Chapter 240 .Abandoned the car to protect the handsome, the umbrella building was bombed [1]

Helen looked at the box that Ino brought back and asked, “What’s inside?”


Ino said lightly.


Helen didn’t seem to understand.

And Angela seemed to understand that he was urging Helen to take a look.

Upon hearing Angela’s words, Helen looked at Ino for consent.

Ino nodded with a smile hidden in the corner of his mouth.

Then Helen got off the sofa and went there to open the box on the ground.


Bang! Shut it off.

The overall time is not even a second.

Helen, who was silent, didn’t even go to Angela’s side.

Instead, she walked to Ino’s sofa, buried her face on Ino’s stomach, wrapped her hands around Ino’s waist and said, “You are really necrotic.”

This is how curiosity killed the cat.

After a while.

Ino asked Gaia: “Blast the official website tomorrow morning, by the way, see if Kylian wants to blow up my building like Tony said.”

Gaia nodded.

The stars flickered in his eyes and replied: “Timed blasting is set.”

“And Kylian really wants to blast at a location 11 one kilometer away from the door of the Umbrella Secret Crystal Building.”

“But for the time being, my identity is not exposed and I am afraid of you, so I am still hesitating.”

“But the bomber has been dispatched nearby.”

After hearing the answer, Ino waved his hand: “Killian wants to explode if he wants to provoke him. I want to see what he would do when he was exposed directly on the Internet.”

At this moment.

Gaia suddenly said, “Banna wants to call you.”

After Banner finished speaking, Banner’s phone rang on Ino’s personal phone.

After the last meeting adjourned, everyone left their own phone calls.

After being connected, Banner asked on the phone: “Hey, Ino, it’s been a long time since I saw you. I read on the news that you have any trouble with adults.”

“Although I may not be able to help much, do I need me now?”

Faced with Banner’s desire to help.

Ino smiled happily and said, “You are a big guy who can only fight. You can’t help with this kind of peekaboo problem. I will ask you when I have a fight.”

“Um… Okay.

Banner said regretfully: “Then you should be busy, I have to hang up too, now I am in Brazil to help the people here casually.”

“Oh, by the way, if you can, can you buy some special-priced medicine from you, there is a shortage of people here.”

“You can find Jason, there are a lot of stock medicines.”

Ino called Banner and said, “These medicines have no version numbers, so they are not sold, but they are all right.”

Banner: “Thank you so much, I didn’t help, but…”

Ino: “There will be fights in the future, big guys, you have to stand in the front.”

Before Banner finished thanking him, Ino said, “The cost of this medicine may not be enough for me and Angela and Helen to go out for a meal.”(Read more @

Banner: … is the world where I miss the rich.

excuse me.

Wait until Banner hangs up.

After a while, Gaia said again: “Steve is calling.”

After speaking, a call from the US team came from Ino’s personal phone.

After the call, Steve asked: “Hey, Ino, it’s been a long time since I saw you. I read on the news that you have any trouble with adults.”

“Although I have slept longer and can’t keep up with the times, do I need me now?”

Now it’s Ino’s turn to be a bit speechless.

“Are you and Banner both uttered in the same formula, have they discussed it before?”


Steve asked, “Banna called you too”


Ino said: “He asked me if I needed help, then I refused, and then he gave a batch of medicine to impoverished areas in Brazil.”

“Although the price is… he will be ahead of the fight in the future.”


Steve took a breath: “Then he’s quite a loss.”

In this kind of fight, Hulk rushed in front…anyway, he would be beaten.

“So don’t ask.”

Ino simply said: “Man is just hiding. After finding him, the only thing waiting for him is death.”


Steve simply replied: “Then I wish you all the best.”

After hanging up the phone.

Things finally calmed down.

Ino touched his head buried in his stomach on Shanghai Road and said to Angela, “Put this box at the front desk tomorrow, and Jason will bring the Los Angeles Experimental Base.”

“But it will explode in 40 hours. Leave a message for everyone at the base to pay attention.”

Angela nodded.

Wait until things are over.

Everyone went back to rest.

……..The next day.

Protect the top of the Umbrella Secret Crystal Building.

It is now 8:3 and half an hour from the official website blasting.

And that hand has been taken by Jason to the experimental base.

Time slowly flows by.

Soon it came to 9 o’clock at this moment.

The official website was instantly hacked and countless direct evidences were broadcast at the same time.

At this time his think tank team is in the company.

Kirian was dumbfounded here.

These videos! Each one is worthy of his own death sentence! He shouted loudly: “Hurry up and solve this problem! If you can’t solve it, unplug the server power cord!”

After speaking, he looked directly at the busy and noisy crowd.

Then he slowly backed off alone and walked out.

He wants to run alone.

Because there will be a breakthrough here in at most half an hour.

Leave no people as bait and hostage.

How to run by yourself.

Fortunately, South Africa has retained a large amount of medicine and technology in the underground base in the past 10 years.

There are also escape routes to go there directly.

Kirian was thankful that he had a hand.

But anyway… I have to run away.

It’s better to respond to Stark’s wish to blow up the umbrella building.

Thinking of this, Kylian also called and ordered to go down.

The screen returns to Ino.

After watching the whole process, Ino clapped his hands and said: “Abandoned the car to take care of the handsome, this Kylian is a bit interesting, and he ran without hesitation, okay.”

The stars in Gaia’s eyes flashed and said, “That… the blew man has received the order, and he is going to blew himself up at a place 11 kilometers away from behind the umbrella gate.”

“Let him blow up.”

Ino said lightly: “After letting him blow up, I will let the whole world know what it is to anger the umbrella.”

“Just let those…the U.S. Council and the House of Representatives look at it. From now on, it will listen to me or listen to me.”

“it is good.”

Gaia nodded and agreed.

After a while.

Boom!!!! A small mushroom cloud and explosion sounded at a position 11 one kilometer away from the umbrella gate.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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