Chapter 236 .Sea King Tony the prodigal son turned back, malicious [1]


After half a while, Ino turned around and said, “Let’s go back to the office first.”

Break the embarrassment.

Tony took Ino back to the office without saying a word.

After the three people arrived at the office, Ino looked around and said, “You guys talk first, I’ll go shopping upstairs.”

After speaking, Ino walked to the lounge on the top floor of Tony.

It was the open-air platform of Mark’s Battle Armor before.

After coming here.

Ino first went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of wine.

Then I took out two cube cups.

Pour full wine.

Ino was sitting on the sofa next to him, sipping his wine.

As for Pepper.

In fact, Pepper is not to blame, but the coincidence is really a coincidence.

After a while.

Tony popped out of the elevator behind Ino with his hands empty.

He saw the pouring wine on the table.

I picked up a cup and drank a mouthful before filling it up and walked to Ino to sit down.

Ino glanced at him and said, “Pepper didn’t react. You see, she is stunned.”

“I know.”

Tony took a sip: “Little Chili has followed me for so many years, she can’t do these things to me, I’m just a little uncomfortable.”

“Now I finally know why you like a girl who belongs to you completely, even if others want to stand with you one night you are not willing.”

“It’s a little bit related.”

After taking a sip, Ino said, “Anyway… if the girl I met, she will accept other men.”

“Even if this girl has nothing to do with me, I can’t stand it even if I think about it, anyway…I’m like this.”

“Now I feel that way too.”

Tony held the cup in front of Ino: “I found out that I couldn’t bear Pepper and other men touching me. I would limit conversations at most.”

Angela and Helen didn’t even talk.

Even if they help Ino to issue tasks, they are all emails and files.

The most is… to the female assistant and then the female assistant to other people.

This is…what makes Ino love them so much.

Ino raised the cup and banged it with Tony and said, “The problem is not big. After you go back, you can talk to her. I think Pepper is also a bit at a loss. I’ll talk to her later.”


After Tony agreed.

The whole person sighed on the sofa: “I envy you, there are such good girlfriends, they have such a good boyfriend as you, and I used to be an idiot.”

“I thought that if I had money, I could ignore everything emotionally, but when I found true love, these…none of them worked.”

When Ino heard this, he smiled and said, “Thinking so much, you can’t change what you used to be. Now you can have a good relationship with Pepper. It’s not that she doesn’t like you.”(Read more @

“If she doesn’t like you, that’s the most uncomfortable thing for you.

“After your wave is over, the Sea King is okay, and Pepper is regarded as the picker among the honest people.”

Tony: …I heard Ino’s words.

Tony’s decadent face immediately changed to a bitter melon face and looked at Ino, “After your explanation, I suddenly feel that I am good or bad:.”

“And when you say that, I feel that I owe Pepper too much…”

“Isn’t it”

Ino looked at Tony honestly and said, “You used to be… a scumbag.”


Ino changed his words again: “The scumbag is playing tricks, and the girls are emotional.”

“Those girls are willing to be played by you, so you are not a scumbag.”

“You should be considered a celebrity joke, you are a hot spot for fans.”

Tony covered his face even more uncomfortably when he heard it.

This sounds more and more uncomfortable.

Ino patted him on the shoulder and stood up and said, “You drink slowly first, I’ll talk to Pepper.”

Tony nodded, but still covered his face.

Came to Pepper’s office with a wine glass.

This is the president’s office. Tony used to sit here, but now it’s given to Pepper.

Pepper was looking at the necklace Tony gave her.

After seeing Ino coming, she quickly put the necklace away and stood up and said, “Ino.”

Then she walked over and wanted to take Ino to the sofa.

But Ino leaned at the door and said simply: “I will leave after a few words.”

“I just talked to Tony on the top floor, and he also knew it was a misunderstanding.”

“So don’t worry, but as a man, I have nothing to tell you.”

“In this way, if you call Angela, you can tell her what you want to say or ask.”

“She can give you a lot of opinions.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Pepper just nodded and wanted to thank Ino, then turned and left.

Seeing Ino leaving, Pepper turned back to the phone and called Angela.

Back to the top.

Hearing Ino coming out of the elevator, Tony said, “You came back after a few words so soon.”

“if not”

Ino sat back on the sofa again: “I asked her to talk to Angela. As an outsider, I still have a different gender to enlighten me.”

Tony nodded, then drank the wine in the glass in one sip and said, “Then let’s go and see what the security system of the entire company should do. Now the employees have to leave work.”

Ino looked at the sky outside the large French windows.

It’s dark now.

Time also came to 7pm.

You can go home after almost solving the last thing.

“Okay, let’s go.”

After drinking the last drink, Ino also stood up.

But instead of walking towards the elevator, Tony walked towards the platform where he had stopped to disassemble Mark’s battle armor outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Tony said as he walked: “Look at the overall appearance of the building from above.”

Ino nodded and followed Tony out.

Come to the outdoor platform.

The wind here is not strong at this time.

Tony pointed to the faintly red-black umbrella building in the distance and asked: “Can you see your building?”

“Of course I see.”

Ino said: “My building as a whole is… a luminous body, and the whole building naturally emits dark red.”

“Well, I don’t have that kind of…eyesight as a mortal.”

Tony shrugged.

Then he began to look up and turn around to look at the overall structure of the building to consider how to add security facilities.

At this moment.

Ino suddenly looked downstairs.

Because Ino himself felt that someone was looking at him with deep malice.

Float on the glass fence with one hand and look down.

A man with an inch head is looking up at him.

Tony also asked at this moment: “What are you looking at”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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