to go out. You have to go out and explain.”

Although the explosion was not on the top of the Stark Tower but on the periphery of the Stark Tower.

But because of the location of the Stark Tower.

Everyone and all reporters will assume that this is the bombed Stark Tower.

Although it was originally.

Tony thought for a while and asked Ino, “Can you upload your video?”


Ino agreed: “But I need to delete the broken arm, and everything else is fine.”


Tony nodded and agreed: “Jarvis, edit the video.”(Read more @

Jarvis: Sir, it’s done.


At this time Pepper wondered: “What arm?”


Tony was taken aback, he squinted at the box under the table in front of Ino and said, “It’s nothing, just… just a few pictures.”


Ino also continued: “Let Tony go down. The reporters outside are still waiting for him.

Talk again.”

“Oh yes yes yes.”

Pepper reacted and quickly wanted to push Tony away.

“Go slowly.”

Tony stopped after speaking.

Then he went to the computer and unplugged the video that Jarvis had edited.

Finally, he followed Pepper.

After Ino returned home carrying the suitcase.

Tony also came downstairs at this time.

“Long Guns and Short Cannons”

After the reporters saw Tony.

They immediately surrounded themselves and asked, “Mr. Stark, is this the same attack by the Mandarin?”

There is also a question: “Mr. Stark, the mansion was attacked and provoked, what is your opinion?”

“Mr. Stark, will your friend Tenjin Ino be attacked in the future”

“Mr. Stark, does Ino, the god, have a way to solve this?”

In the end, there was even a casual man holding a mobile phone to take pictures of Tony and yelled: “Hey, Stark, will you kill this man?”

“Shut up all of me!!!”

Facing a noisy crowd.

Stark, who couldn’t bear it, cursed directly.

He is not afraid of any negative effects in society.

Because for him, this little explosion is not comparable to the contribution he has done.

Stark first looked at that…the casual man and said, “Then I will answer your question first.”

“The answer is, I will definitely kill the Mandarin, no matter where he hides.”

“I know that the Mandarin at this time is also looking at me, and even thinking about how to kill me.”

“But do you think I will tell you my home address”

“How is it possible, I still have my family, I will not put my family in danger.”

Speaking of this, Tony also feels verbose is over.

He said directly: “1 Here I tell the Mandarin, I will kill you, now you start praying for how long you can hide.”

“I can also tell you a good news, the god Ino will also help me.”

“So it doesn’t matter…

If you have any problems in your mind, I will ask you here.”

“You! Dare to blow up the Secret Crystal Building on the Umbrella Island!”

“Although I know you can’t get in, as long as you blew yourself 1 kilometer in front of the Secret Crystal Building, I will be brave, not intimidating.”

“Tianjinyi and I have found a clue to the Mandarin. If we don’t expect it, it will take a long time to solve this problem.”

“Below I will give you a disc. Here is a video on how Ino solved this explosion crisis. Whoever gets the first one can get a salary increase and promotion after returning.”

“Others please go to Stark’s official website to download.”

Tony just finished speaking.

Someone was the first to shout: “I, I, I, I, I!!!!”

“! That’s you, young man, you were the first to call it out.”

Tony immediately pointed to the guy with the fastest reaction.

Then wait for this young man to come up.

Tony patted him on the shoulder after handing it over and said, “That’s nice boy, I’ll give it to you.”

Wow, this young man who just joined the job has his mouth widened in surprise.

The first video disk of Tenjin.

The first person on the whole network to get the video and wait for a while to post it.

And Tony’s compliments.

This Nima’s own future is not flat in society, I just stepped into the society!!! This is as lucky as I was born with a billionaire lottery.

But I didn’t wait for him to thank him.

Tony hadn’t waited for the reporters behind him to turn around.

So this is called a lucky person.

Some people are born to reach the top of others’ lives.

And even if it’s a small gesture by Tony,

This young man who has just stepped into the society will have a good life in his life.

The picture returns to Ino’s sea view villa.

After accompanying Angela and Helen, Gaia watched Tony’s reporter interview.

Ino smiled and said, “Tony just…likes this, not to mention, this guy is not only lucky, but also very clever.”

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