Chapter 237 .The battered man in front of the Stark Tower [2]

Wait until Tony walks over.

The man with a big inch has turned his face back.

“Can you see the people underneath.”

Ino continued to look down and asked without looking back.

“Wait, I’m going to wear a armor.”

After speaking, Tony went back in a short while wearing a battle armor.

Tony in battle armor stood on the glass fence and looked down: “Who are you talking about?”

“Inch, thin face, black suit, cynical on his face, a little bit of a ruffian.”

Ino introduces Tony about that…the one who is pretending to read the newspaper below.


Tony searched for this humanity in a moment: “Jarvis, scan his badge and call up his information.”

Jarvis: Sir, he is from the Human Resources Department. The purpose of this visit is human-related matters.

After listening, Tony looked and heard Ino and asked, “What happened to him?”

“He has a problem.”

Ino said lightly.

Because of my super long-distance vision.

The current Ino has already seen this man’s madly undulating chest.

He is breathing fast and his face is a little flustered, he should be scared now.

At this time Jarvis also said: “Sir, he is breathing fast and his heart rate is fierce.”

Now even Tony felt wrong and asked: “What’s wrong with him?”

Ino continued to look at the person and said, “When I was here just now, I felt that someone looked at me with malicious eyes.”

“When I turned around, it was this person. Now he pretends that nothing happened, and his shortness of breath is just… afraid of me.”

Tony is wrinkled in the armor.

The world can be malicious towards the gods.

99 percent.

….. None of them are good things.

Anyway… I’ll catch it first.

At this moment.

The man suddenly handed a box to someone who looked like… a retired soldier with the same size.

After that…the retired person smokes something.

Originally, the person who watched Ino gave Ino a sneak peek.

But when he found out that both Ino and Iron Man were watching him.

Then he quickly lowered his head and wanted to leave.

And trot quickly to switch to running.

Tony noticed something was wrong all at once.

He immediately wanted to fly over to catch him.

But Ino went and held Tony: “Wait a moment.”


Tony settled down and asked, “The suspicious person is about to run away.”(Read more @

“Then you don’t think the suspicious person is the one who took his box instead”

Ino turned his head to look at Tony: “Think about what happened recently.”

What’s the matter… Tony couldn’t help thinking.

The only major event recently is… a huge explosion!!! Tony immediately stared at Ino in the armor.

At the same time, a person downstairs also knelt down in pain.

A dark red silk screen lit up all over him.

Tony was about to fly down right away, but Ino said one step faster, “You’re too late.”

[Space Gems: Space Teleport] Ino instantly came to this person.

Click! After twisting the man’s arm.

Ino kicked him into the air several hundred meters away.

Boom!!! Tony almost flew out on the platform when he was blown up by a bomber in the distance.

But even then he took a few steps back.

A group of red and black flames exploded in the air in the distance.

At night, the explosion brightened the surrounding areas thousands of meters away.

At the same time, countless cars sounded security alarms.

The whole city began to mess up again.

But Ino had already flew back with his arms and wings shaking.

Tony looked at the arm of Ino’s arm and quickly backed up a few steps and asked, “If this doesn’t happen, it can blow up.”

“Of course.”

When Ino finished speaking, he threw this arm to Tony.

And the blood genes inside have been absorbed by him.

Tony saw Ino throw his arm over.

Quickly kicked it into the air.

But this time it’s not as handsome as Ino’s.

After this arm flew tens of meters in the air.

It fell to the ground with a click.

Tony looked over and was silent.

Ino put away his wings and spread his hands and said, “I didn’t say that I would explode right away.”

“When did it explode?”

Tony asked.

“It certainly won’t now, but it will probably not explode if the energy in this arm is enough to maintain.”

Ino explained: “There are at most two days left before the arm is necrotic, which means it will explode within two days.”

Tony nodded, walked over, picked it up, and returned it to Ino.

And he also said: “Just leave me a little bit. I don’t have any skills in biology. You have to study it. Then you can tell me what you can say.”

Ino nodded.

Then suddenly, in Tony’s face with a sad and distorted expression, Ino broke off another finger and threw it at Tony.

“Okay, give you this finger, I’ll take this hand back first.”

Tony: …Tony looked distorted and went back to find a piece of cloth to wrap this up.

As a result, Ino took this arm with one finger missing and walked in.

Tony quickly went to find another box for Ino.

After putting the arm in the box.

Ino went and took another bottle of red wine, opened it and poured two glasses.

Tony looked at the bright red wine in the quilt.

He turned to look at Ino: “Why are you so indifferent”

He himself can’t even imagine the scene of Ino breaking a finger off.

Tony feels uncomfortable when he thinks about it now.

The picture of the finger joints puncturing the skin and muscle tissue.

That breaks Yuuki’s muscle lines and fat lines.

There are also blood vessels and nerves.

No more, no more.

Tony took away the bottle of wine and two glasses at once and threw it in the trash can.

Then he looked at Ino again and said, “I will mix you up with my own hands.”

After speaking, he went to bartender.

“You can mix drinks”

Ino looked at Tony in disbelief: “If I was poisoned by the alcohol you mixed, then you would really kill the gods.”

But Tony came with a relaxed and simple answer: “I can’t mix two bottles of wine with similar taste.”

At this moment.

The door of the elevator opened.

Pepper walked out of the elevator.

He looked at Ino and asked, “What’s the matter, I just finished the phone call with Angela and then banged! What happened?”

“I see it suddenly lit up outside, did the Mandarin attack near us?”

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