Chapter 235 .Necklace made by Tony for Pepper [4]

After seeing Ino coming.

Tony turned the display to Ino and asked, “How about the gift I prepared for Pepper”


Ino questioned: “Why are you giving her a gift suddenly? This is not your style.”

“I just decided…I owe her a little bit.”

Tony spread his hands and explained, “So I want to compensate her.”

“Then did you buy this?”

Ino looked at the two rabbits with meat in front of him and asked.

“Yes, I customized it.”

Tony replied.

“Then your taste is really bad.”

Ino disgusted: “Anyone who sees this is disgusting, but you actually treat her as a gift from someone else’s.”

Let’s not talk about the pink gray rabbit with pink and gray.

But what do the two pieces of meat in front of me want to “eum…”

Tony explained: “The colors and appearance are all customized by me, so I want to be different.”

“Please, all men want to be different, but why are you so stupid”

Ino said helplessly: “Use your expertise, since you are so good at handicraft, why don’t you make a necklace for her yourself?”

“Compared with this seemingly…silly custom rabbit.”

“You think it’s a gift she wanted to throw away after seeing it.”

“It’s better for you to make a gift that she will wear all the time.”

“Which one do you think will be more sincere”

Facing Ino’s soul torture.

Tony said without hesitation: “I immediately let someone throw this rabbit away.”

After that, he brought Ino to the underground studio and rushed to find something, and said: “The materials happen to be available, and I happen to have a style that I want to make for her.”

“You wait for me for a while, I will be able to do it right away.”

Then in Ino’s line of sight.

Although Tony was a little eager, he found the material with steady hands and feet.

Then smelt, sharpen, forge, retouch, polish, etc… after a series of links.

Tony walked over with a blue necklace in silver.

He smiled happily on his face and said, “Except for…Mark’s Battle Armor, there is nothing more pleasant than when it was built. What do you think?”

Ino took the necklace Tony handed over.

The most important thing about this silver-blue necklace should be the pendant.

That…the pendant is a ring.

There is a triangular square inside the ring.

Patterns are climbing on the blocks.

The center of the pattern is also engraved with the character of Stark [Love] Pepper.

After reading it, Ino returned the necklace to Tony and said, “It’s not bad. For a person like you, it is probably a pleasant surprise to be able to give her a hand-made gift.”

Tony took the necklace and found a half-slap-sized gift box and put it in, “Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I will really give that silly…I made it, but it has already been burned.”

Yes, this custom rabbit is only tens of thousands of dollars.

If you burn it, burn it.

After packing the gift box.

It is exactly noon.

Suddenly Hogan called.

Hogan can just see Ino after Tony is connected.

“Oh my god, god.”

After seeing Ino, Hogan quickly sorted out his neckline and breastplate.

The whole action is extremely serious and respectful.(Read more @

Tony was surprised when he saw it: “Is it necessary?”

“He is a god.”

Hogan nodded formally: “Need.”

“Well, let me tell you something, I want to give Pepper a gift.”

Tony said quickly.


Huo hesitated and said, “Pepper is now showing a close relationship with a man. They are now standing on the table and they are going to stick together.”

Tony turned to look at Ino when he heard it.

“It depends on what I am doing, you decide for yourself.”

Ino said.

Tony turned his head back and said, “You point the camera at them.”

“I will not.”

Hogan said honestly.

Tony:…Ino:…There are still people who can’t turn the camera these days.

It’s really strange.

“Then I’ll go there, I just want to give a gift.”

Tony said.

“That’s just right.”

Hogan immediately replied: “You have to hurry up, they seem to be finished talking.”


Tony finished speaking and hung up.

After hanging up the phone.

Tony looked at Ino and asked, “How to get there?”

Ino knew what was going on, hesitated and asked, “Why don’t we go again?”

“Why do we give gifts.”

Tony urged Ino: “Hurry up, we want to give Pepper a surprise.”

…Soaring above the clouds.

Tony wears Mark 42 with a gift box in his hand and looks at Ino, who has only changed wings and asked: “You can also only change wings alone”


Ino said while flying.


Tony flew and said, “Another day to envy you.”

Ino was successfully amused by Tony’s words.

It didn’t take long.

The two flew to the roof of the Stark Building.

Tony wore Mark’s armor and walked to the top hall and took off the armor and looked around.

“Pepper is not here.”

“Didn’t Hogan say he was in the office?”

Ino said and walked to the elevator.


Tony followed into the elevator with the gift box.

Then on the 11th floor from the top floor, which is the office floor.

The two came here.

At this time, only Hogan was sitting here waiting for the two of them.

After seeing Tony and Ino coming.

Hogan stood straight and said to Tony, “Pepper went downstairs to send the man.”

After speaking, he said to Ino, “Hello, Tenjin, I am lucky to have seen you before you confessed your identity.”

Ino nodded.

Then Tony went downstairs.

Walking on the road.

The crowd stood still and watched Ino the moment they saw Ino.

This showed Ino helplessly: “Now it’s working hours, look at it, are you creating a negative income for Tony?”

Ino finished.

Suddenly their work efficiency increased several times.

But I still peek at Ino from time to time.


The two came to the bottom of the room.

Pepper was talking with Kylian at this time.

Then in Tony’s sight, Kylian didn’t know what he said.

He stepped forward and kissed Pepper on the cheek and walked away.

But because Tony just got off, Kylian did not see Tony.

Then Pepper was stunned.

Then when she turned back to the office.

It happened to meet Tony who was holding the gift box.

Ino turned half of his body to look at the distant scenery.

: Uh, this is the second time since it was launched.

To make a long story short, because of the poor writing of the reaction sentences in the recent comment area, the plot is not good, and whether it is written on behalf of others, please explain here.

My codeword speed is not fast, and I am exhausted with tens of thousands of updates every day, so I am a man and my book will not collapse…I am a trash author who wants to adjust 4 more…As for the writing…I don’t know that there are still There are no regular readers, but I really haven’t written on my behalf.

I have never stopped updating, I have never asked for leave, and the update is stable.

I see you as friends, not readers, because I was also a reader before, and we all like to read books.

That’s all I want to say, it cost you a few cents more, I’m sorry, and thank you for your support.

[Ah, by the way, please ask for flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets for support, comments are casual, I also know there is nothing to say] Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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