Chapter 238 .Hill do you listen to Fury or Ino’s [3]


Too looked at the box on the ground, and then said to Pepper, “It seems to be, but Ino just solved it casually.”


Pepper suddenly let out a sigh of relief: “Fortunately, if the explosion is in our company, it will be over.”

After that, Pepper looked at Ino again and said, “Thank you very much, Ino.”


Ino drank the wine and waved his hand.

Then Pepper went down.

At this moment.

The sound of a helicopter came from the roof of the Stark Tower.

After a while.

After learning about Jarvis, Tony said to Ino, “Here is the salted egg.”

Ino stroked his forehead.

Why is this marinated egg coming again?

With the helicopter fan blades overhead, it slowly stopped.

Ferry walked in from the open platform with Hill and Coleson.

He looked at Ino and Tony.

Then I walked to the counter very familiarly and took a glass, poured a glass of Tony’s wine, and sat on the sofa with the glass.

Fury took a sip.

But then he frowned suddenly.

Then I swallowed it forcibly and looked at Ino and Tony and asked, “You drink this”

My goodness!!.

The world’s richest man Ino and the superhero Tony Stark Iron Man will drink this, no, no, no, no.

Ino leaned on the sofa and put his hands on the cushion behind and said, “Did you see us drinking?”

“Then what do you guys do?”

Ferry put the wine glass down.

“This is Tony’s tune.”

Ino shook hands: “You ask him.”

Facing Fury’s death gaze.

Tony took out a brown drink from the drunk driving again and said: “It’s just that I just redeem it casually, who knows you will drink it when you come up.”

Hear Tony’s words.

Fury squeezed the bridge of his nose.

The wine is a bit punchy.

After Tony finished speaking.

Take Ino’s wine glass on the table, fill it up, and push it over.

Then I filled my glass and put the bottle down.

Fury wanted to drink it by himself.

Ino looked at Coleson with Tony’s poured wine and asked, “Why is your chief here this time? It’s not just for this glass of bar above.”

“of course not.”(Read more @

Coleson smiled and explained: “Because of a loud noise over the Stark Tower, we, who were already very close, just flew over.”

“We wonder if this is another adult attack.”

“The last alien invasion in New York was… with Tony Knife, we think it is too.”

That’s right, who told Tony to have such a good position in Dali.

But Tony immediately.

Denied: “Who said that Ino’s Secret Crystal Building is not much more beautiful than mine, why do you still use me for surgery?”

Tony’s words are not to throw the pot and blame.

He just… simply can’t understand.

There is no other dark layer meaning in it.

But Hill explained directly: “They dare not.”


Tony dumbfounded and asked Hill, “Why?”

At this time, Ferry looked at Tony and asked: “Think about it for yourself, if this Manchu is replaced by you, would you dare to blow up a scrap of the Ino Building or injure an employee”

Facing Fury’s problem.

Tony shook his head into a rattle without thinking about it.

If it blows up…I am afraid it will be hunted down by the world.

Thor arrives to call you so high that you can’t take care of yourself.

The last person who did this was carried back by the mummy.

Whether there is any…recovery is still a question.

“Yes, you also know not to dare.”

Ferrell looked at Ino with deep meaning and said, “If this Mandarin dares to bomb Ino, I am afraid that he will lose his head tomorrow.”

Ferry at this moment.

How I hope that the Mandarin can blow up the umbrella secret crystal building.

Anyway…no threat.

But after the bombing of the god Ino, there is a reason or will take the initiative to get him.

Anyway…Fry thinks that Ino is absolutely fine if he wants to kill the man.

“You have something to say, Chief Nick Fury.”

Ino took his own glass and took a sip and said, “Are you so happy that my building was bombed?”

“No no.”

Ferry decisively dispelled the thoughts in his heart and shook his head: “I think Man will never blow up your Secret Crystal Mansion, and he is not so stupid.”

“If he can blow up your mansion, it’s just… he wants to be killed by you, then if he really blows up, I can let Hill follow your command in the future.”

Hill, sorry…

For this, bet you on it to see if it’s useful.

Facing this from Ferry, Ino leaned back on the sofa inexplicably and turned his head and asked Hill: “Usually, would you like to listen to me or say you would not listen without Ferry’s orders.”

Hill:……why can the issue of Mandarin come to me? Hill glared at Fury.

Then she turned around unanswerable and went to the floor-to-ceiling windows to see the scenery.

But when passing between Ino and Fury.

Hill approached Ino but moved his index finger from Ferry’s perspective toward Ino.

The meaning is simply self-evident.

You may be surprised, but it is quite reasonable.

Fury is working for the country.

Ino is for himself and the earth.

Who will listen to at the critical moment, do you still have to ask after you get the answer.

Ino leaned comfortably on the sofa.

After chatting for a long time.

Fury finally started asking about business.

He asked Tony, “Listen to Ino, you are investigating the matter of Manchu.”


Tony admitted readily: “I don’t like what the Mandarin does.”

“So as a “superhero” who protects the people with Ino

, I have to take care of this.”

Fury: …a superhero who also protects the people.

Last time Ino confessed that the protection was incidental.

If there is a crisis to their own interests and safety, Ino said no matter…

Don’t care…



Fury also recognized Tony’s words and asked: “You have found out if there is anything…The information can be shared, we are the Avengers.”

“The above has also entered a state of panic, the citizens have also entered a state of panic, and the material has been robbed.”

“If the problem can’t be solved anymore, this thing will become: intensified and out of control.”

But just after Fury finished speaking.

Tony drank from his cup and shook his hand and said simply: “You don’t need to care about this matter, I will definitely investigate it to the end, so you just wait for the problem to be solved.”

“If you have to intervene, you might be unhelpful.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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